[外电] David Fletcher下注非法运彩

楼主: polanco (polanco)   2024-05-18 15:09:17
Sources: Ex-Angels IF David Fletcher bet with Mizuhara bookie
David Fletcher, a former Los Angeles Angels infielder currently playing for the
Atlanta Braves' Triple-A affiliate, and a friend of his, who also played in the
minor leagues, both bet on sports with the Southern California bookmaker who too
k wagers from Shohei Ohtani's longtime interpreter, according to multiple source
s detailing the activities.
前天使内野手,现在在勇士3A的David Fletcher跟他的朋友都有向涉及水原案的组头下注
Fletcher, who was Ohtani's teammate from 2018 to 2023 and has been described as
one of his closest friends in baseball, placed bets with the bookmaking operatio
n of Mathew Bowyer, according to the sources. Ohtani's former interpreter, Ippei
Mizuhara, also bet with Bowyer and eventually stole nearly $17 million from the
Japanese superstar to feed his addiction, according to prosecutors.
Fletcher是大谷的前队友兼在棒球界最好的朋友之一,他透过Mathew Bowyer投注。水原亦
Fletcher's close friend, Colby Schultz, who played in the Kansas City Royals' sy
stem from 2018 to 2020, placed bets on baseball, including on Angels games that
Fletcher played in while he was on the team, multiple sources told ESPN.
Fletcher的好友Colby Schultz在皇家小联盟打过三年球,他有赌棒球并且有下注Fletcher
Fletcher bet on several sports but not baseball, according to multiple sources.
MLB players and employees are allowed to bet on sports other than baseball
作者: laking (兩層)   2024-05-18 16:59:00
大谷就没去牌局,可是就因为Fletcher 是他最好朋友之一,又要大谷扛,会被说怎么可能不知情
作者: JKjohnwick (PTT会被盗帐号,泄漏个资)   2024-05-18 17:05:00
作者: NolanGorman (诺兰够慢)   2024-05-18 23:40:00
国外之前已经超多谷酸会在大谷相关新闻或影片下开酸类似Bet Player(Best Player)之类的
作者: mayzn (mayzn)   2024-05-19 07:46:00
粉跟酸就相对的 你粉多酸也会成长
作者: lightmei (亮)   2024-05-20 09:11:00
作者: s860382 (Vivi)   2024-05-20 10:50:00
不用说国外压 脸书只要有关水原的新闻 下面留言就是一堆说大谷也有的留言

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