andy880036s (築牆是一種態度)
2014-12-10 09:10:16Francisco Liriano re-signs with the Pirates for $39 million
Francisco Liriano turned his career around in Pittsburgh and now he’s
staying with the Pirates, as Robert Murray of MLB Daily Rumors reports that
the free agent left-hander has agreed to a three-year, $39 million deal.
Liriano was a buy-low pickup for the Pirates two offseasons ago and provided
a huge return on a minimal investment, starting 55 games with a 3.20 ERA and
338 strikeouts in 323 innings to re-emerge as one of the most dominant
lefties around.
Liriano rejected the Pirates’ one-year, $15.1 million qualifying offer last
month, so any other team signing him would have had to give up a draft pick
to do so. Pittsburgh doesn’t have to give up anything and now has Liriano
signed for similar annual money and a shorter deal than guys like Matt Garza,
Ricky Nolasco, and Ubaldo Jimenez received last winter.
在匹兹堡强势回春的Liri三年约续留囉 明年前三号:Cole > Liri > AJB ?
觉得可惜 原本希望凤还巢回双城XD