CBS Sports' Jon Heyman reports that Josh Johnson will undergo a third Tommy
John surgery.
Brutal. Johnson has encountered multiple setbacks along the way in his rehab
from a second Tommy John surgery and apparently his ligament snapped again.
Heyman says that the right-hander plans to go through the rehab process again
and attempt a return rather than hang it up. Johnson, 31, has made just one
rehab start and zero starts in the majors over the last two seasons due to
原本想要一拼在今年重返大联盟的Josh Johnson,在复健赛时又伤到手肘了...
去找了Dr. James Andrews之后,决定开第3次TJ
(注:另一位开了3次TJ的Jonny Venters目前正在复健中,目标2016复出)