Curt Schilling, in a Wednesday interview on ESPN Radio, said toward the end
of his tenure with the Red Sox he was encouraged to use performance-enhancing
drugs by “members of the organization.”
Schilling表示 在他生涯尾端时 红袜球团鼓励他打药
“At the end of my career, in 2008 when I had gotten hurt, there was a
conversation that I was involved in in which it was brought to my attention
that this is a potential path I might want to pursue,” Schilling told Colin
Asked for more details, Schilling said the conversation occurred in the
clubhouse and involved “former members of the organization — they’re no
longer there. It was an incredibly uncomfortable conversation. Because it
came up in the midst of a group of people. The other people weren’t in the
conversation but they could clearly hear the conversation. And it was
suggested to me that at my age and in my situation, why not? What did I have
to lose? Because if I wasn’t going to get healthy, it didn’t matter. And if
I did get healthy, great.
"有前球团的人建议我 '都到生涯末期了 有何不可?'"