Re: [外电] Report: “Nothing’s Changed” For Wade and Bosh; Wi

楼主: zenwu (上海Orange Man)   2014-07-07 22:54:32
话说 LBJ为什么要走 这问题 其实可以好好的思考
为什么这么多他的新闻 因为他是今年暑假的最强FA
1.以历史定位来看 他若为了追寻冠军 所以一直换球队 那叫做真的抱大腿
4.贝克汉准备在MIAMI弄个职业足球队 他是预计的股东之一
Lowey Gortat这两只本来就是签不到的 不要把所有事情都当做是应该 有钱不一定是老大
若签人那么容易 热火都可以聘我去当GM了
不是好球员 或缺那个位置的球员 就拼命去签 这叫做蠢蛋
当时的热火 若没有坚持清空合约 或是给长约 10年不可能有3王的加入
现在更是如此 有空间的球队很多 高薪跟有夺冠希望 这并不难选择
因为戒指只是荣耀 卖了也没多少钱 只能老了拿来说嘴
中国进入nba的球员只有4个 就有2个拿到过戒指 好戒指 不买吗
高薪多签几年 至少这辈子 可以不用担心那么多 好合约不签吗
事情没有十全十美的 所以也不要一直老调重谈
全All-Star的球队 现在的cba下 已经完全不可能了
钱不是花的多 就是好补强 重点是有没有符合需求
要是花1200万补Lowry 但是热火打法不同 数据全面下滑 是不是又要来检讨花冤枉钱
去年的篮网队可能是奇蹟 但是看看今年 那只是昙花一现
曾经的湖人队可能打造过全明星的先发 但事实证明球风适合或许更重要
没错 就是球风 热火轮转已经用了这么多年 也不要再说轮转不好的问题了
这就是热火特色 热火也一直以这方向在建军
热火现在一直围绕着三巨头在寻找适合的球员 老实说 我们空间也没剩多少
只要空间用的合理 还能再多个全MLE来签个老球员
反正特赦已经用掉了 也不用怕老板们要省钱 又要特赦功臣
※ 引述《peterman167 (由藤毛)》之铭言:
: Wade FB上提到了下列连结
: 内文也贴一下好了
: It appears that LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, and Chris Bosh have approached their free agencies as individuals as opposed to the Miami Heat’s Big Three all along. Wade and Bosh’s agent, Henry Thomas, told that “nothing’s changed” for his star clients and that they would make decisions on their future independently of one another.
: Also of crucial note in the report by ESPN’s Michael Wallace is Thomas told him that Wade and Bosh will decide their futures “within the next couple of days.”
: The agent for Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh said his clients continue to sort through their options and that “nothing’s changed” in their approach since the July 1 start of free agency.
: Chicago-based agent Henry Thomas insisted to on Sunday that Wade and Bosh are dealing with their free agency on individual terms, but that both want to make decisions that give them the best chance to compete for championships the next four seasons the way they have the last four years…
: “They appreciate what they’ve done in Miami those four years together, and they want to make sure they have a chance to have that same success the next four (years),” said Thomas, who attended Sunday’s games at the Orlando Pro Summer League. “With Dwyane, he’s been there his entire career, so he’s in a unique situation. Chris has made it known how he’s felt about being in Miami these four years.”…
: Thomas insisted that Bosh and Wade are operating under separate circumstances, but expects them to reach decisions on new deals “within the next couple of days.”
: That Wade and Bosh are operating as separate free agent entities confirm the overarching takeaway from last week’s report that they are “unsure” of James’ plans. It also adds fuel to the fire that Bosh would prefer getting a maximum contract from another team as opposed to taking a drastic pay-cut to remain in Miami.
: The ebb and flow of free agency has been unfavorable to the Heat since the period officially opened on July 1st. When James, Wade, and Bosh all opted-out of their contracts for next season, conventional wisdom was that they did so to take re-structured deals with an assurance from Pat Riley that their supporting cast would be improved as a result. Even news that LeBron insisted on earning a maximum salary from Miami suggested that outcome, too.
: But things have taken a far different turn in the interim, with James’ agent talking to several potential suitors serving as free agency’s tipping point. No outcome would would surprise for the Heat now.
: Thomas has incentive for saying that Wade and Bosh aren’t acting in concert. If teams – even Miami – believe it’s a foregone conclusion that both players return to South Beach, they’d be less inclined to open up their pocket books to the extent Wade and Bosh deserve. Bosh, in particular, surely wants to be properly courted by interested teams, too.
: Regardless, this is just the latest sign of many that the Heat’s future really is up in the air.
: Will Wade and Bosh re-sign with Miami?
: 为避免破烂英文误导大家
: 就不翻了,不过总板好像有类似文章了
作者: henky   2014-07-07 23:06:00
作者: magneto5566 (万磁王5566_麦寮法斯宾达)   2014-07-07 23:11:00
作者: pttfft (The Show OFF!!!)   2014-07-07 23:15:00
还是希望LBJ能留在热火到退休 但油头要持续保持球队是夺冠热门 这样的话LBJ生涯应该还能在拿个2~3冠
作者: joy78716 (最爱七咲逢)   2014-07-07 23:17:00
觉得轮转还是需要年经的肉体 今天就被马刺破了
作者: cracKnel (阿脆)   2014-07-07 23:21:00
最后一段 道出我心里的话 (热火千万别再玩轮转夺冠啦
作者: nctucch17170 (kkadam)   2014-07-07 23:22:00
轮转对上马刺以外的球队都很好用 但他妈的马刺就是最
作者: kingcharlie (超级喜欢郭雪芙)   2014-07-07 23:23:00
作者: nctucch17170 (kkadam)   2014-07-07 23:23:00
强的对手 所以我认为还是需要在战术上做调整 希望SPO真的有它的实力和价值发挥出来~
作者: skunnyk (momo)   2014-07-07 23:44:00
作者: Lizardon (我难过)   2014-07-07 23:46:00
轮转很需要年轻的肉体 弄得到吗XD
作者: KobeYaMeTe (狗鼻雅美蝶)   2014-07-07 23:52:00
作者: clancy (:))   2014-07-08 00:09:00
LBJ要顶薪的原因应该是要达成30M年薪这个史上只有两人的纪录, 冠军数/MVP数/最高年薪, 这些都拿到才有机会比肩Jordan
作者: pttfft (The Show OFF!!!)   2014-07-08 00:44:00
别在一直轮转了吧 慢慢淘汰掉 轮转真的太耗体能而且会缩短球员职业生涯
作者: snsdlove5566 (少女宅男)   2014-07-08 00:58:00
作者: kart (=\)   2014-07-08 01:12:00
等跟油头这礼拜见完就知道了吧~ 另外骑士队的操作感觉想再婊LBJ一次,现在放一堆风声说LBJ只对他们有兴趣,到时候LBJ不去不知道是不是又要写一封信出来...另外推菊大,不过说实话我觉得LBJ要走理由也一样是一拖拉库@@尤其如果他能在三个不同球队都拿到MVP,那其实也是前无古人..一只大腿给三队抱,而不是到处去抱大腿
作者: aimjvc (allen)   2014-07-08 09:37:00

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