iamyamashi (派大星是我兄弟)
2015-12-15 21:29:50权威网站Baseball Prospectus近一个月陆陆续续公布各队的Top 10 Prospects
右打冲1B 左打冲1B
Tool 别称 球速 打击率 全垒打 所需秒数 所需秒数 60码奔跑
80 80 97 .320 40+ 4.00 3.90 6.3
75 96 .310 35-40 4.05 3.95 6.4
70 Plus Plus 95 .300 30-35 4.10 4.00 6.5
65 94 .290 27-30 4.15 4.05 6.6
60 Plus 93 .280 23-27 4.20 4.10 6.7
55 Above Avg 92 .270 19-22 4.25 4.15 6.8
50 Avg 90-91 .260 15-18 4.30 4.20 6.9-7.0
45 Below Avg 89 .250 12-15 4.35 4.25 7.1
40 88 .240 8-12 4.40 4.30 7.2
35 87 .230 5-8 4.45 4.35 7.3
30 86 .220 3-5 4.50 4.40 7.4
而在tool最后通常有个FV(Final Value或Future Value)或称Future Role
打者 先发投手 后援投手 WAR值
80 Top 1-2 #1 Starter —- 7.0
75 Top 2-3 #1 —- 6.0
70 Top 5 #1/2 —- 5.0
65 All-Star #2/3 —- 4.0
60 Plus #3 High Closer 3.0
55 Above Avg #3/4 Mid Closer 2.5
50 Avg Regular #4 Low CL/High SU 2.0
45 Platoon/Util #5 Low Setup 1.5
40 Bench Swing/Spot SP Middle RP 1.0
35 Emergency Call-Up Emergency Call-Up Emergency Call-Up 0.0
30 *Organizational *Organizational *Organizational -1.0
1. Tyler Kolek, RHP
DOB: 12/15/1995
Height/Weight: 6’5” 260 lbs.
Future Tools: 70 Fastball, 55 Slider
Role: 55—Above-average member of a starting rotation
Major league ETA: 2017
2. Josh Naylor, 1B
DOB: 06/22/1997
Height/Weight: 6’1” 225 lbs.
Bats/Throws: L/L
Future Tools: 70 power, 55 hit
Role: 50—Average regular
Major league ETA: 2018
只能守一垒。Bret Sayre认为他未来能有.270打率、30发全垒打的表现,但还有很长
3. Jarlin Garcia, LHP
DOB: 1/18/1993
Height/Weight: 6’2” 170 lbs.
Future Tools: 65 fastball, 50 curveball, 50 command
Role: High 50—Mid-rotation starter
Major league ETA: 2017
4. Kendry Flores, RHP
DOB: 11/24/1991
Height/Weight: 6’2” 175 lbs.
Future Tools: 55 command, 55 change, 50 fastball
Role: High 45—Back-end starter
Major league ETA: Debuted in 2015
5. Brett Lilek, LHP
DOB: 08/10/1993
Height/Weight: 6’4” 195 lbs.
2015 Stats: .3.34 ERA, 35 IP, 7 BB, 43 K at short-season Batavia
Future Tools: 55 fastball, 50 slider, 50 change
Role: High 45—Back-end starter
Major league ETA: 2018
6. Isael Soto, OF
DOB: 11/02/1996
Height/Weight: 6’0” 180 lbs.
Bats/Throws: L/L
Future Tools: 60 power, 60 arm
Role: 45—Below-average regular/bench bat
Major league ETA: 2018
7. Austin Dean, OF
DOB: 10/14/1993
Height/Weight: 6’1” 190 lbs.
Bats/Throws: R/R
Future Tools: 50+ Power (Raw), 50+ speed
Role: 45—Below-average corner outfield regular/bench bat
Major league ETA: 2017
8. Stone Garrett, OF
DOB: 11/22/1995
Height/Weight: 6’2” 195 lbs.
Bats/Throws: R/R
Future Tools: 55 power, 55 speed
Role: 45—Below-average regular/bench bat
Major league ETA: 2017
9. Brian Anderson, 3B
DOB: 05/19/1993
Height/Weight: 6’3” 185 lbs.
Bats/Throws: R/R
Future Tools: 60 arm, 55 glove
Role: 40—Utility infielder
Major league ETA: 2017
10. J.T. Riddle, SS
DOB: 10/12/1991
Height/Weight: 6’3” 175 lbs.
Bats/Throws: L/R
Future Tools: 60 arm, 55 glove
Role: 40—Utility player
Major league ETA: 2016
1. Joe Gatto, RHP
DOB: 06/14/1995
Height/Weight: 6’3”, 200 lbs.
Future Tools: 65 fastball, 55 curve
Role: 50—High-leverage reliever/mid-rotation starter, with plenty of
Major league ETA: 2018
他被认为是个三号先发等级的投手,原作者说就怕他一不小心ends up pitching in the
2. Jahmai Jones, OF
DOB: 08/04/1997
Height/Weight: 5’11” 200 lbs.
Bats/Throws: R/R
Future Tools: 60 speed, 55 glove, 50 hit
Role: 50—Average regular in center field
Major league ETA: 2019
3. Victor Alcantara, RHP
DOB: 04/03/1993
Height/Weight: 6’2” 190 lbs.
Future Tools: 70 fastball, 50-plus slider
Role: High 45—Back-end starter/high-leverage reliever
Major league ETA: 2017
4. Taylor Ward, C
DOB: 12/14/1993
Height/Weight: 6’1” 180 lbs.
Bats/Throws: R/R
Future Tools: 70 arm, 55 glove
Role: 45—Fringe-average regular catcher
Major league ETA: 2017
5. Kyle Kubitza, 3B
DOB: 07/15/1990
Height/Weight: 6’3” 210 lbs.
Bats/Throws: L/R
Future Tools: 60 arm, 50 hit
Role: 40—Backup corner infielder
Major league ETA: Debuted in 2015
6. Roberto Baldoquin, SS
DOB: 05/14/1994
Height/Weight: 5’11” 185 lbs.
Bats/Throws: R/R
Future Tools: 50 hit, 50 arm
Role: 40—Utility infielder
Major league ETA: 2017
7. Jake Jewell, RHP
DOB: 05/16/1993
Height/Weight: 6’3” 200 lbs.
Future Tools: 70 fastball, 50 slider
Role: 40—No. 5 starter/middle reliever
Major league ETA: 2017
8. Julio Garcia, SS
DOB: 07/31/1997
Height/Weight: 6’0” 175 lbs.
Bats/Throws: R/R
Future Tools: 60 arm, 55 glove
Role: 40—Backup middle infielder
9. Nate Smith, LHP
DOB: 08/28/1991
Height/Weight: 6’3” 205 lbs.
Future Tools: 55 change, 50 command
Role: 40—Swingman
Major league ETA: 2016
10. Chad Hinshaw, OF
DOB: 09/10/1990
Height/Weight: 6’1” 205
Bats/Throws: R/R
Future Tools: 60 speed, 55 glove
Role: 40—Fourth outfielder
Major league ETA: 2016
1. Franklin Barreto, SS
DOB: 02/27/1996
Height/Weight: 5’9” 175 lbs.
Bats/Throws: R/R
Future Tools: 60 hit, 60 arm, 50 power
Role: 60—First-division shortstop
Major league ETA: 2017
的top 1。他就是在去年MVP-Josh Donaldson的那宗惊天交易案从蓝鸟弄来的,他是
3成打率13轰8盗、长打率5成的数据,Bret Sayre认为他将来是个.290打率15轰全垒打
2. Sean Manaea, LHP
DOB: 02/01/1992
Height/Weight: 6’5” 235 lbs.
Future Tools: 65 fastball, 55 slider
Role: 55—mid-rotation starter
Major league ETA: 2017
他的直球分数高达65分,接近plus plus的等级,相当优秀。虽然总Role是55分,
但Bret Sayre认为长的好的话Manaea将来是个单季200k的二号先发投手!
最高能丢到97 mph,状况好的话都可以在92-94附近,欸欸而且他是左投....
3. Jacob Nottingham, C
DOB: 04/03/1995
Height/Weight: 6’3”, 230 lbs.
Bats/Throws: R/R
Future Tools: 60 power, 50 hit
Role: 55—Above-average regular behind the plate
Major league ETA: 2017
Bret Sayre甚至认为他将来的Power不会输给Evan Gattis,Gattis之前在勇士队当
4. Matt Olson, 1B
DOB: 3/29/1994
Height/Weight: 6’5” 230 lbs.
Bats/Throws: L/R
Future Tools: 65 power, 60 arm
Role: 50—Average regular at first
Major league ETA: 2016
5. Richie Martin, SS
DOB: 12/22/1994
Height/Weight: 6’0” 190 lbs.
Bats/Throws: R/R
Future Tools: 60 arm, 60 speed, 60 glove
Role: 45—Fringe-average regular at shortstop
Major league ETA: 2018
6. Matt Chapman, 3B
DOB: 04/28/1993
Height/Weight: 6’2” 205 lbs.
Bats/Throws: R/R
Future Tools: 70 arm, 60 glove, 50+ power
Role: 45—Fringe-average regular third baseman
Major league ETA: 2017
7. Yairo Munoz, SS
DOB: 01/23/1995
Height/Weight: 6’1” 165 lbs.
Bats/Throws: R/R
Future Tools: 60 arm, 55 speed, 50-plus raw power
Role: 45—Fringe-average regular infielder
Major league ETA: 2017
8. Casey Meisner, RHP
DOB: 05/22/1995
Height/Weight: 6’7” 190 lbs.
Future Tools: 60 fastball, 50 curveball
Role: 45—Back-end starter/high-leverage reliever
Major league ETA: 2017
9. Chad Pinder, IF
DOB: 03/29/1992
Height/Weight: 6’2” 190 lbs.
Bats/Throws: R/R
Future Tools: 60 arm, 50 hit
Role: 45—Utility player
Major league ETA: 2017
10. Renato Nunez, 3B
DOB: 04/04/1994
Height/Weight: 6’1” 200 lbs.
Bats/Throws: R/R
Future Tools: 55 power, 55 arm
Role: 45—Backup corner-infielder
Major league ETA: 2016
1. Orlando Arcia, SS
DOB: 08/04/1994
Height/Weight: 6’0” 165 lbs.
Bats/Throws: R/R
Future Tools: 70 arm, 60 glove, 60 speed, 55 hit
Role: 60—First-division shortstop
Major league ETA: 2016
酿酒人今年农常评比超高,是个A system。跟运动家同样排名第一的是闪耀的
游击手,Role高达60分,且今年进步非常大。拥有很好的bat control去打大部分的球
2. Brett Phillips, OF
DOB: 05/30/1994
Height/Weight: 6’0” 180 lbs.
Bats/Throws: L/R
Future Tools: 70 arm, 60 run, 55 glove, 55 hit
Role: 55—Above-average regular in center field.
Major league ETA: 2017
3. Jorge Lopez, RHP
DOB: 02/10/1993
Height/Weight: 6’3”v190 lbs.
Future Tools: 65 fastball, 60 curveball
Role: 55—Above-average starting pitcher
Major league ETA: Already debuted
4. Trent Clark, OF
DOB: 11/01/1996
Height/Weight: 6’0” 205 lbs.
Bats/Throws: L/L
Future Tools: 60 hit, 55 run
Role: 50+—Solid-average regular in a corner outfield position
Major league ETA: 2018
5. Gilbert Lara, SS
DOB: 10/30/1997
Height/Weight: 6’0” 190 lbs.
Bats/Throws: R/R
Future Tools: 60 power, 60 arm
Role: 50—Average regular at shortstop or solid-average regular at third base
Major league ETA: 2019
他破了酿酒人签约海外幼苗的签约金纪录,只有一个原因-Power。有点像走Miguel Sano
6. Devin Williams, RHP
DOB: 09/21/1994
Height/Weight: 6’3” 165 lbs.
Future Tools: 60 fastball, 55 change
Role: 50—Mid-rotation starter/high-leverage reliever
Major league ETA: 2017
7. Monte Harrison, OF
DOB: 08/10/1995
Height/Weight: 6’3” 220 lbs.
Bats/Throws: R/R
Future Tools: 70 arm, 60 speed, 60 glove
Role: 50—Average corner-outfield regular
Major league ETA: 2018
8. Zach Davies, RHP
DOB: 02/07/1993
Future Tools: 70 change, 55 command
Role: 45—Back-end starter
Major league ETA: Already debuted
9. Cody Ponce, RHP
DOB: 04/25/1994
Height/Weight: 6’6” 240 lbs.
Future Tools: 60 fastball, 50 curve
Role: 45—back-end starter/high-leverage reliever
Major league ETA: 2018
10. Tyrone Taylor, OF
DOB: 01/22/1995
Height/Weight: 6’0” 185 lbs.
Bats/Throws: R/R
Future Tools: 60 speed, 55 glove
Role: 45—Fringe-average regular in center field/fourth outfielder
Major league ETA: 2016