mrkey (è·é›¢å¤ªé æ€å¿µå¤ªè¿‘)
2013-05-29 06:19:42Lewis Yocum, who salvaged dozens of MLB careers, dies
Lewis Yocum, one of baseball's most prominent orthopedic surgeons who was at
the forefront of turning career-threatening surgeries into almost routine
procedures, died Tuesday, according to the Los Angeles Angels.
Yocum, 66, was the Angels team physician and was on the staff of the
Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic, which was founded by Frank Jobe, the
physician who pioneered Tommy John surgery in 1974.
He was suffering from liver cancer.
Yocum carried on the elbow replacement surgery, which has become a staple for
pitchers. Among his more recent patients was Washington Nationals star
Stephen Strasburg in 2010.
MLB 界出名的外科医生, Dr. Lewis Yocum 长期和肝癌奋斗, 今天不幸过世, 66 岁.
Dr. Yocum 尽管是 Angels 的 team physician, 也替不少出名的球员动过手术,
如 Strasburg 2010 年的 Tommy John, C.J. Wilson (2003, TJ),
Jordan Zimmermann (2009, TJ), Dustin Pedroia (脚), Alex Rodriguez,
以及当年 Kendrys Morales 再见满贯后的伤.