[外电] 热火已送出数则夏季联盟邀请

楼主: joey1149 (Joey)   2014-06-28 20:31:34

Tyler Johnson from Fresno State
Danilo Barthel from Fraport Skyliners (Germany)
Andre Dawkins from Duke
Jerrelle Benimon from Towson
1.Andre Dawkins
Dawkins is a dead-eye shooter from Duke who has extended range. All these
players would be a long shot to join the team, but they could possibly make
their way to the training camp roster.
Dawkins spent five years at Duke, and last year shot 42% from three and 81%
from the line. He was never the focal point of the offense, but he was always
a trigger for penetration. Dawkins can stretch the floor with the best of
them, and has the most realistic chance of landing on the Heat's bench,
although still unlikely.
Andre Dawkins在Duke待了5年,去年他的三分命中率42%,81%的出手在线外,他从来都不是
2. Tyler Johnson
Tyler Johnson is a 6'4 guard from Fresno State that averaged 15.9 PPG and 7.3
RG. He shot 43% from downtown last season and was a four year player for the
他是个6'4的后卫(大四球员),去年场均15.9分 7.3篮板 43%投篮命中率
3. Jerrelle Benimon
Benimon is a 6'8 forward from Towson who started out at Georgetown. Last
season he averaged 18.7 PPG and 11.2 RPG.
6'8的前锋,去年场均18.7分 11.2蓝版
4.Danilo Barthel
Barthel is a 6/10 big guy who has played in the Eurocup. Last year he scored
11.6 PPG and 4.8 RPG.
6'10,来自欧洲联赛的大个子,去年场均11.6分 4.8篮板
(如果有Justin Hamilton在欧洲联赛的成绩,应该就可以当对照组了)
作者: NicoRobin26 (S)   2014-06-28 20:31:00
作者: Chalmers23 (Oops)   2014-06-28 20:35:00
作者: jcto04 (泡泡糖)   2014-06-28 20:38:00
作者: jackygba (春天)   2014-06-28 20:50:00

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