Philadelphia #Phillies owner John Middleton still in Las Vegas with Bryce
Harper negotiations and optimism now is that 10-year deal with Bryce Harper
is finalized by Monday afternoon.
费城人队老板 John Middleton 亲自飞到到拉斯维加斯
直接与 Bryce Harper 会面协商,同时他也有信心最后能够以十年合约网罗Harper
除此之外,Harper 合约要价落在3.5亿到3.6亿美金之间
Harper asking price is said by some involved teams to be in 350/360M range.
The case is that while Harper and Machado may be comparable on field and
similar age, Harper has real value off field due to cachet/fame. Some owners
concede this tho some claim it’s “hard to quantify”