But, if the sole factor is minimizing risk for the novel coronavirus, Dr.
Anthony Fauci said the major leagues would be wise to wrap up the postseason
in September.
“If the question is time, I would try to keep it in the core summer months
and end it not with the way we play the World Series, until the end of
October when it’s cold,” Fauci, director of the National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said in a telephone interview with The Times
on Tuesday. “I would avoid that.”
美国陈时中Anthony Fauci 表示最好在九月打完季后赛
"如果问题是时间 我会尽量在夏天打 然后不要像过去WS一样在寒冷的十月结束"
In his correspondence with the league, Meyer suggested the league’s refusal
to extend the postseason into November is a cost-containing mechanism wrapped
in what he called a “pretext” of player health. In the event of outbreaks
in certain areas, Meyer said the union is willing to let the league relocate
games to neutral sites.
在之前的劳资纠纷中 工会律师Meyer称联盟以健康理由拒绝在11月打季后赛只是"借口"