[心得] 赛后评分 Fenerbahce v United

楼主: rik (加油加油~)   2016-11-04 10:06:48
M.E.N. http://tinyurl.com/ztfqq72
De Gea - 4 (这两球真的都很漂亮)
Not his greatest night. Seemed to watch the opener sail over his head and
rigid for the free kick.
Darmian - 5
Mourinho says he trusts the Italian to step in for Valencia but he is still
not totally convincing.
Blind - 5
The Dutchman never looked fully comfortable against the powerful Moussa Sow.
Rojo - 4
Should have been tighter on Sow for the wonder goal and was never in
commanding mode.
Shaw - 5
So much went down United's left flank but he needed some protection but
didn't get it.
Schneiderlin - 4
The Frenchman hasn't had many chances under Mourinho and might not get many
more. Replaced so Mata could create something.
Herrera - 5
Maybe he feared another red card after an early yellow but he never really
gave the defence protection or created much.
Pogba - 5 (希望伤势别太严重...)
Started off looking like he fancied this one. Demanding the ball. Didn't do
enough with it but at least he wanted it. Early injury a blow.
Rashford - 5
Had one or two attempts to drive at Fenerbahce but it was a struggle. Might
have been better had he been played central.
Martial - 5
In brief moments the French youngster looked like he might be on the ball but
it was never enough.
Rooney - 5
Dreadful up front but improved as the number ten but then got caught up in
same space as Ibrahimovic before super strike at the end.
Ibrahimovic (Pogba 29) - 4
Out of touch
Mata (Schneiderlin 45) - 5
Didn't improve it
Mkhitaryan (Rashford 61) - 5
No impact
作者: rockmanalpha (KIN)   2016-11-04 10:25:00
Blind不能要求太多 倒是夏转就说要补两个中卫硬是不补 小林状态又很糟 Jones看来用不了 Rojo要看骰多少
作者: sog (啦啦啦啦啦~)   2016-11-04 10:30:00
作者: simonohmygod (曼聯魂)   2016-11-04 10:49:00
昨天那情形当然是加强进攻啊 很难会放jones上来
作者: rockmanalpha (KIN)   2016-11-04 11:05:00
我是怕Jones根本就上不了...像他这样一直像一直伤的 很怀疑他的竞技状态
作者: KrisNYC (Kris)   2016-11-04 13:14:00
Baily就完全对照出旧cb水准不够的问题 可惜没压哨买方德
作者: uranusjr (←這人是超級笨蛋)   2016-11-04 13:20:00
花了这么多钱这么多年 <- 今年之前根本没花几毛钱在这
作者: Afafa (阿發發)   2016-11-04 13:30:00
今年花在中前场的钱像是丢到水里 本来以为完美的夏转现在看起来ㄧ无是处
作者: DiMammaMia (DiMammaMia)   2016-11-04 13:34:00
作者: football ( la pasión )   2016-11-04 13:36:00
如果赛季今天就结束可能算是一无是处吧但伊布不用钱 波霸能摊平就非常好了 米奇的确值得担心中卫Bailly很好阿 买他来中卫问题解决一半 只是受伤了中卫个人能力水准不够 打法改变 保护变少了缺点也就明显了 小林明明就是应该好好发挥的年纪过去状态却是荒腔走板另外就现阶段来说 米奇真心达不到期望 当然穆鸟也是
作者: Afafa (阿發發)   2016-11-04 14:52:00
米奇真的很怪 他这么早官宣又没欧洲杯 季前准备应该很充足才是 却到现在都没准备好 让大家期待又受伤
作者: rei1980 (大胖)   2016-11-04 15:50:00
作者: kevinee ( )   2016-11-04 15:54:00
楼上精辟画重点 XDDD
作者: kodo (ManUtd)   2016-11-04 17:21:00
作者: KrisNYC (Kris)   2016-11-04 17:21:00
阿不就还好飞燕诺输球 不然直接淘汰了?
作者: iptg   2016-11-04 17:56:00
+2是龟在对方半场倒脚 但球传不进去 只能靠M11杀进去而且R10状态低迷大半季 1月份时感觉时来运转但又受伤
作者: bleakviva (tonton)   2016-11-04 19:36:00
作者: NoFearBOY   2016-11-04 21:41:00
作者: purpleboy01 (紫喵)   2016-11-05 00:32:00
Bailly有点超乎预期 可惜没有老经验的cb
作者: ugm0501 (D.D)   2016-11-06 20:21:00

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