Icebolt (诚实可信)
2018-12-13 22:23:54: 使用新的算法,使得起手手牌更接近实体对局。
Other Event Changes
Speaking of best-of-3, we are renaming these events from “Competitive” to “
Traditional”. This is to better indicate that these events function outside
the MTG Arena ranking system and are instead for people who want to mirror a
Magic experience that more closely resembles tabletop. Additionally,
Traditional events go beyond a best-of-3 format. They’ll continue to not use
the hand selection algorithm that is used in non-Traditional modes, and
starting with this release constructed Traditional events will not allow the
MTG Arena exclusive cards from the New Player Experience.
只看到这段 但感觉没变阿 B01:2选1, B03正常发牌 ?