x78254 (x78254)
2020-01-26 05:36:01I quit. I’m done. These corrupt people are out of control and out to destroy
me. I raced in Brazil a championship That was a NOT FIM affiliated. Now the
y invent there own rules like they have control over me racing there. They a
lready stopped me from racing there by going to Kawasaki japan and making them
stop my sponsorship in Brazil. I hate life as it is and I was trying to do m
y best to come back broke. Kicked out of home from my dad. I have no money. A
nd can’t get a decent job as all I have done in my life was waste my time rac
ing motorcycles. What a loser I am! Here is some advice to everyone dont thin
k you will ever make it racing by working hard. If you want win. Pay for it $
They let Marc Marquez win a Moto2 championship buy cheating with his ecu. Whe
n Tom luthi’s team went to complain they said keep quite Spain needs a new ch
ampion. You have to accept 2nd place or less. Or you won’t be racing here a
gain next year.
They let Rossi win all his 500cc championship by giving him special tires made
for the tracks they were on. They used the helicopters tires in from the fac
tory only for Rossi. So he could win races. Everything you see is fake and c
ontrolled. Don’t believe anything you see. They control who wins races and
who doesn’t. I’m so fucking angry I have a 100 other story’s like thi
s. I give up. I planned on coming back racing in September but I can’t take
this shit from FIM anymore. It’s destroyed my life to the point I wish I wa
s dead. I hate life. Fuck you again FIM. @fimlive #fim #fuckfim @fim_oceania
所以他因为药检(古柯碱)没过,被FIM禁赛所以去跑巴西superbike,结果FIM跨区办案禁止他参赛 所以愤而爆料?
总是有人很快就可以高潮 看着黑影都可以打手枪XD 这篇爆料目前最好就是找Tom luthi的队伍去求证 当然这如果是真实的第一枪 最好有其他人或单位愈爆愈多 把整个共犯结构都扯出来
觉得扯... 其实某楼也不要调侃46粉了,毕竟93也被点名
PPPGGG (凸( ゚∀゚)凸)
2020-01-26 13:02:00八卦回来了....咦?八卦版改板名了?
JSFS (小斑马)
2020-01-26 13:26:00笑死,米牌轮胎那个挂很早就有了,猴粉这么急着跳出来护航?
emj7077 (自由的国家叫台湾)
2020-01-26 16:42:00只看自己想看的XD
2020-01-26 18:31:00west:爆料求关注,结果大家都在战罗马QQ
emj7077 (自由的国家叫台湾)
2020-01-26 19:37:00就某一方见猎心喜,赶快出来想补刀
phenom42 (绝对★边缘)
2020-01-27 22:59:00这个比太鼓达人刺激耶 根本动摇国本
whizz (澄)
2020-01-28 00:04:00他说MM93拿moto2冠军是有作弊的ECUtom luthi有苦难言
就都吵过。 但就是有些人喜欢自助餐 看看推文刚开始就嘲讽猴迷 然后只贴46的八卦想带风向 接着再贴人猴粉标签颇呵
Inar (Inar)
2020-01-28 01:37:00战赛会和粉丝互战,我对战赛会比较有兴趣....
作者: needshe520 (小明无所不在) 2020-01-28 22:09:00
kplpop (酷吉)
2020-01-29 15:00:0093 46 Ecu 轮胎
Yjizz (饶惹偶ㄚ激湿)
2020-01-29 18:03:00coffee tea or tire?