※ 引述《vm3au6xup6 (LT)》之铭言:
※ 引述《vm3au6xup6 (LT)》之铭言:
阿拉伯之夜~艾维欣 ($10~30 UC)
低价R卡 (约$30)
礼盒单卡 ($10~50)
标准/标准闪卡/Jace vs. Vraska
收Thoughtseize 攫取思绪 英450/中420 台北转交优先
Show and Tell 谆谆教诲 1e 2200
Domri Rade 多密雷德 1Fe 1200
Ajani's Pridemate 阿耶尼的群伴 1c 40
Akroma, Angel of Wrath 忿怒天使爱若玛 2e 250
Akroma's Vengeance 爱若玛的复仇 3e 70
Auriok Salvagers 欧瑞克修护士 1e 30
Blade Splicer 锋刃接合师 4e 100
Darien, King of Kjeldor 奇亚多王达利安 1e 150
Dispatch 迅速了结 4e 40
Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite 大修道士艾蕾侬 1e 850
Elspeth Tirel 艾紫培提瑞 2e 350
Enlightened Tutor 启蒙导师 2e 450
Entreat the Angels 敦请天使 1e 400
Fountain Watch 圣泉守卫 2c 90
Glorious Anthem 辉煌的赞美诗 3e 60
Kataki, War's Wage 战仇祸汰奇 3e 120
Leonin Arbiter 狮族仲裁者 1c4e 90
Leyline of Sanctity 圣洁地脉 3c 450
Loyal Retainers 忠臣 1Fe(礼盒) 1500
Open the Vaults 打开地窖 1e1俄 50
Path to Exile 流放之径 2e 200
Peacekeeper 和平护卫 1e 150
Puresteel Paladin 净钢神圣武士 4c 60
Restoration Angel 复归天使 4e 300
Restore Balance 恢复均势 4e 90
Serenity 清朗 1e 60
Spectral Procession 幽灵行列(Sorinvs.Tibalt) 4e 60
Stonehewer Giant 劈岩巨人 2e 100
Stony Silence 沈重静寂 4c 50
Student of Warfare 战场修练者 1e 120
Swords to Plowshares 化剑为犁 1Fe(FTV:20) 380
Tempered Steel 精炼钢 1c 60
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben 瑟班守护者莎利雅 4e 250
True Believer 真信者 1c 60
True Conviction 真实信念 4c 50
Twilight Drover 暮色牧灵 4e 50
Wall of Omens 预兆墙 2e1j 40
Winds of Rath 瑞斯之风 1c4e 60
Beacon of Tomorrows 来日信标 2e 100
Brainstorm(Ice Age黑边) 脑力激荡 1e 80
Chain of Vapor 连锁蒸发 1c1e 40
Consecrated Sphinx 祝圣史芬斯 1e 450
Counterspell(日文礼盒) 反击咒语 1j 250
Echo Mage 回声法师 1j 40
Fabricate 装配 1e 60
Forced Fruition 强迫结实 1e 200
Great Whale 巨鲸 1e 40
Intuition 直觉 1c 950
Jace, the Mind Sculptor 心灵塑师杰斯 2Fe(FTV:20) 3000
Kira, Great Glass-Spinner 玻璃名手绮罗 3e 200
Master of Etherium 乙金大师 2e 180
Master Transmuter 易质大师 1e 270
Master Transmuter 易质大师 1e 270
Meditate 冥想 1c 120
Meloku the Clouded Mirror 昙镜梅洛古 1e 50
Omniscience 全知全能 2e 300
Paradox Haze 奇诡迷雾 1e 50
Phyrexian Metamorph 非瑞克西亚蜕变妖 4e 150
Riddlekeeper 谜语护卫 1e 40
Rite of Replication 模造仪式 1e 140
Rootwater Thief 根潭盗贼 1c 60
Sanity Grinding 辗磨心智 1sc 40
Show and Tell 谆谆教诲 1e 2250
Sigil Tracer 印记映描师 1j 40
Skaab Ruinator 破垣尸嵌 1e 30
Snapcaster Mage 迅咒法师 4e 1100
Sunder 分裂 1e 50
Temporal Mastery 精研时序 1e 200
Anowon, the Ruin Sage 遗迹智者亚诺文 1e 60
Army of the Damned 厄亡者大军 1e 70
Avatar of Woe 灾祸化身 2Fe(Graveborn) 120
Blood Artist 鲜血画家 1e 60
Bloodline Keeper 血脉维系者 4c1j 120
Bridge from Below 阴界渡桥 4e 150
Bringer of the Black Dawn 黑曙光信使 1e 50
Cabal Ritual 柯帮祭礼 2c 35
Dark Ritual 黑暗祭礼 3Fe(FTV:20) 250
Darkest Hour 极黯时刻 1e 35
Death Cloud 致命云群 3e 30
Diabolic Intent 恶魔意图 1e 240
Doomsday 末日 4c 60
Dread 颤栗 1e 60
Dread Cacodemon 可怖恶魔 2e 100
Earwig Squad 偷听小队 4e 30
Endless Ranks of the Dead 无尽亡者行列 4c4j 60
Exquisite Blood 精选之血 1e1j 200
Extirpate 根除 2e 100
Golgari Thug 葛加理流氓 4e 40
Gravecrawler 墓场匍尸 4c 170
Griselbrand 棘泽边 1e 1200
Hand of the Praetors 魔判官手下 1e 40
Hellcarver Demon 狱雕恶魔 1e 40
Hell's Caretaker 地狱总管 1e 100
Hymn to Tourach 妥拉克赞歌 2Fe(FTV:20) 380
Life's Finale 生灵终结 4e 40
Liliana's Caress 莉莲娜的抚触 4c 80
Malakir Bloodwitch 马拉奇血祭师 1e 35
Mikaeus, the Unhallowed 孽物米凯耶 1c4e 250
Mortivore 噬殁兽 1e 40
Painful Quandary 痛苦窘境 1c1e 50
Perish 枯槁 1c 90
Persecute 迫害 1e 40
Plague Wind 疫病之风 1c 80
Quest for the Nihil Stone 探索返虚石 1e 40
Reaper from the Abyss 深渊刽子手 1e 60
Relentless Rats 无情鼠群 1俄 40
Relentless Rats 无情鼠群 1sc 40
Rune-Scarred Demon 符痕恶魔 2e 100
Sangromancer 鲜血术士 2c 40
Sarcomancy 尸偶术 1c 80
Sewers of Estark 1e 30
Sheoldred, Whispering One 细语者希欧蕊 1Fc(promo) 250
Sheoldred, Whispering One 细语者希欧蕊 1e 280
Shriekmaw 尖吼怪 4Fe(promo) 150
Skeletal Vampire 骨骸吸血鬼 4e 30
Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon 枯萎巨龙极兹锐 1e 220
Slaughter Pact 屠杀条约 1e 120
Soulless One 无情尊者 2c 50
Toxin Sliver 剧毒裂片妖 1c 300
Avatar of Slaughter 愤怒化身 1e 40
Balefire Dragon 炎劫巨龙 2e 120
Braid of fire 热火镶边 1sc 200
Breaking Point 惊爆点 1c 50
Browbeat 威胁恫吓(Sorinvs.Tibalt) 4e 50
Chandra Nalaar 茜卓纳拉 2c 120
Countryside Crusher 乡间破坏人 2e 50
Crater Hellion 火山地狱兽 4e 35
Devastating Dreams 蹂躏之梦 1c1e 50
Dragonstorm 龙群蔽空 3e 50
Fireblast 火焰冲击波 1c1e 30
Flamekin Harbinger 先兆炎身 1e 40
Furnace of Rath 瑞斯大熔炉 1e 35
Goblin Bombardment 鬼怪轰炸 2e 50
Goblin Chieftain 鬼怪酋长 2c3e 60
Goblin King 鬼怪王 1e 70
Goblin Marshal 鬼怪元帅 2e 40
Goblin Ringleader 鬼怪揆首 1c 80
Goblin Sharpshooter 鬼怪神射手 1c 180
Greater Gargadon 高大乳齿巨象 4e 50
Hellspark Elemental 狱燎元素 4e 50
Kilnmouth Dragon 窑嘴巨龙 1c 60
Koth of the Hammer 锤族的寇斯 1e 200
Krenko, Mob Boss 暴民头目克仑可 1c1e 90/110
Lightning Bolt 闪电击 1c1e 50
Lightning Bolt 闪电击 1e 50
Lightning Bolt 闪电击 1e 50
Lord of Shatterskull Pass 碎颅隘口领主 4e 30
Molten Disaster 熔融灾祸 4e 30
Moonveil Dragon 月帘巨龙 2c 60
Norin the Wary 谨慎的诺林 1j 150
Pandemonium 大混乱 1e 40
Past in Flames 过往成焰 4e 180
Pillage 掠夺 1e 30
Pyroblast 爆焰冲击波 1e 40
Pyromancer's Swath 烈焰术士炎迹 2e 40
Rukh Egg 鲁克鸟蛋 1Fe(promo) 30
Ryusei, the Falling Star 赤龙流星 1e 50
Savage Beating 凶蛮打击 1e 50
Seismic Assault 地动来袭 1c 50
Slumbering Dragon 静眠巨龙 1c1e1j 50
Smash to Smithereens 砸成碎片 1j 50
Squee, Goblin Nabob 鬼怪总督斯奎 4e 50
Stromkirk Noble 溪堡贵族 2j 40
Sulfuric Vortex 硫磺旋风 4e 60
Thundermaw Hellkite 雷喉残虐者 2e1j 500
Aluren 诱魔法阵 1j 250
Asceticism 苦行生活 2c 140
Beast Within 体内野兽 1c1e 70
Bringer of the Green Dawn 绿曙光信使 1e 40
Craterhoof Behemoth 陨蹄贝西摩斯 4e 430
Crush of Wurms 亚龙咆哮 1c 40
Doubling Season 倍产旺季 2e 550
Eladamri's Vineyard 艾拉达力的藤蔓园 1c 40
Elvish Archdruid 妖精高位德鲁伊 1c 40
Eternal Witness 不朽见证人 2e 80
Ezuri, Renegade Leader 叛军领袖伊祖黎 2c 80
Fyndhorn Elves 范德贺恩妖精 2Fe(FTV:20) 150
Garruk, Primal Hunter 原初猎人贾路 4e 250
Genesis Wave 创生浪潮 4e 200
Golgari Grave-Troll 葛加理墓地巨魔 2e 50
Heartbeat of Spring 春之鼓动 1sc 50
Increasing Savagery 残暴渐增 2c1j 60
Invigorate 激励 1j 35
Jungle Lion 丛林雄狮 1e 60
Melira, Sylvok Outcast 希沃克黜人梅梨莱 1c1e 80
Overwhelming Stampede 压倒性蹄响 2c 50
Praetor's Counsel 魔判官商议 2c 75
Primal Command 原初指命 1e 220
Protean Hydra 变化多头龙 1c 60
Quirion Ranger 奎利恩流浪汉 2c 30
Rhys the Exiled 黜人黎兹 1意大利文 50
Rude Awakening 蛮野觉醒 4e 30
Saproling Burst 腐生激长 1c1e 40
Saproling Symbiosis 腐生共栖 1c 120
Scute Mob 硬盔虫大群 1e 50
Steely Resolve 钢铁决心 2c2e 70
Summoner's Pact 召唤师条约 3e 250
Sylvan Library 森林图书馆 1Fe(军械库) 1500
Timber Protector 林场保护人 1e 200
Tornado Elemental 陆龙卷元素 1e 40
Treefolk Harbinger 先兆树妖 2e 40
Verdant Force 新绿使者 1c 35
Verdeloth the Ancient 先人瓦德洛司 4e 30
Veteran Explorer 老练的探?者 1e 50
Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger 饥饿之声弗霖凯 1e 350
Wild Nacatl 野群拿卡地 4e 70
Woodfall Primus 摧木督长 1e 180
Ajani Vengeant 复仇阿耶尼 1e 250
Balefire Liege 葬火王侯 1e 200
Blightning 脑电击 4e 40
Broodmate Dragon 幼伴巨龙 2e 50
Crosis, the Purger 肃荡龙王克罗希司 3Fe(Graveborn) 120
Deathbringer Liege 夺命王侯 1e(轮抽章) 250
Deus of Calamity 苦难神明 1e 80
Divinity of Pride 傲扬女神 4e 70
Drogskol Reaver 卓兹克裂肢灵 1c1e 100
Electrolyze 电解 4e 60
Empyrial Archangel 穹光大天使 1e 150
Fire/Ice 寒冰/热火 1Fe(promo) 100
Geist of Saint Traft 圣沙弗的游魂 3c/2e1j 700/750
Gisela, Blade of Goldnight 金夜之刃姬瑟拉 1c4e 450
Grimgrin, Corpse-Born 尸诞邪笑 1e 50
Huntmaster of the Fells 堕者猎师 1c2e 250
Kaalia of the Vast 无垠的佳莉雅 2e 750
Kitchen Finks 帮厨奥夫 2e 150
Knight of New Alara 新阿拉若骑士 1e 35
Lightning Helix 闪电螺旋 2e 120
Maelstrom Pulse 涡心鼓动 1e 300
Manamorphose 魔力塑型 1e 60
Memory Plunder 记忆掠夺 1e 70
Mind Funeral 心灵葬礼 4e 100
Nobilis of War 战场尊神 4e 35
Olivia Voldaren 奥莉薇亚沃达连 4e 200
Oona, Queen of the Fae 仙儿女王欧娜 2e 80
Questing Phelddagrif 游历的紫河马 1Foil(promo) 100
Rafiq of the Many 千印莱菲 1e 300
Reaper King 夺命王者 1e 80
Shivan Wurm 西瓦亚龙 1e 40
Sigarda, Host of Herons 苍鹭天使席嘉妲 1e 250
Sorin, Lord of Innistrad 依尼翠王者索霖 4Fe(对战礼盒) 200
Souls of the Faultless 无瑕灵魂 2义 40
Sphinx of the Steel Wind 钢风史芬斯 1Fe(Graveborn) 90
Spitting Image 射影 1e 60
Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas 波拉斯特务泰兹瑞 1c1e 600
Thraximundar 塞西蒙得 2e 120
Tolsimir Wolfblood 狼血托西密 1e 60
Trygon Predator 掠食飞鳐 4e 30
Vulturous Zombie 兀鹰灵俑 1e 40
Adaptive Automaton 适境机械兽 1e 100
Ankh of Mishra 米斯拉的神符 1e 30
Arcbound Overseer 能缰督军 1e 45
Argentum Armor 古银铠甲 1e 40
Ashnod's Altar 阿士诺的祭坛 4e 30
Basilisk Collar 蜥怪颈环 1e 250
Batterskull 颅击槌 1c 700
Caged Sun 遭囚太阳 4e 120
Chalice of the Void 虚空圣杯 1e 180
Chromatic Star 五彩星 5e 40
Contagion Engine 传染引擎 1e 60
Crawlspace 狭窄空间 1e 40
Cursed Scroll 诅咒卷轴 1c 200
Darksteel Colossus 玄铁巨像 1e 200
Darksteel Plate 玄铁护甲 2c2e 120/140
Draco 骸龙 1c 70
Elbrus, the Binding Blade 镇魔刃埃布斯 1c2e 100
Emerald Medallion 翡翠徽章 1e 120
Engineered Explosives 密设爆裂物 4e 250
Etched Champion 蚀刻斗士 1e 240
Etched Monstrosity 蚀刻巨兽 1e 40
Genesis Chamber 创生秘室 2e 35
Grimoire of the Dead 亡者秘录 1e1j 60
Grindstone 碎末石碾 1c 500
Helm of Kaldra 卡尔札之盔 1e 150
Howling Mine 嚎叫的矿井 1e 80
Jet Medallion 黑玉徽章 1c 200
Lashwrithe 翻腾鞭 2e 50
Lotus Bloom 盛开莲花 1Fe(promo) 200
Memnite 蒙纳兽 1c1e 40
Mimic Vat 拟态缸 4e 100
Mindcrank 凿灵钻 2c4e 60
Myr Superion 精壮秘耳 4e 40
Neko-Te 猫手 1e 40
Obelisk of Alara 阿拉若碑 1e 50
Paradise Mantle 天堂羽披风 4e 40
Pearl Medallion 珍珠徽章 1e 200
Platinum Angel 白金天使 1e 250
Relic of Progenitus 祖神兽遗宝 4e 40
Ruby Medallion 红宝石徽章 1e 300
Sapphire Medallion 蓝宝石徽章 1c 300
Scroll Rack 卷轴架 1e 540
Sensei's Divining Top 师范占卜陀螺 1e 750
Serum Powder 浆液粉末 4e 50
Shield of Kaldra 卡尔札之盾 3e 150
Steel Hellkite 钢铁残虐者 1e 50
Stuffy Doll 填充娃娃 3c3e 50
Sword of Kaldra 卡尔札之剑 1c 150
Sword of War and Peace 战宁剑 1c2e 450
Torpor Orb 迟钝法球 2e 80
Umezawa's Jitte 梅泽的十手 2e 1050
Unwinding Clock 松卷钟 1c 60
Venser's Journal 凡瑟的日志 1c 100
Arcane Sanctum 玄秘圣所 1e 40
Cathedral of War 战事圣堂 1c 50
Dimir Aqueduct 底密尔下水道 1e 50
Dragonskull Summit 龙颅山峰 4c 70
Dragonskull Summit 龙颅山峰 1e 70
Gavony Township 加渥尼镇区 2c3e1j 150
Great Furnace 大熔炉 3e 30
Hall of the Bandit Lord 山贼王大厅 1e 120
Leechridden Swamp 遍蛭沼泽 4e 30
Raging Ravine 奔腾深谷 3e 200
Rootbound Crag 盘根峭壁 1e 60
Rootbound Crag 盘根峭壁 4c 60
Seaside Citadel 海滨殿堂 4e 40
Sunpetal Grove 日瓣树丛 1e 80
Thawing Glaciers 融化的冰河 2e 240
Tower of the Magistrate 执政官之塔 1c 180
Tree of Tales 传说之树 1e 30
Vault of Whispers 细语黯窖 1e 40
m13 Captain of the Watch 守望队长 1c4e 30
m13 Faith's Reward 信念报偿 1e1j 30
m13 Intrepid Hero 无畏的英雄 2c1e1j 30
m13 Augur of Bolas 波拉斯卜算师 4c 30
m13 Fog Bank 浓雾堤防 4c4j 30
m13 Jace's Phantasm 杰斯的幻象 4c 30
m13 Spelltwine 咒语纠结 4e 30
m13 Sphinx of Uthuun 乌屯史芬斯 1c 30
m13 Void Stalker 虚空伏击客 2e 30
m13 Diabolic Revelation 恶魔启示 2c 30
m13 Nefarox, Overlord of Grixis 格利极督军涅法洛 1e 30
m13 Vampire Nighthawk 夜盗吸血鬼 1c 30
m13 Wit's End 无计可施 1c 30
m13 Reverberate 令其回响 6e 30
m13 Worldfire 灼世劫 1e 30
m13 Boundless Realms 无际领域 2c6e 30
m13 Silklash Spider 丝鞭蜘蛛 1e 30
m13 Chronomaton 时计机械兽 1e 30
m13 Sands of Delirium 错乱沙漏 2e 30
m13 Staff of Nin 凝虐杖 1e 30
m13 Hellion Crucible 地狱兽熔口 1c 30
m13 Reliquary Tower 圣物塔 4c1j 50
m12 Stormblood Berserker 腥风狂战士 8c 20
m12 Archon of Justice 正义统领 2c 30
m12 Mesa Enchantress 台地咒术师 3e 30
m12 Timely Reinforcements 及时增援 4c 30
m12 Djinn of Wishes 祈愿巨灵 1c 30
m12 Mind Unbound 心灵奔逸 1c1e 30
m12 Sphinx of Uthuun 乌屯史芬斯 1c 30
m12 Monomania 偏执狂 2c 30
m12 Sutured Ghoul 缝组食尸鬼 1c 30
m12 Reverberate 令其回响 3c1e 30
m12 Scrambleverse 搅乱世界 1c 30
m12 Arachnus Spinner 缠网蜘蛛 2c 30
m12 Rites of Flourishing 茁壮仪式 1c 30
m12 Druidic Satchel 德鲁伊背包 1e 30
m12 Pentavus 五节兽 2e 30
m12 Sundial of the Infinite 无尽日晷 2c 30
m11 Cyclops Gladiator 独眼巨人角斗士 (轮抽章) 1c 20
m11 Pyretic Ritual 热病祭礼 3c 20
m11 Ornithopter 扑翼机 4c 20
m11 Clone 仿生妖 18e 30
m11 Conundrum Sphinx 谜题史芬斯 1e 30
m11 Mass Polymorph 全面型态转变 1c2e 30
m11 Redirect 移转 1c4e 30
m11 Stormtide Leviathan 暴潮海怪 1c 30
m11 Haunting Echoes 回声萦绕 1c 30
m11 Nantuko Shade 螳人阴魂 2c1e 30
m11 Ancient Hellkite 远古残虐者 1c 30
m11 Cyclops Gladiator 独眼巨人角斗士 1c 30
m11 Destructive Force 毁灭性力量 3c 30
m11 Hoarding Dragon 贮宝巨龙 2c1e 30
m11 Leyline of Punishment 惩罚地脉 1c 30
m11 Magma Phoenix 岩浆凤凰 1c 30
m11 Pyroclasm 烈火断层 3c 30
m11 Wild Evocation 狂野呼唤 2c 30
m11 Cultivate 栽培 1c1e 30
m11 Mitotic Slime 丝裂黏菌 4c 30
m11 Jinxed Idol 倒楣雕像 1c 30
m11 Voltaic Key 电压钥匙 4c2e 30
m11 Pyroclasm 烈火断层 2e 30
m10 Mesa Enchantress 台地咒术师 2e 30
m10 Mind Spring 心灵甘泉 1e 30
m10 Haunting Echoes 回声萦绕 1e1俄 30
m10 Royal Assassin 皇家刺客 1e 30
m10 Shivan Dragon 西瓦巨龙 1e 30
m10 Warp World 歪曲世相 1e 30
m10 Kalonian Behemoth 卡隆尼亚贝西摩斯 2e 30
m10 Might of Oaks 橡树之力 2e 30
m10 Magebane Armor 克法甲 1e 30
m10 Mirror of Fate 宿命之镜 1e 30
m10 Gargoyle Castle 石像鬼城堡 4e 30
m10 Pyroclasm 烈火断层 4e 30
6e Counterspell 反击咒语 1e 30
6e Earthquake 地震 1e 30
10e Avatar of Might 瀚力化身 1e 30
10e Blanchwood Armor 白木甲 1e 30
10e The Hive 蜂箱 1e 30
9e Trade Routes 贸易路线 1e 30
9e Weird Harvest 奇异收成 1e 30
8e Noble Purpose 崇高意志 1c 30
8e Sunweb 日光之网 2c 30
8e Blanchwood Armor 白木甲 1e 30
7e Northern Paladin 北方神圣武士 1c 30
7e Bedlam 喧嚣 1c 30
7e Thorn Elemental 刺棘元素 1c 30
7e Grafted Skullcap 移花帽 1e 30
6e Kjeldoran Royal Guard 奇亚多朗皇家护卫 1e 30
6e Fallen Angel 堕天使 1e 30
6e Inferno 炼狱 1c 30
6e Relentless Assault 急躁的突袭 1e 30
6e Hurricane 飓风 1c 30
6e Living Lands 活化土地 1c 30
6e Nature's Resurgence 大自然的复苏 1e 30
6e Verduran Enchantress 纽杜云咒术师 1e 30
6e Ankh of Mishra 米斯拉的神符 1c 30
6e Dingus Egg 爆地蛋 1e 30
4e Time Elemental 时间元素 1e 30
4e Flashfires 火烧旷野 1c 30
4e Oasis 绿洲 2j 30
4e Karma 业障 1c 30
rv Force of Nature 万物元气兽 1e 30
avr Divine Deflection 神圣偏折 1c 30
avr Captain of the Mists 迷雾船长 1c 30
avr Infinite Reflection 无限映象 17e 30
avr Misthollow Griffin 雾谷狮鹫 1e 30
avr Stolen Goods 赃物 6e 30
avr Harvester of Souls 索命恶魔 1c9e 30
avr Burn at the Stake 处以火刑 5e4j 30
avr Malignus 毒怨妖 1e2j 30
avr Malignus 毒怨妖 5e2j 30
avr Reforge the Soul 重塑灵魂 8e 30
avr Rite of Ruin 毁弃仪式 1c 30
avr Thunderous Wrath 雷霆之怒 1c1e 30
avr Champion of Lambholt 羊屯斗士 2c1e 30
avr Descendants' Path 后代之路 1e1j 30
avr Druids' Repository 德鲁伊贮藏处 1e 30
avr Revenge of the Hunted 猎物复仇 1c1e 30
avr Soul of the Harvest 收成灵 4e 30
avr Wild Defiance 荒野反抗 12e 30
avr Conjurer's Closet 咒法师之柜 1e 30
avr Otherworld Atlas 异界图集 1c 30
avr Alchemist's Refuge 炼金术士避难所 1c3e 30
avr Desolate Lighthouse 荒芜灯塔 1c1e 30
avr Slayers' Stronghold 克星城塞 3e 30
dka Diregraf Captain 战墓队长 4c2e 20
dka Immerwolf 恒狼 4c1j 20
dka Stromkirk Captain 溪堡队长 1c 20
dka Chalice of Life 生命圣杯 2c1e2j 20
dka Archangel's Light 大天使恩光 2e3j 30
dka Increasing Devotion 奉献渐增 3e 30
dka Thraben Doomsayer 瑟班劫难论者 7j 30
dka Beguiler of Wills 惑志师 1e 30
dka Dungeon Geists 地城游魂 1c 30
dka Increasing Confusion 困惑渐增 2c 30
dka Increasing Ambition 野心渐增 2e 30
dka Zombie Apocalypse 僵尸末日战 1e 30
dka Increasing Vengeance 报复渐增 3c4e3j 30
dka Helvault 狱窖 2c2e2j 30
dka Wolfbitten Captive 狼吻囚人 1e1j 30
dka Mondronen Shaman 蒙卓祭师 1e 30
isd Skaab Ruinator 破垣尸嵌 1e 30
isd Bloodgift Demon 血礼恶魔 1e 30
isd Geist-Honored Monk 游魂护持僧 21e 30
isd Intangible Virtue 无形美善 9e 30
isd Mentor of the Meek 驯良明师 2c6e1j1俄 30
isd Nevermore 永封咒 3c3e1j 30
isd Cackling Counterpart 咳笑复身 1e1j 30
isd Laboratory Maniac 实验室狂人 8e 30
isd Mindshrieker 心灵鸣鸟 21e1j 30
isd Mirror-Mad Phantasm 镜狂幻象 1c21e 30
isd Undead Alchemist 不死炼金术士 9e 30
isd Curse of Death's Hold 死亡盘桓诅咒 1e 30
isd Sever the Bloodline 斩断血脉 2e 30
isd Unbreathing Horde 无生气大军 2e 30
isd Curse of Stalked Prey 遭觊猎物诅咒 1俄 30
isd Elder of Laurels 月桂长者 1e 30
isd Essence of the Wild 蛮荒精魂 4e1j 30
isd Evil Twin 邪恶双生子 5e 30
isd Moorland Haunt 闹鬼荒野 1c5e 30
isd Nephalia Drownyard 涅非利亚沉船地 2e 30
isd Instigator Gang 煽动党徒 4e 30
isd Kruin Outlaw 克廉亡命客 12e 30
isd Daybreak Ranger 破晓护林人 12e 30
isd Delver of Secrets 掘密师 7e 30
nph Chancellor of the Annex 别馆督长 4c4e 30
nph Norn's Annex 艾蕾侬别馆 4e 30
nph Chancellor of the Spires 尖塔督长 4e 30
nph Phyrexian Ingester 非瑞克西亚摄食兽 4e 30
nph Psychic Surgery 心灵手术 4e 30
nph Xenograft 异种接殖 4e 30
nph Chancellor of the Dross 蔓非沼督长 4e 30
nph Glistening Oil 烁油 4e 30
nph Life's Finale 生灵终结 4e 30
nph Praetor's Grasp 魔判官之攫 4e 30
nph Bludgeon Brawl 持棍乱斗 4e 30
nph Chancellor of the Forge 锻炉督长 4e 30
nph Invader Parasite 入侵寄生虫 4e 30
nph Moltensteel Dragon 融钢巨龙 4e 30
nph Slag Fiend 熔渣邪鬼 4e 30
nph Chancellor of the Tangle 铬铜林督长 4e 30
nph Fresh Meat 鲜肉 4e 30
nph Phyrexian Swarmlord 非瑞克西亚群长 4e 30
nph Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer 百胜尤克定 4e 30
nph Hex Parasite 邪术寄生虫 4e 30
nph Lashwrithe 翻腾鞭 4e 30
nph Omen Machine 预兆机械 4e 30
nph Soul Conduit 灵魂渠道 4e 30
mbs Galvanoth 激电兽 1c 30
mbs Red Sun's Zenith 红阳当空 4c 30
mbs Slagstorm 熔滓风暴 1c 30
mbs Creeping Corrosion 蔓延侵蚀 1c 30
mbs Phyrexian Hydra 非瑞克西亚多头龙 2c 30
mbs Decimator Web 摧残罗网 1c 30
mbs Knowledge Pool 知识之池 1e 30
mbs Magnetic Mine 磁力地雷 1c 30
mbs Mirrorworks 镜映品 1c 30
mbs Myr Turbine 秘耳涡轮机 1c 30
mbs Myr Welder 秘耳焊工 1c 30
mbs Signal Pest 信号害虫 2c 30
mbs Spine of Ish Sah 伊沙脊柱 1e 30
mbs Thopter Assembly 组装振翼机 3c 30
mbs Titan Forge 泰坦锻冶炉 1c 30
mbs Contested War Zone 争斗战区 3c 30
som Dissipation Field 消散力场 1e 30
som Inexorable Tide 难阻浪潮 2e 30
som Quicksilver Gargantuan 水银巨兽 1c 30
som Shape Anew 重塑型体 1c1e 30
som Carnifex Demon 刽子手恶魔 1e 30
som Memoricide 屠忆咒 1c 30
som Necrotic Ooze 溃疽流浆 1e 30
som Cerebral Eruption 脑力爆发 1e 30
som Kuldotha Phoenix 库度沙凤凰 1e 30
som Molten Psyche 融铸心神 1e 30
som Spikeshot Elder 飞刺长老 1e 30
som Ezuri's Brigade 伊祖黎旅团 2c1e 30
som Putrefax 化脓腐兽 1c 30
som Chimeric Mass 盖美拉团块 1c1e 30
som Darksteel Juggernaut 玄铁攻城巨车 1c 30
som Kuldotha Forgemaster 库度沙锻冶主 2c 30
som Molten-Tail Masticore 融尾异狮 1e 30
som Myr Battlesphere 秘耳斗球 1c2e 30
som Nim Deathmantle 泞族亡者头罩 1c 30
som Palladium Myr 钯秘耳 3e 30
som Prototype Portal 原型通道 3c1e 30
som Semblance Anvil 近貌铁砧 1c1e 30
roe Ancient Stirrings 唤醒古物 8e 20
roe Pelakka Wurm 皮拉卡亚龙 3e1j 20
roe Gravitational Shift 引力翻转 1e 30
roe Soul's Attendant 灵魂照护僧 2e 30
roe World at War 全世交战 2e 30
roe Gigantomancer 庞巨术士 1e 30
wwk Explore 探索大地 4e 20
wwk Nature's Claim 还诸自然 1e3j 20
wwk Perimeter Captain 边阵队长 2j 30
wwk Talus Paladin 塔鲁斯神圣武士 2e 30
wwk Butcher of Malakir 马拉奇屠夫 1e 30
wwk Bazaar Trader 市集贩商 1e 30
wwk Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs 山崖暴君克卒 1e 30
wwk Stone Idol Trap 石偶陷阱 2e 30
wwk Harabaz Druid 何霸兹德鲁伊 1e 30
wwk Strength of the Tajuru 特裘如之力 2e 30
wwk Wolfbriar Elemental 狼荆元素 1e 40
zen Into the Roil 没入狂搅 4e 20
zen Goblin Bushwhacker 开路鬼怪 3e 20
zen Khalni Heart Expedition 坎尼之心探险 8e 20
zen Lullmage Mentor 息法明师 2e 30
zen Armament Master 军备专家 1e 30
zen Roil Elemental 狂搅元素 1e 30
zen Sphinx of Jwar Isle 爪尔岛史芬斯 1e 30
zen Lavaball Trap 熔球陷阱 4e 30
zen Gigantiform 无匹型体 2e 30
zen Turntimber Ranger 旋林巡林者 4e 30
zen Vines of Vastwood 广林藤蔓 2e 30
zen Grappling Hook 爪钩 1e 30
zen Magosi, the Waterveil 水帘马格西 5e 30
arb Terminate 终结 (轮抽章) 2e 20
arb Behemoth Sledge 贝西摩斯锤 (轮抽章) 1e 20
arb Necromancer's Covenant 死灵术士盟约 (轮抽章) 1e 20
arb Thought Hemorrhage 思想溢血 2e 30
arb Blitz Hellion 闪击地狱兽 2e 30
arb Predatory Advantage 掠夺优势 1e 30
arb Behemoth Sledge 贝西摩斯锤 1e 30
arb Vedalken Heretic 维多肯异教徒 1e 30
cfx Hellspark Elemental 狱燎元素 1e1j 30
cfx Rakka Mar 拉卡玛 1e 30
cfx Voracious Dragon 贪餮巨龙 1e 30
cfx Cylian Sunsinger 塞利亚咏日师 1e 30
cfx Paleoloth 古洛西 1e 30
cfx Soul's Majesty 灵魂威严 1e 30
cfx Magister Sphinx 范师史芬斯 1e 30
cfx Kederekt Parasite 奇登磊寄生怪 1e 40
ala Invincible Hymn 不屈赞歌 (轮抽章) 1e 20
ala Sharding Sphinx 舞翼史芬斯 (轮抽章) 1e 20
ala Tidehollow Sculler 潮窟渡船伕 1e 20
ala Kederekt Leviathan 奇登磊海怪 2e 30
ala Immortal Coil 永生圈环 3e 30
ala Tar Fiend 焦油邪鬼 5e 30
ala Sacellum Godspeaker 藤圣堂神言师 1e 30
ala Clarion Ultimatum 号召通牒 1e 30
ala Sedraxis Specter 塞卓基司幽灵 3e 30
ala Minion Reflector 仆从映镜 1e 30
ala Sigil of Distinction 明辨印记 2e 30
shm Flame Javelin 火焰标枪 1e 30
eve Soot Imp 煤烟小恶魔 1e 20
eve Nettle Sentinel 荨麻原哨兵 2sc 20
eve Sturdy Hatchling 强固幼雏 1e 20
eve Needle Specter 针刺幽灵 1e 30
eve Unmake 归返空无 5e 30
eve Quillspike 毛刺兽 2e 30
eve Hearthfire Hobgoblin 锻火大精灵 2e 30
eve Altar Golem 祭坛魔像 1e 30
mt Slithermuse 蛇身思灵 1sc 30
mt Stenchskipper 臭蹦灵 1e 30
mt Boldwyr Heavyweights 波维尔壮汉 1sc 30
mt Wolf-Skull Shaman 狼颅祭师 1义 30
lw Lash Out 猛击 5e 20
lw Favor of the Mighty 强者蒙恩 1e 30
lw Galepowder Mage 风粉法师 1e 30
lw Wanderwine Prophets 漫酿先知 1sc 30
lw Sunrise Sovereign 日升君王 5e 30
lw Lys Alana Huntmaster 黎撒拉那领猎人 2e 30
lw Colfenor's Urn 柯芬诺的瓮 1sc 30
lw Howltooth Hollow 嚎牙洼地 6e 30
lw Shelldock Isle 壳坞岛 9e 50
fut Storm Entity 风暴灵 2e1义 20
fut Barren Glory 荒芜之耀 1e 30
fut Spellweaver Volute 织咒涡旋 1义 30
fut Gibbering Descent 堕落谵语 1义 30
pc Jedit Ojanen of Efrava 依法瓦的杰迪欧亚奈 (轮抽章) 1e 20
pc Auramancer's Guise 灵气法师面具 1j 30
pc Dichotomancy 二分奇术 1e 30
pc Magus of the Bazaar 市集贤者 1e 30
pc Pongify 猿化术 2e 30
pc Frozen Ather 乙太冻结 1e 30
pc Serendib Sorcerer 细兰术士 1j 30
pc Dash Hopes 打碎希望 3e 30
pc Ather Membrane 乙太护膜 1e 30
pc Sulfur Elemental 硫磺元素 3e 30
pc Magus of the Library 图书馆贤者 1e 30
pc Essence Warden 护华师 8e 30
tsts Jolrael, Empress of Beasts 百兽女皇裘蕾尔 1e 30
tsts Celestial Dawn 天界曙光 1e 30
tsts Scragnoth 史夸格诺司 1e 30
tsts Thallid 散绿菌 2e 30
tsts Fiery Justice 火热正义 1e 30
tsts Claws of Gix 基克斯之爪 1e 30
tsts Grinning Totem 微笑图腾像 1sc 30
tsts Serrated Arrows 锯刺箭 2e 30
ts Chronosavant 时间学者 1e 30
ts Evangelize 传扬福音 1e 30
ts Weathered Bodyguards 历艰保镖 1e 30
ts Magus of the Jar 崇瓶贤者 1e 30
ts Wipe Away 扫拂 1e 30
ts Magus of the Mirror 崇镜贤者 1e 30
ts Sengir Nosferatu 辛格氏吸血妖 1sc 30
ts Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician 精灵战术家依部哈夫哈特 3e 30
ts Magus of the Scroll 卷轴贤者 1e 30
ts Magus of the Candelabra 烛台贤者 1e 30
ts Squall Line 疾风暴线 1e 30
ts Thelon of Havenwood 海温森的瑟隆 3e 30
ts Thelonite Hermit 瑟隆门隐者 1义 30
ts Verdant Embrace 新绿之拥 1e 30
ts Ith, High Arcanist 奥术大师伊斯 1sc 30
ts Mishra, Artificer Prodigy 神器师逸才米斯拉 2e 30
ts Triskelavus 三节兽 2e 30
cs Heidar, Rimewind Master 霜风会首领亥达 (轮抽章) 1e 20
cs Sunscour 烈日扫荡 1sc 30
cs Woolly Razorback 粗茸刃背猪 1e 30
cs Krovikan Mist 库维城雾影 2sc 30
cs Rune Snag 符文缠碍 1e1sc 30
cs Shape of the Wiitigo 化身威提哥 1e 30
cs Blizzard Specter 暴风雪幽灵 1sc 30
cs Tamanoa 塔玛诺亚 4e 30
cs Frost Marsh 寒霜沼 1e 40
di Condemn 判罪 1e 30
di Wakestone Gargoyle 醒岩石像鬼 1e 30
di Nihilistic Glee 虚无之喜 1e1j 30
di Odds/Ends 结束/机会 2e 30
di Research/Development 开发/研究 1e 30
gp Gelectrode 凝胶电怪 1义 30
gp Invoke the Firemind 召现炎灵 1j 30
gp Witch-Maw Nephilim 饮咒巨神灵 1e 30
gp Sword of the Paruns 远祖之剑 1e 30
rav Hunted Lammasu 遭缉拉玛苏 2e 30
rav Three Dreams 三个梦想 1e 30
rav Cerulean Sphinx 蔚蓝史芬斯 1e 30
rav Grozoth 勾杂兹 2e 30
rav Hunted Phantasm 遭缉幻象 1e 30
rav Blood Funnel 血腥蓄势 1e 30
rav Hex 六方杀阵 1e 30
rav Sins of the Past 往昔罪行 2e 30
rav Breath of Fury 怒火气息 1e 30
rav Flame Fusillade 火力齐发 1e 30
rav Molten Sentry 融铸哨兵 1e 30
rav Ursapine 豪猪刺熊 1e 30
rav Vinelasher Kudzu 缠藤野葛 1e 30
rav Bloodbond March 血脉行军 1e 30
rav Grave-Shell Scarab 铭壳圣甲虫 1j 30
rav Searing Meditation 炙热冥思 4e 30
rav Szadek, Lord of Secrets 诡秘王者札戴克 1e 30
rav Master Warcraft 神妙兵法 1e 30
rav Bloodletter Quill 血文鹅毛笔 1e 30
rav Nullstone Gargoyle 虚空石像鬼 1e 30
sok Celestial Kirin 天界麒麟 2e 30
sok Hand of Honor 荣耀之手 3e1j 30
sok Akuta, Born of Ash 芥苏阿苦多 1e 30
sok One with Nothing 无何有 1e 30
sok Skyfire Kirin 空火麒麟 1e 30
sok Kashi-Tribe Elite 橡宗精兵 3e 30
sok Seed the Land 开疆辟壤 1sc 30
sok Wine of Blood and Iron 铁血秘酿 1e 30
sok Kuon, Ogre Ascendant 入圣食人魔苦御 1e 30
bok Shining Shoal 明光群列 1e 30
bok Patron of the Moon 月人守护神 2e 30
bok Patron of the Nezumi 鼠人守护神 1e 30
bok Sickening Shoal 作呕群列 1e 30
bok Throat Slitter 切喉者 1sc 30
bok Toshiro Umezawa 梅泽俊郎 1e 30
bok Mannichi, the Fevered Dream 热病梦万迩智 1e1sc 30
bok Isao, Enlightened Bushi 悟道武士勋雄 1e 30
bok Nourishing Shoal 滋养群列 1e 30
chk Uba Mask 姥面 (轮抽章) 1e 20
chk Hikari, Twilight Guardian 暮光护卫秘加理 1e 30
chk Honden of Seeing Winds 清风本殿 1e 30
chk Swirl the Mists 迷雾涡漩 1e 30
chk Honden of Night's Reach 夜幕本殿 4e 30
chk Iname, Death Aspect 否命灭相 1e 30
chk Honden of Life's Web 大罗本殿 1e 30
chk Kodama's Reach 木灵展势 4e 30
chk Sachi, Daughter of Seshiro 濑四郎之女纱千 4e 30
chk Hair-Strung Koto 发弦琴 1e 30
chk Junkyo Bell 殉教钟 1e 30
chk Shell of the Last Kappa 末代河童壳 1e 30
5dn Spark Elemental 星火元素 2sc 20
5dn Conjurer's Bauble 咒法师饰品 1e2sc 20
5dn Pentad Prism 五色棱镜 4e1sc 20
5dn Blinkmoth Infusion 光蛾灌输 1sc 30
5dn Condescend 睥睨 1e 30
5dn Hoverguard Sweepers 空卫扫荡队 1sc 30
5dn Desecration Elemental 渎圣元素 1e1sc 30
5dn Endless Whispers 无尽细语 1e 30
5dn Granulate 化为碎粒 1sc 30
5dn Ion Storm 离子风暴 2e 30
5dn Magma Giant 岩浆巨人 1e 30
5dn Reversal of Fortune 命转乾坤 1e 30
5dn All Suns' Dawn 五色晨曦 1e 30
5dn Rite of Passage 成长仪式 1sc 30
ds Arcbound Slith 能缰斯立兹 3e 20
ds Mirrodin's Core 秘罗地核心 2e 20
ds Soulscour 一扫生灵 1e 30
ds Chromescale Drake 铬鳞龙兽 2e 30
ds Pulse of the Grid 博识都的脉动 1e 30
ds Retract 回撤 1e 30
ds Synod Artificer 悉诺议会神器师 1e 30
ds Ather Snap 乙太骤变 1e 30
ds Mephitic Ooze 蔓非沼流浆 1e 30
ds Pulse of the Dross 蔓非沼的脉动 2e 30
ds Pulse of the Forge 锻冶炉的脉动 1e1sc 30
ds Slobad, Goblin Tinkerer 精灵修补匠史罗巴 2e 30
ds Ageless Entity 长生祥瑞 1e 30
ds Arcbound Crusher 能缰辗破机 5e 30
ds Gemini Engine 双子引擎 1e 30
ds Wand of the Elements 元素魔杖 1e 30
mi Ornithopter 扑翼机 1e 20
mi Talisman of Impulse 冲劲饰符 1e 20
mi Tower of Murmurs 传言之塔 (HP) 1c 20
mi Spellweaver Helix 织咒螺旋柱 4e 30
mi Loxodon Peacekeeper 象族和平护卫 1e 30
mi Luminous Angel 灿光天使 1c 30
mi Broodstar 晦月星 3c 30
mi Lumengrid Augur 博识都卜算师 1c 30
mi Reiver Demon 掠袭恶魔 1c 30
mi Vermiculos 恶重异兽 1c 30
mi Wrench Mind 猛绞心灵 1e 30
mi Fiery Gambit 火热豪赌 1c 30
mi Seething Song 热血战歌 2e 30
mi Vulshok Battlemaster 瓦许克格斗专家 1c 30
mi War Elemental 战争元素 1c 30
mi Culling Scales 淘汰定规 1c 30
mi Gate to the Ather 乙太之门 1c 30
mi Grid Monitor 博识都监卫 1e 30
mi Jinxed Choker 倒霉颈环 1e 30
mi Leonin Sun Standard 狮族太阳军旗 1e 30
mi Leveler 夷平者 1c 30
mi Lightning Coils 闪电盘绕 2c 30
mi Pentavus 五节兽 1e 30
mi Sun Droplet 太阳微粒 2c2e 30
mi Timesifter 滤时计 1e 30
mi Copperhoof Vorrac 铜蹄博锐兽 1e 30
sc Parallel Thoughts 平行思绪 2c 30
sc Cabal Conditioning 柯帮式制约 1c 30
sc Cabal Interrogator 柯帮诘问人 1c3e 30
sc Carrion Feeder 腐食怪 4c 30
sc Final Punishment 终极刑罚 1c 30
sc Root Elemental 生机元素 1c 30
le Dermoplasm 原质变形兽 1c 30
le Riptide Director 激流计画主事者 1c 30
le Ghastly Remains 惊吓残骸 1c 30
le Feral Throwback 凶猛掷背兽 4c 30
le Krosan Cloudscraper 克洛萨入云兽 1c 30
le Tribal Forcemage 部族力法师 2c 30
le Wirewood Channeler 修索林通递人 1e 30
le Wirewood Hivemaster 修索林驱虫师 1e 30
on Artificial Evolution 人工演化 (轮抽章) 1c 20
on Callous Oppressor 无情压制者 (轮抽章) 1c 20
on Ancestor's Prophet 圣祖灵先知 1c 30
on Aurification 点金术 1c 30
on Convalescent Care 康复期护理 1c 30
on Glarecaster 镜芒术士 2c 30
on Chain of Vapor 连锁蒸发 1c1e 30
on Ixidor, Reality Sculptor 实相塑师意悉多 1e 30
on Peer Pressure 同侪压力 1c 30
on Read the Runes 解读符文 2e 30
on Standardize 标准化 1c 30
on Supreme Inquisitor 最高审判官 1c 30
on Endemic Plague 风土病 1c 30
on Words of Waste 废退箴言 1c 30
on Dragon Roost 巨龙宿巢 2c 30
on Goblin Pyromancer 鬼怪烈焰术士 1c 30
on Grand Melee 拳面混战 1c 30
on Kaboom! 轰隆隆! 1c 30
on Menacing Ogre 要胁食人魔 1c 30
on Reckless One 无谋尊者 2c2e 30
on Animal Magnetism 动物磁性 1c 30
on Elvish Guidance 妖精的引导 3c1e 30
on Hystrodon 豪猪巨兽 1e 30
on Mythic Proportions 庞大无比 1c 30
on Tempting Wurm 诱惑亚龙 4c1e 30
on Voice of the Woods 林野唤者 1c 30
on Wellwisher 美愿祈者 3c 30
on Words of Wilding 野性箴言 2c 30
on Doom Cannon 轰杀大砲 1c 30
on Riptide Replicator 激流模制品 1c 30
on Slate of Ancestry 古传石板 1c 30
ju Battle Screech 战呼 4c 20
ju Quiet Speculation 静默冥思 3c1e 30
ju Wormfang Manta 奇肢𫚉 1c 30
ju Death Wish 致命祈愿 1c 30
ju Filth 污孽 1e 30
ju Erhnam Djinn 厄罕巨灵 1c 30
ju Phantom Nantuko 幽魅螳人 2c 30
tr Possessed Nomad 著磨游牧人 1c 30
tr Possessed Aven 著磨艾文 1c 30
tr Retraced Image 翻制画作 1c 30
tr Turbulent Dreams 动乱之梦 2c 30
tr Nantuko Cultivator 耕耘螳人 1c 30
od Earnest Fellowship 诚挚情谊 1c 30
od Cognivore 噬识兽 1c 30
od Pedantic Learning 咬文嚼字 1c 30
od Unifying Theory 统合理论 1c 30
od Hint of Insanity 疯狂征兆 1e 30
od Need for Speed 急速快感 1c 30
od Verdant Succession 新绿演替 1e 30
od Werebear 熊人 4e 30
od Barbarian Ring 蛮族绝斗擂台 1c 30
ap False Dawn 虚假黎明 1c 30
ap Spectral Lynx 魂魅山猫 1e 30
ap Necravolver 涅夸进化体 1e 30
ap Bloodfire Colossus 血燄巨像 1c 30
ap Rakavolver 拉卡进化体 1c 30
ap Anavolver 阿纳进化体 1c 30
ap Fungal Shambler 真菌跛行兽 1c 30
ap Fire/Ice 寒冰/热火 1c1j 30
ps Voice of All 万物使者 1e 30
ps Shifting Sky 变换长空 1c1e 30
ps Phyrexian Scuta 非瑞克西亚盾甲队 1e 30
ps Deadapult 投尸器 1c 30
ps Mogg Sentry 莫葛哨兵 1e 30
ps Planeswalker's Fury 旅法师的怒火 1c 30
ps Natural Emergence 大自然的觉醒 1e 30
ps Questing Phelddagrif 游历的紫河马 1e 30
ps Crosis's Catacombs 克罗希司的墓穴 1c1j 30
ps Darigaaz's Caldera 达里迦的火山口 1c1e 30
ps Forsaken City 弃都 1e 30
ps Rith's Grove 丽丝的丛林 1c1e 30
ps Skyship Weatherlight 晴空号飞船 1c1e 30
in Death or Glory 成雄败寇 (轮抽章) 1c 20
in Sunscape Master 阳景院大师 1c 30
in Blind Seer 盲先知 1c 30
in Stormscape Master 岚景院大师 2c 30
in Temporal Distortion 短暂失真 1e 30
in Thunderscape Master 雷景院大师 1c 30
in Thornscape Master 荆景院大师 1c 30
in Armadillo Cloak 穿山甲外衣 1c 30
in Fires of Yavimaya 亚维马雅之火 1c 30
in Overabundance 过度充裕 1e 30
in Pyre Zombie 葬火僵尸 1e 30
in Spinal Embrace 脊椎强殖 1c 30
in Tek 泰科 1c 30
in Keldon Necropolis 凯尔顿古陵廎 2c 30
pr Blessed Wind 祝福之风 1c 30
pr Celestial Convergence 天界辐陬 1c 30
pr Avatar of Will 意志化身 1c 30
pr Psychic Theft 心念窃取 1j 30
pr Rebel Informer 反抗军告密者 2c 30
pr Dual Nature 双重本质 1c 30
pr Mungha Wurm 曼格亚龙 1c 30
pr Well of Discovery 发现之井 1e 30
ne Spiritual Asylum 心灵庇护所 1c 30
ne Parallax Nexus 时空震通道 3c 30
ne Flame Rift 天火断空 6c 30
ne Flowstone Overseer 液石督军兽 1c 30
ne Shrieking Mogg 尖声莫葛 1c 30
ne Overlaid Terrain 覆蓋地形 1c 30
ne Pack Hunt 围猎 1c 30
ne Saproling Cluster 腐生群落 1c 30
ne Skyshroud Behemoth 天帷贝西摩斯 1c 30
ne Eye of Yawgmoth 约格莫夫之眼 1c 30
ne Rath's Edge 瑞斯危岩 4c 30
mm Diplomatic Immunity 外交豁免权 5c 20
mm Noble Purpose 崇高意志 1e 30
mm Embargo 限制交易 1c 30
mm Gush 宣泄 1c1e 30
mm Saprazzan Heir 萨帕佐传人 1c 30
mm Squeeze 挤压 2c 30
mm Statecraft 政治手腕 2c 30
mm Trade Routes 贸易路线 2e 30
mm Cateran Slaver 卡特蓝奴隶贩子 1c 30
mm Conspiracy 同谋 1e 30
mm Dark Ritual 黑暗祭礼 2c2e 30
mm Delraich 迪瑞奇 1c 30
mm Instigator 煽动家 1c 30
mm Blood Hound 血腥猎犬 2c 30
mm Cave-In 塌陷 1c 30
mm Lithophage 砾石非 1c 30
mm Collective Unconscious 集体潜意识 1e 30
mm Invigorate 激励 5e2j 30
mm Land Grant 授地 2c 30
mm Vernal Equinox 春分 1c 30
mm Crooked Scales 歪曲量计 1c 30
mm Crumbling Sanctuary 崩溃的圣坛 1c 30
mm Mercadian Lift 玛凯迪亚升降机 1c 30
ud Flicker 明灭不定 1c 30
ul Spawning Pool 孳息之池 (HP) 1e 10
ul Cloud of Faeries 仙灵云群 1e 30
ul Eviscerator 剐肉兽 1e 30
ul Damping Engine 滞阻机 1法 30
us Rune of Protection: Lands 大地符文 1e 30
us Douse 灭火 1c 30
us Somnophore 瞌睡虫 1e 30
us Dark Ritual 黑暗祭礼 1c 30
us Witch Engine 女巫引擎 1c 30
us Bulwark 滚烫铜浆 1e 30
us Blanchwood Armor 白木甲 2e 30
us Citanul Centaurs 西坦努半人马 1e 30
us Blasted Landscape 枯萎荒地 1e 30
ex Soul Warden 护灵师 2c 25
ex Exalted Dragon 娇贵巨龙 1c 30
ex Soltari Visionary 索泰利幻影师 1c 30
ex Wall of Nets 网墙 2c 30
ex Keeper of the Mind 心灵护卫 1c1e 30
ex Oath of Scholars 学者的誓约 3c 30
ex Culling the Weak 升祭弱者 3c 30
ex Keeper of the Dead 死尸护卫 1c 30
ex Necrologia 死冥学 1c 30
ex Oath of Ghouls 食尸鬼的誓约 1e 30
ex Pit Spawn 闇渊魔役 1c 30
ex Plaguebearer 疫病体 2c 30
ex Slaughter 屠杀 1c 30
ex Ogre Shaman 食人魔祭师 1c 30
ex Mirri, Cat Warrior 猫战士米莉 1c 30
ex Skyshroud Elite 天帷精锐部队 1c 30
ex Skyshroud War Beast 天帷战争兽 1c 30
ex Spike Hatcher 孵育钉兽 1c 30
ex Mindless Automaton 天兵机械兽 1c 30
ex Thopter Squadron 振翼机中队 1c 30
sh Mask of the Mimic 拟态面具 4e 30
sh Rolling Stones 滚石 1e 30
sh Volrath's Laboratory 瓦拉斯的实验室 2e 30
tp Boil 沸腾 1c 20
tp Auratog 灵气阿托格 1c 20
tp Dark Ritual 黑暗祭礼 2c 30
tp Diabolic Edict 恶魔的勒令 2c 30
tp Dread of Night 夜之惧 1c 30
tp Dregs of Sorrow 悲伤残渣 2e 30
tp Minion of the Wastes 荒野奴仆 1c 30
tp Capsize 倾覆 1c 30
tp Chill 冰冷 2c 30
tp Duplicity 口是心非 2c 30
tp Whim of Volrath 瓦拉斯的奇想 1c1e 30
tp Whispers of the Muse 谬斯的耳语 2c 30
tp Choke 窒息 2c 30
tp Dirtcowl Wurm 覆尘亚龙 1c 30
tp Nature's Revolt 大自然的反乱 1c 30
tp Scragnoth 史卡格诺斯 1c 30
tp Jackal Pup 小狐狼 1c 30
tp Rathi Dragon 瑞斯之龙 1c 30
tp Avenging Angel 复仇天使 1c 30
tp Marble Titan 洁白泰坦巨人 1e 30
tp Orim, Samite Healer 撒姆尼医疗圆欧琳 1c 30
tp Pegasus Refuge 飞马庇护地 1c 30
tp Booby Trap 诡雷 1c1e 30
tp Caldera Lake 火山湖 1c 30
tp Pine Barrens 贫瘠松林 1c 30
tp Salt Flats 盐田 1c 30
tp Skyshroud Forest 天帷森林 1e 30
tp Selenia, Dark Angel 闇天使撒琳妮雅 1c 30
tp Soltari Guerrillas 索泰利游击兵 1c 30
tp Vhati il-Dal 达奥黜人瓦提 1c 30
tp Wood Sage 树木贤哲 1c 30
wl Lava Hounds 融岩猎犬 1e 30
vi Magma Mine 融岩地雷 1c 30
mr Tombstone Stairwel 墓碑螺旋梯 1e 30
mr Hall of Gemstone 宝石大厅 1e 30
mr Grinning Totem 微笑图腾像 1e 30
ch Gabriel Angelfire 天使焰加百列 1e 30
ch Kei Takahashi 高桥? 1e 30
po Balance of Power 均衡力 1c 30
po Winter's Grasp 寒冬降临 1e 30
Heroes vs. Monsters # 15 Nobilis of War 5e 30
Heroes vs. Monsters # 16 Kamahl, Pit Fighter 6e 30
Heroes vs. Monsters # 17 Condemn 8e 15
Heroes vs. Monsters # 21 Stand Firm 8e 10
Heroes vs. Monsters # 26 Undying Rage 8e 10
Heroes vs. Monsters # 28 Griffin Guide 2e 20
Heroes vs. Monsters # 30 Miraculous Recovery 1e 20
Heroes vs. Monsters # 31 Winds of Rath 4e 50
Heroes vs. Monsters # 32 Pyrokinesis 2e 30
Heroes vs. Monsters # 34 New Benalia 8e 10
Heroes vs. Monsters # 44 Orcish Lumberjack 4e 15
Heroes vs. Monsters # 46 Kavu Predator 7e 20
Heroes vs. Monsters # 47 Satyr Hedonist 4e 10
Heroes vs. Monsters # 55 Conquering Manticore 7e 30
Heroes vs. Monsters # 56 Crater Hellion 4e 30
Heroes vs. Monsters # 57 Skarrgan Firebird 8e 30
Heroes vs. Monsters # 59 Krosan Tusker 5e 15
Heroes vs. Monsters # 60 Skarrgan Skybreaker 8e 10
Heroes vs. Monsters # 68 Volt Charge 8e 10
Heroes vs. Monsters # 71 Kazandu Refuge 8e 15
Heroes vs. Monsters # 72 Llanowar Reborn 8e 20
Heroes vs. Monsters # 73 Skarrg, the Rage Pits 7e 15
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 2 Doomed Traveler 4e 15
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 3 Vampire Lacerator 12e 10
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 4 Wall of Omens 2e 40
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 7 Mesmeric Fiend 12e 10
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 9 Twilight Drover 8e 50
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 11 Fiend Hunter 7e 15
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 12 Vampire Nighthawk 4e 30
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 13 Mausoleum Guard 1e 10
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 16 Revenant Patriarch 1e 10
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 18 Butcher of Malakir 8e 30
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 19 Vampire's Bite 11e 10
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 22 Urge to Feed 7e 20
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 23 Zealous Persecution 2e 30
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 24 Lingering Souls 3e 50
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 26 Spectral Procession 8e 60
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 27 Unmake 6e 20
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 30 Field of Souls 8e 30
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 32 Death Grasp 1e 30
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 33 Evolving Wilds 24e 10
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 42 Goblin Arsonist 4e 10
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 43 Scorched Rusalka 9e 10
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 44 Reassembling Skeleton 9e 10
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 46 Hellspark Elemental 4e 50
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 47 Vithian Stinger 18e 10
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 48 Shambling Remains 12e 10
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 49 Coal Stoker 9e 10
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 50 Lavaborn Muse 12e 30
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 53 Skirsdag Cultist 5e 30
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 54 Corpse Connoisseur 9e 10
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 55 Scourge Devil 8e 10
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 56 Gang of Devils 2e 10
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 57 Bump in the Night 12e 15
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 59 Faithless Looting 12e 20
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 61 Geistflame 4e 10
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 62 Pyroclasm 12e 20
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 63 Recoup 4e 15
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 64 Terminate 6e 30
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 66 Browbeat 5e 60
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 67 Breaking Point 12e 30
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 68 Sulfuric Vortex 11e 60
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 69 Blightning 4e 35
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 70 Flame Javelin 8e 30
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 71 Torrent of Souls 8e 15
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 72 Devil's Play 7e 30
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 73 Akoum Refuge 2e 20
Sorin vs. Tibalt # 74 Rakdos Carnarium 21e 20
Izzet vs. Golgari # 2 Kiln Fiend 4e 15
Izzet vs. Golgari # 3 Goblin Electromancer 6e 10
Izzet vs. Golgari # 5 Gelectrode 5e 30
Izzet vs. Golgari # 8 Shrewd Hatchling 4e 15
Izzet vs. Golgari # 10 Galvanoth 6e 30
Izzet vs. Golgari # 12 Djinn Illuminatus 3e 30
Izzet vs. Golgari # 14 Force Spike 5e 20
Izzet vs. Golgari # 21 Izzet Charm 4e 20
Izzet vs. Golgari # 22 Reminisce 2e 10
Izzet vs. Golgari # 26 Quicksilver Dagger 2e 10
Izzet vs. Golgari # 27 Prophetic Bolt 4e 30
Izzet vs. Golgari # 29 Sphinx-Bone Wand 6e 30
Izzet vs. Golgari # 30 Street Spasm 4e 10
Izzet vs. Golgari # 31 Invoke the Firemind 6e 30
Izzet vs. Golgari # 32 Fire/Ice 6e 30
Izzet vs. Golgari # 34 Izzet Boilerworks 10e 20
Izzet vs. Golgari # 36 Nivix, Aerie of the Firemind 6e 10
Izzet vs. Golgari # 46 Plagued Rusalka 1e 10
Izzet vs. Golgari # 47 Elves of Deep Shadow 10e 15
Izzet vs. Golgari # 48 Golgari Thug 4e 40
Izzet vs. Golgari # 49 Ravenous Rats 2e 10
Izzet vs. Golgari # 50 Reassembling Skeleton 4e 10
Izzet vs. Golgari # 52 Korozda Guildmage 5e 10
Izzet vs. Golgari # 53 Putrid Leech 5e 10
Izzet vs. Golgari # 56 Dreg Mangler 6e 15
Izzet vs. Golgari # 57 Shambling Shell 3e 10
Izzet vs. Golgari # 58 Brain Weevil 4e 10
Izzet vs. Golgari # 61 Stingerfling Spider 2e 10
Izzet vs. Golgari # 64 Gleancrawler 5e 30
Izzet vs. Golgari # 65 Doomgape 6e 30
Izzet vs. Golgari # 70 Golgari Germination 5e 15
Izzet vs. Golgari # 72 Feast or Famine 2e 10
Izzet vs. Golgari # 73 Nightmare Void 6e 10
Izzet vs. Golgari # 74 Vigor Mortis 4e 10
Izzet vs. Golgari # 76 Twilight's Call 2e 30
Izzet vs. Golgari # 78 Barren Moor 3e 10
Izzet vs. Golgari # 80 Golgari Rot Farm 9e 20
Izzet vs. Golgari # 81 Svogthos, the Restless Tomb 6e 15
Izzet vs. Golgari # 82 Tranquil Thicket 3e 10
Izzet vs. Golgari # 77a Life/Death 3e 20
Venser vs. Koth # 17 Sawtooth Loon 1e 10
Venser vs. Koth # 19 Windreaver 1e 30
Venser vs. Koth # 28 Oblivion Ring 1e 20
Venser vs. Koth # 35 New Benalia 1e 10
Venser vs. Koth # 45 Plated Geopede 2e 20
Venser vs. Koth # 47 Pilgrim's Eye 2e 10
Venser vs. Koth # 50 Vulshok Sorcerer 1e 10
Venser vs. Koth # 57 Lithophage 1e 30
Venser vs. Koth # 62 Bloodfire Colossus 1e 30
Venser vs. Koth # 63 Wayfarer's Bauble 1e 10
Venser vs. Koth # 64 Armillary Sphere 1e 10
Venser vs. Koth # 73 Volley of Boulders 1e 30
Ajani vs. Nicol Bolas # 8 Sylvan Ranger 2e 10
Ajani vs. Nicol Bolas # 18 Ageless Entity 1e 30
Ajani vs. Nicol Bolas # 25 Griffin Guide 1e 20
Ajani vs. Nicol Bolas # 27 Searing Meditation 1e 30
Ajani vs. Nicol Bolas # 29 Naya Charm 1e 20
Ajani vs. Nicol Bolas # 32 Evolving Wilds 1e 10
Ajani vs. Nicol Bolas # 35 Kazandu Refuge 1e 15
Ajani vs. Nicol Bolas # 36 Sapseep Forest 1e 10
Ajani vs. Nicol Bolas # 37 Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree 1e 15
Ajani vs. Nicol Bolas # 57 Igneous Pouncer 1e 10
Ajani vs. Nicol Bolas # 60 Obelisk of Grixis 1e 10
Ajani vs. Nicol Bolas # 63 Grixis Charm 1e 15
Ajani vs. Nicol Bolas # 67 Slave of Bolas 1e 20
Ajani vs. Nicol Bolas # 71a Spite/Malice 1e 15
Ajani vs. Nicol Bolas # 72a Pain/Suffering 1e 15
Knights vs. Dragons # 9 White Knight 3e 15
Knights vs. Dragons # 10 Knotvine Paladin 1e 30
Knights vs. Dragons # 25 Edge of Autumn 1e 10
Knights vs. Dragons # 27 Reprisal 1e 10
Knights vs. Dragons # 33 Griffin Guide 1e 20
Knights vs. Dragons # 35 Grasslands 1e 20
Knights vs. Dragons # 36 Sejiri Steppe 1e 10
Knights vs. Dragons # 37 Selesnya Sanctuary 1e 20
Knights vs. Dragons # 56 Voracious Dragon 1e 30
Knights vs. Dragons # 60 Shivan Hellkite 1e 30
Knights vs. Dragons # 62 Armillary Sphere 1e 10
Elspeth vs. Tezzeret # 2 Elite Vanguard 2e 20
Elspeth vs. Tezzeret # 5 Loyal Sentry 1e 30
Elspeth vs. Tezzeret # 29 Abolish 1e 10
Elspeth vs. Tezzeret # 30 Saltblast 1e 10
Elspeth vs. Tezzeret # 32 Daru Encampment 1e 20
Elspeth vs. Tezzeret # 34 Rustic Clachan 1e 30
Elspeth vs. Tezzeret # 49 Trinket Mage 1e 15
Elspeth vs. Tezzeret # 56 Razormane Masticore 1e 30
Elspeth vs. Tezzeret # 58 Pentavus 1e 30
Elspeth vs. Tezzeret # 63 Contagion Clasp 1e 20
Elspeth vs. Tezzeret # 68 Thirst for Knowledge 1e 30
Elspeth vs. Tezzeret # 69 Argivian Restoration 1e 20
Elspeth vs. Tezzeret # 75 Stalking Stones 1e 10
Phyrexia vs. Coalition # 7 Priest of Gix 2e 15
Phyrexia vs. Coalition # 20 Phyrexian Totem 1e 15
Phyrexia vs. Coalition # 40 Sunscape Battlemage 1e 15
Phyrexia vs. Coalition # 41 Thunderscape Battlemage 1e 15
Phyrexia vs. Coalition # 42 Thornscape Battlemage 2e 15
Phyrexia vs. Coalition # 50 Evasive Action 1e 10
Phyrexia vs. Coalition # 52 Fertile Ground 2e 10
Phyrexia vs. Coalition # 57 Harrow 2e 10
Phyrexia vs. Coalition # 59 Darigaaz's Charm 1e 15
Phyrexia vs. Coalition # 60 Rith's Charm 1e 15
Phyrexia vs. Coalition # 61 Treva's Charm 1e 15
Garruk vs. Liliana # 8 Ravenous Baloth 贪食巴洛西 1e 30
Garruk vs. Liliana # 24 Overrun 横行 1e 20
Divine vs. Demonic # 58 Barren Moor 贫瘠溼地 1e 10
Jace vs. Chandra # 3 Fathom Seer 2j 10
Jace vs. Chandra # 5 Wall of Deceit 2j 20
Jace vs. Chandra # 6 Willbender 1j 30
Jace vs. Chandra # 7 Bottle Gnomes 1j 15
Jace vs. Chandra # 18 Brine Elemental 1j 15
Jace vs. Chandra # 25 Repulse 2j 20
Jace vs. Chandra # 36 Fireslinger 1j 10
Jace vs. Chandra # 37 Soulbright Flamekin 2j 10
Jace vs. Chandra # 45 Ingot Chewer 1j 20
Jace vs. Chandra # 49 Firebolt 2j 10
Jace vs. Chandra # 50 Seal of Fire 1j 10
Jace vs. Chandra # 51 Incinerate 2j 10
Jace vs. Chandra # 56 Fireball 2j 10
Commander # 4 Alliance of Arms 军团联盟 1j 30
Commander # 6 Arbiter of Knollridge 丘脊仲裁者 2e 30
Commander # 16 Jotun Grunt 尤屯大兵 2e 30
Commander # 17 Journey to Nowhere 未知旅程 1e 10
Commander # 20 Monk Realist 唯实修行僧 1e 10
Commander # 32 Soul Snare 捕获灵魂 3e1j 20
Commander # 34 Storm Herd 风暴马群 1e1j 30
Commander # 36 Vow of Duty 义务之誓约 1e 15
Commander # 41 Chromeshell Crab 铬甲蟹 1e 30
Commander # 42 Conundrum Sphinx 谜题史芬斯 1e1j 30
Commander # 43 Court Hussar 法庭轻骑兵 1e 20
Commander # 56 Ray of Command 命令之光 1j 15
Commander # 58 Repulse 逐退 2e 20
Commander # 65 Trench Gorger 海沟啃食者 1e1j 30
Commander # 66 Vedalken Plotter 维多肯阴谋师 1e 10
Commander # 76 Dark Hatchling 黑暗幼雏 5e1j 30
Commander # 82 Fallen Angel 堕天使 1e 30
Commander # 87 Hex 六方杀阵 1j 30
Commander # 89 Mortivore 噬殁兽 1e 30
Commander # 103 Syphon Flesh 吸肉 1e1j 20
Commander # 107 Vow of Malice 敌意之誓约 2e1j 15
Commander # 111 Avatar of Slaughter 愤怒化身 1e 50
Commander # 113 Chain Reaction 连锁反应 1e1j 30
Commander # 119 Disaster Radius 灾祸范围 1e1j 30
Commander # 122 Faultgrinder 翻突怪 1e 10
Commander # 131 Punishing Fire 惩戒火焰 2e 20
Commander # 135 Spitebellows 怨吼灵 1e1j 10
Commander # 137 Sulfurous Blast 硫磺冲击波 1e 20
Commander # 138 Vow of Lightning 闪电之誓约 1e1j 15
Commander # 141 Aquastrand Spider 水绿缕蜘蛛 1e 10
Commander # 148 Cultivate 栽培 2e1j 30
Commander # 150 Deadwood Treefolk 亡林树妖 1j 10
Commander # 151 Elvish Aberration 畸变妖精 1e1j 10
Commander # 154 Fertilid 沃壤灵 2e1j 10
Commander # 156 Fists of Ironwood 铁木拳 1e 10
Commander # 160 Hunting Pack 行猎兽群 1e 10
Commander # 165 Lhurgoyf 拉高耶夫 2e 30
Commander # 166 Magus of the Vineyard 籐蔓园贤者 1e1j 30
Commander # 168 Relic Crush 破坏遗宝 2e 10
Commander # 171 Spawnwrithe 盘蛇灵 1j 30
Commander # 174 Symbiotic Wurm 共生亚龙 1j 30
Commander # 175 Tribute to the Wild 献贡荒野 1e 30
Commander # 178 Vow of Wildness 野性之誓约 1e2j 15
Commander # 186 Boros Guildmage 波洛斯公会法师 1e 20
Commander # 188 Call the Skybreaker 召令破空灵 2e 30
Commander # 189 Chorus of the Conclave 盟会韵集 3e1j 30
Commander # 192 Death Mutation 死亡异变 1e 10
Commander # 195 Duergar Hedge-Mage 设障垛格 1e 15
Commander # 201 Golgari Guildmage 葛加理公会法师 1e1j 15
Commander # 212 Necrogenesis 死灵创生 3e1j 15
Commander # 214 Nucklavee 纳拉威 1j 20
Commander # 217 Orzhov Guildmage 欧佐夫公会法师 1e 15
Commander # 219 Prophetic Bolt 预言之雷 2e 30
Commander # 222 Savage Twister 凶暴龙卷风 1e1j 10
Commander # 223 Selesnya Evangel 瑟雷尼亚福音师 1e 10
Commander # 224 Selesnya Guildmage 瑟雷尼亚公会法师 3e1j 15
Commander # 225 Sigil Captain 印记队长 3e1j 10
Commander # 232 Valley Rannet 谷地拉奈兽 1e1j 10
Commander # 233 Vengeful Rebirth 含恨再生 1e1j 10
Commander # 236 Vulturous Zombie 兀鹰僵尸 1e 30
Commander # 242 Armillary Sphere 浑天仪 1j 10
Commander # 245 Darksteel Ingot 玄铁锭 1j 10
Commander # 249 Golgari Signet 葛加理印记 1j 15
Commander # 256 Prophetic Prism 预视棱镜 3e 10
Commander # 263 Triskelavus 三节兽 2e 30
Commander # 266 Barren Moor 贫瘠溼地 3e1j 10
Commander # 271 Dreadship Reef 惧舰礁岩 1e 15
Commander # 272 Evolving Wilds 成形野地 1e1j 10
Commander # 274 Fungal Reaches 真菌地带 1j 15
Commander # 275 Golgari Rot Farm 葛加理腐尸农场 1j 20
Commander # 278 Izzet Boilerworks 伊捷炼炉厂 1j 20
Commander # 285 Rupture Spire 破裂尖塔 3e1j 10
Commander # 286 Secluded Steppe 远僻草原 1j 10
Commander # 289 Svogthos, the Restless Tomb 不息之墓苏沃索 2e 15
Commander # 291 Terramorphic Expanse 地塑旷野 1e 10
Commander # 292 Tranquil Thicket 静谧灌丛 2e1j 10
Commander # 298 Zoetic Cavern 蕴生洞穴 1e 10
Commander # 198a Fire/Ice 热火/寒冰 1j 30
Planechase 2012 # 16 Concentrate 专注 2e 20
Planechase 2012 # 25 See Beyond 远见 4e 10
Planechase 2012 # 26 Sunken Hope 沈沦的希望 2e 30
Planechase 2012 # 32 Dark Hatchling 黑暗幼雏 2e 30
Planechase 2012 # 35 Okiba-Gang Shinobi 炽场帮忍者 2e 10
Planechase 2012 # 37 Throat Slitter 切喉者 2e 30
Planechase 2012 # 39 Arc Trail 弧光曳迹 2e 20
Planechase 2012 # 71 Ondu Giant 昂度巨人 1e 10
Planechase 2012 # 83 Bituminous Blast 沥青冲击 2e 10
Planechase 2012 # 85 Deny Reality 否认现实 2e 10
Planechase 2012 # 89 Enigma Sphinx 谜样史芬斯 2e 30
Planechase 2012 # 90 Enlisted Wurm 受召亚龙 2e 10
Planechase 2012 # 98 Kathari Remnant 卡刹立遗骸 2e 10
Planechase 2012 # 100 Last Stand 奋抗到底 1e 30
Planechase 2012 # 108 Armillary Sphere 浑天仪 4e 10
Planechase 2012 # 109 Farsight Mask 预示面具 1e 10
Planechase 2012 # 124 Rupture Spire 破裂尖塔 3e 10
Planechase # 59 Menacing Ogre 1e 30
Planechase # 74 Ivy Elemental 1e 30
Planechase # 81 Verdant Force 1e 30
Planechase # 127 Skeleton Shard 1e 20
Planechase # 137 Shivan Oasis 1e 15
Archenemy # 40 Gathan Raiders 1e 10
Archenemy # 54 Fertilid 1e 10
Archenemy # 58 Gleeful Sabotage 1e 10
Archenemy # 64 Molimo, Maro-Sorcerer 1e 30
Archenemy # 94 Selesnya Guildmage 1e 15
Archenemy # 100 Watchwolf 1e 20
Archenemy # 131 Nantuko Monastery 1e 15
Archenemy # 135 Tranquil Thicket 1e 10
Archenemy # 101a Wax/Wane 1e 15
Coldsnap Decks # 13 Lat-Nam's Legacy 拉特南遗物 2e 15
Coldsnap Decks # 15 Portent 预兆 2e 20
Beatdown # 78 Svyelunite Temple 希亚尔军的神殿 1e 10
Anthologies # 6 Lady Orca 1e 30
Anthologies # 7 Black Knight 1e 15
Anthologies # 9 Knight of Stromgald 1e 15
Anthologies # 10 Ihsan's Shade 1e 30
Anthologies # 52 Hurricane 1e 30
Anthologies # 54 Overrun 1e 20
Anthologies # 55 Order of the White Shield 1e 15
Anthologies # 59 White Knight 1e 15
Anthologies # 62 Slippery Karst 1e 10
Anthologies # 63 Serrated Arrows 1e 30
Anthologies # 66 Giant Growth 1e 10
Anthologies # 69 Llanowar Elves 1e 10
※ 编辑: vm3au6xup6 (, 06/03/2014 19:33:17