The Red Sox and Brayan Bello are deep in talks about a long-term deal to keep hi
m with the team beyond 2028, per sources.
红袜目前正在和阵中24岁先发投手Brayan Bello
.@YancenPujols reports that Brayan Bello and the Red Sox are close to signing an
extension worth at least $50 million over 5 years.
He notes that a deal is likely to be announced during the Dominican Republic ser
ies this weekend.
That would point to all his arb years being bought out if it starts this year. I
’d expect a free agent year or two to also be included in a deal with Hunter Gr
eene and Spencer Strider as benchmarks.
IP:214.1 ERA:4.37 WHIP:1.456 ERA+102
2024 底薪
2025 底薪
2026 仲裁
2027 仲裁
2028 仲裁
2029 FA