The #Braves today recalled LHP Danny Young to Atlanta and placed LHP Max
Fried on the 15-day injured list, backdated to May 6, with a strained left
Fried's MRI didn't create any concern about possibly needing a second TJ
surgery. He will be shut down from throwing until his forearm heals. He'll
then have to build back up and basically go through Spring Training again.
So, timetable is TBD. But this won't be a short-term IL
在前一场与金莺比赛控球不佳难得一见的爆炸后,勇士今天将队上的王牌投手、去年国联赛扬第二名的强力左投 Max Fried 放入伤兵名单,具体原因为 strained left arm。虽然官方目前消息是伤势经评估不至于造成第二次 TJ(Fried 刚进入教士低阶农场时开过),但strained arm 是一个不理想的关键字,未来情形不容乐观以对。
其实 Fried 去年下半季开始就有一些不稳定的征兆,个人季后也相当忧心他的手臂会是今年的未爆弹,今不幸成真。如未来休养、治疗和复健不顺利,也不能排除继 Luke Jackson, Tyler Maztek, Ian Anderson 后,他成为勇士2021冠军球队第四位严重韧带受损的投手。
而日前勇士已将去年唯一20胜的投手Kyle Wright 再次因肩伤放入伤兵名单,如今再失去王牌 Fried 后,这个球季将如何填补先发投手的轮值战力空缺,必将成为最大的课题。
对 Fried 本人而言,即将在 2025季后成为FA的他,这次受伤无疑是一个重大的负面冲击。