[闲聊] 不准骚扰我女儿

楼主: Zamned (Как дела?)   2015-03-04 15:23:18
Curt Schilling转换为连恩尼逊模式,人肉搜寻并公布多位于网络骚扰他的
Warning to all Twitter trolls: Your actions have repercussions, especially if
your ugly comments are directed towards former baseball star Curt Schilling's
The protective dad turned detective on Monday, March 2, when he named and
shamed a couple of young guys who had been harassing his daughter Gabby
Schilling via Twitter, and hiding behind social media aliases.
The situation began last week when Schilling congratulated his daughter via
Twitter on her acceptance to college where she'll be playing softball.
"Congrats to Gabby Schilling who will pitch for the Salve Regina Seahawks
next year," the proud pop wrote on Wednesday, Feb. 25.
There followed a host of kind and congratulatory messages. But among the
happy replies, and some lighthearted jokes that fellow students were looking
forward to dating his daughter, came a few lewd, gross, and extremely
unpleasant messages.
"[There were] tweets with the word rape, bloody underwear and pretty much
every other vulgar and defiling word you could likely fathom began to
follow," Schilling subsequently explained in his blog. "I was a jock my whole
life. I played sports my whole life. Baseball since I was 5 until I retired
at 41. I know clubhouses. I lived in a dorm. I get it. Guys will be guys.
Guys will say dumb cr-p, often. But I can’t ever remember, drunk, in a
clubhouse, with best friends, with anyone, ever speaking like this to
someone," he continued.
His solution? To go "dadmode," track down who two of the guys were and
publish the information right below the screenshots of their inappropriate
"The Sports Guru? Ya he's a DJ named Adam Nagel (DJ is a bit strong since
he's on the air for 1 hour a week) on Brookdale Student Radio at Brookdale
Community College,” Schilling blasted. “How do you think that place feels
about this stud representing their school? You don't think this isn't going
to be a nice compilation that will show up every single time this idiot is
googled the rest of his life? What happens when a potential woman he's after
googles and reads this?" he wrote on his blog.
"The other clown?" he added. "He's VP of the Theta Xi fraternity at Montclair
State University. I gotta believe if Theta Xi is cool with a VP of one of
their chapters acting like this I'd prefer to have no one I know in it. Also,
does anyone attending Montclair State University have a student handbook? If
so can you pass it along because I am pretty sure there are about 90
violations in this idiots tweets."
Since Schilling's actions, both Twitter accounts have been deleted and
Brookdale Community College released a statement on Facebook saying the
student involved had been suspended.
The former VP of the Theta Xi fraternity who went by the Twitter handle
"Hollywood” was later outed as Sean MacDonald, now a graduate working
part-time as a ticket seller for the Yankees. As soon as his identity became
public, he was fired immediately.
Jason Zillo, the team's director of communications told the news outlet
NJ.com, "We have zero tolerance for anything like this."
Schilling was pleased with the outcome. "These boys have yet to understand
one of life's most important lessons," Schilling wrote later in his blog. "In
the real world you get held accountable for the things you say and if you are
not careful that can mean some different things."
作者: xw668 (洼冢不良介)   2015-03-04 15:33:00
作者: seashel (Mr.鼻血)   2015-03-04 16:10:00
作者: realgenius (smiling angel)   2015-03-04 16:13:00
作者: sotight (小J)   2015-03-04 16:21:00
作者: Yginger1 (阿姜好帅)   2015-03-04 16:25:00
God lock
作者: EEERRIICC (大尾魯蛇)   2015-03-04 16:47:00
good luck
作者: wakuwaku (倒立喝汽水)   2015-03-04 17:28:00
作者: jet113102 (传说中的Yi)   2015-03-04 17:33:00
Good luck
作者: LoveMoose (基悠最高~!!!)   2015-03-04 17:44:00
作者: sonnyissonny (sonny)   2015-03-04 18:10:00
作者: abc12812   2015-03-04 18:38:00
那两个是太过分说什么想强暴席林女儿 所以才被抓出来不然一般乡民说什么想跟他女儿约会之类的嘴砲都没关系
作者: cacac (就这样吧)   2015-03-04 19:27:00
作者: mjonask (不是啦)   2015-03-04 19:38:00
good luck
作者: vincent39 (台中霸南)   2015-03-04 20:46:00
作者: wahaha5678 (Jç½µ)   2015-03-04 20:59:00
Good Luck
作者: mrkey (距離太遠 思念太近)   2015-03-04 22:28:00
Schilling这件事情干的好. 一个好像还是Yankees part time ticketing dept. 的这事情后 NYY 立马开除他
作者: hunterhaha (中山金城武)   2015-03-04 22:40:00
马可from催博雅 害我笑好久喔靠杯XDDDDDDDDDDDD
作者: stja (风)   2015-03-05 06:28:00
作者: decorum (Festina Lente)   2015-03-05 09:28:00
作者: TSbb (贷款三十年债开始)   2015-03-05 09:58:00
作者: kiddlau (KIDD)   2015-03-05 12:20:00
Good luck
作者: kimchimars (kimchimars)   2015-03-05 12:51:00
作者: icemilkgreen (下广安柏霖哥)   2015-03-05 14:52:00
作者: joyfound (羊)   2015-03-06 06:48:00
作者: kevabc1 (abc1)   2015-03-07 16:42:00
Good luck

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