Billionaire Mike Repole joins A-Rod and J-Lo’s bid for the Mets
Darren Rovell reports that billionaire Mike Repole has joined the Alex
Rodriguez and Jennifer Lopez’s bidding group in hopes of buying the Mets.
A-Rod and J-Lo have been rumored to be interested in the Mets for months, but
they don’t have the sort of scratch to do it without the sort of billionaire
types who populate modern baseball ownership groups. Repole has additional
Mets ties in that he has been involved in Vitaminwater, which featured David
Wright as an early investor and spokesman. Repole is also a thoroughbred
owner, a Queens native and a huge Mets fan. He’s been mentioned for years as
a possible Mets bidder one day, albeit usually on a merely speculative basis.
Last we heard Josh Harris and David Blitzer, the owners of the Philadelphia
76ers and New Jersey Devils, were putting together a bid for the Mets as
well. Hedge funder Steve Cohen was previously set to spend $2.6 billion for a
majority share of the franchise before the deal fell apart, but you never
know if he’ll circle back around again.
运动饮料品牌BodyArmor的创办人Mike Repole