Ian Browne Travis Shaw named starting third baseman for @RedSox. Defense was deciding factor. Pablo Sandoval will try to earn more playing time. http://tinyurl.com/jhlzz8o 根据MLB官网的红袜专职写手Ian Browne所言, 红袜最终基于防守考量决定将熊猫bench, 让春训异常积极的Travis Shaw担任开季先发3B. 原本以为Shaw的机会是在明年, 等老爹退休、小亨利转DH空出一垒后, 只能说皇天不负苦心人阿~ 至于熊猫... Sandoval: "It's the right decision to help the team win." Said he wasn't surprised, will keep working to earn back at-bats.