[外絮] Nate Robinson跳球违例

楼主: qnoqno (君子慎独)   2013-04-14 09:29:42
太多kobe了 来点轻松的~nba球季继续中...
Luckily, as is often the case, Nate Robinson is on it. Watch his novel and
very illegal play to a steal a tip from Friday night’s Chicago loss to the
Toronto Raptors:
Again, that’s illegal. You take possession of the ball if you’re amongst
the two players tipping for it, even if the ball’s already been tipped. It’
s probably a silly rule, and jump balls are often poorly tossed and not
usually the best of determining possession (not that I’m in favor of a
NCAA-styled possession arrow, but still …), but rules are rules. As Tiger
Woods found out on Saturday when he was hit with a massive and stunning
entire two-stroke penalty for breaking the rules in Augusta.
A night after dropping 35 points in an overtime win on Thursday, ticking
Steve Novak off in the process, Robinson scored 17 points off the bench in
the loss. Thanks to Tas Melas for the heads-up on this particular play.
Nate Robinson在对暴龙的比赛时,演出了一种前所未有的抄截方式,只是这是违例的...
作者: BARGARYARLOO (咬我阿 笨蛋 XD)   2013-04-14 09:34:00
知道抢不过GAY 很聪明可惜维力炸酱面了XD
作者: restingbeast (为什么我长不大)   2013-04-14 09:38:00
同楼上 有看过这样抢到球而且有效的对就是达利这球
作者: laitsaichieh (才哥)   2013-04-14 11:03:00
作者: dixieland999 (迪西兰)   2013-04-14 12:13:00
作者: armageddonwa (阿通伯)   2013-04-14 12:32:00
作者: fredchan1992 (Mr.2000)   2013-04-14 13:51:00

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