JimOBrien (family man)
2016-04-05 08:39:53http://goo.gl/uG4FIC
30年后 第7战的先发投手Ron Darling出版新书
"Game 7, 1986: Failure and Triumph in the Biggest Game of My Life"
以white crosses作为5 mg安非他命的代称
更重剂量的则称作black beauties
You'd see guys toward the end of a game, maybe getting ready for their final
at bat, double-back into the locker room to chug a beer to "re-kick the bean"
so they could step to the plate completely wired and focused and dialed in.
They had it down to a science, with precision timing. They'd do that thing
where you poke a hole in the can so the beer would flow shotgun-style.
They'd time it so that they were due to hit third or fourth that inning, and
in their minds that rush of beer would kind of jump-start the amphetamines
and get back to how they were feeling early on in the game—pumped, jacked,
good to go. How they came up with this recipe, this ritual, I'll never know,
but it seemed to do the trick; they'd get this rush of confidence that was
through the roof and step to the plate like the world-beaters they were born
to be.
— Ron Darling 效力于 Mets 1983~1990 而在 1995 退休
他现在是 TBS, the MLB Network, SNY and WPIX 的 analyst
"Game 7, 1986" 是他出版的第二本书
作者: BlitzX 2016-04-05 08:48:00
有差吗 hank aaron用安非他命 MLB还不是把他供在神坛上
bkm1 (殷仔 加油!!!)
2016-04-05 08:57:00美国道德感较低 时间若对 球星连作奸犯科后 还会被喜欢怀念
作者: BlitzX 2016-04-05 09:10:00
对比bonds的年代大家都用steroid 结果就bonds被抓出来鞭
tim1112 (絕代當世åŠå·”)
2016-04-05 09:10:00要看那时候有没有明确的规定禁止吧
作者: mightymouse (翻堕罗流大师) 2016-04-05 09:19:00
作者: BlitzX 2016-04-05 09:19:00
作者: mightymouse (翻堕罗流大师) 2016-04-05 09:20:00
作者: pfw 2016-04-05 09:27:00
davidex (  ̄□ ̄)/喔~~喔喔~~喔喔)
2016-04-05 10:12:00吸毒都行了 怪不得道德瑕疵根本算个屁
作者: seed800506 2016-04-05 11:17:00
90年代球员根本虽小 被以最高道德标准看待
newest (C'est la vie~)
2016-04-05 11:50:00比赛前吸毒都不用尿检哦XDDDDDDDDD
以前一堆时代共业就算了,就想不透2006以后被抓到的球员Arod Braun之类的怎还会有人支持,成绩根本就假的
bestteam (wombat是胖胖熊)
2016-04-05 16:12:00A-ROD也没被验到过啊
Avis (哈八八包)
2016-04-05 22:52:00邦兹也被检出过安非他命