Re: Rays, Rangers, Indians, D-Backs Talking Trade

楼主: ccpz (OoOoOo)   2012-12-06 13:21:02
目前据说 Mariners, Rangers, Indians, Diamondbacks 凑一桌
Rangers 想要 Justin Upton
响尾蛇拿 Asdrubal Cabrera
印地安人拿 Trevor Bauer, Patrick Corbin, Mike Olt 之中几个
水手还在犹豫中, 目前考虑拿 Derek Holland, 不知道会送谁7
Mariners slowing down talks?
2 minutes ago by KenRosenthal
NASHVILLE, Tenn. - The fourth team in the blockbuster – or, at least, in
some permutations of the blockbuster – is Seattle.
And the Mariners, in the opinion of one of the officials involved in the
talks, amount to the biggest roadblock, unsure of whether to push forward
with the deal.
Texas general manager Jon Daniels is the driving force behind the trade,
feverishly trying to land Arizona right fielder Justin Upton, according to
multiple sources. Cleveland is the third principal team in the deal.
Daniels’ desire to land Upton could indicate that the Rangers would prefer
not to re-sign free-agent outfielder Josh Hamilton, and may be confident of
landing free-agent right-hander Zack Greinke.
But barring a major shift in the talks, the four-team blockbuster appears
unlikely to happen, sources say.
The teams in the trade have discussed numerous combinations of players, and
the identity of the fourth team has shifted at various points. Tampa Bay was
involved at one stage, sources say, and so was Kansas City, according to
Shortstop Asdrubal Cabrera is a linchpin of the deal, going from Cleveland to
Arizona. The player that Seattle wants most is left-hander Derek Holland,
sources said.
The package of young players going to Cleveland would vary, but Arizona
right-hander Trevor Bauer, left-hander Patrick Corbin and Texas infielder
Mike Olt were among the names in play, according to one source.
Seattle also would give up prospects, and club officials are divided over
whether the team is in a strong enough position competitively to make such a
deal, the source said.
-Ken Rosenthal
作者: SlamKai (Calm Violence)   2012-02-06 13:22:00
Mike Olt!!!!!!!!
作者: goopa (除此之外)   2012-02-06 13:23:00
作者: Pennyjr (木头人)   2012-02-06 13:24:00
水兵要拿Holland,不补棒子? 挺怪的想法
作者: goopa (除此之外)   2012-02-06 13:25:00
楼主: ccpz (OoOoOo)   2012-02-06 13:26:00
作者: alex710707 (PonWei)   2012-02-06 13:28:00
作者: goopa (除此之外)   2012-02-06 13:28:00
楼主: ccpz (OoOoOo)   2012-02-06 13:28:00
作者: pasaword (P幣拿來)   2012-02-06 13:30:00
笑脸 拿 Bauer corbin Olt ? 这么好
作者: catsondbs (猫仔)   2012-02-06 13:30:00
囧 光芒被踢出去了
作者: alex710707 (PonWei)   2012-02-06 13:31:00
作者: Pennyjr (木头人)   2012-02-06 13:31:00
作者: goopa (除此之外)   2012-02-06 13:33:00
交易架构应该是水手要丢人给响尾蛇 只是含金量不知如何?
作者: cardfat ( )   2012-02-06 13:34:00
楼主: ccpz (OoOoOo)   2012-02-06 13:34:00
这交易还在谣言阶段, 里面的人大概只有Justin Upton确定而已
作者: goopa (除此之外)   2012-02-06 13:34:00
Corbin => 穷人版 Pettitte而且年纪比较小 所以叫他小派....
作者: fountainNess (秋本平吉千人将)   2012-02-06 13:35:00
楼主: ccpz (OoOoOo)   2012-02-06 13:35:00
如果没有球队拿够力的新秀给响尾蛇, 成交的机会也不大吧
作者: goopa (除此之外)   2012-02-06 13:37:00
作者: coollonger (转角遇到旺~)   2012-02-06 13:37:00
作者: coollonger (转角遇到旺~)   2012-02-06 13:39:00
小蛇农场还有大物吗? 怎么觉得阵容交易得乱七八糟
作者: fountainNess (秋本平吉千人将)   2012-02-06 13:40:00
作者: taker627 (你马英九吗?)   2012-02-06 13:41:00
楼主: ccpz (OoOoOo)   2012-02-06 13:42:00
看了一下文章, 印地安人应该不是全拿, 只是从那些名单挑
作者: alex710707 (PonWei)   2012-02-06 13:45:00
作者: ryvius0723 (シロクマ)   2012-02-06 13:48:00
都给条子跟笑脸拿就好了? 这交易一看就知道不会成
作者: goopa (除此之外)   2012-02-06 13:48:00
作者: baroque7 (BRQ)   2012-02-06 13:53:00
丢Derek Holland+Olt去换Justin Upton? 拜托不要闹..
作者: mdfh (您真内行)   2012-02-06 13:55:00
作者: linisthebest (Chen16)   2012-02-06 13:59:00
条子这样换亏死了= =
作者: Bagwell5 (普雷波儿)   2012-02-06 13:59:00
作者: lusanova (建立新典范)   2012-02-06 14:09:00
作者: miabcd199 (超级喜欢周迅)   2012-02-06 14:11:00
作者: externaload (Vision of disorder)   2012-02-06 14:23:00
这样干脆Debut Mike Olt Upton弟还会继续猛吗?
作者: cd12631 (<(◥█◤△◥█◤)>)   2012-02-06 14:26:00
这种换法...不如这四队并成两队= =
作者: roxiang (天空之城)   2012-02-06 14:37:00
Mike Olt是不是很强阿? 有他今年的成绩吗@@...?
作者: maxspeed150 (听说茉夏分手了)   2012-02-06 14:39:00
作者: sjvious (LoveIsSweetMisery)   2012-02-06 16:43:00
Olt 不是评价为未来条子的主力阵容吗
作者: OoyaoO (你今天崩潰了嗎 囧)   2012-02-06 17:06:00
评价归评价 能不能打出来天知道 多的是顶级新秀没打出来的
作者: sjvious (LoveIsSweetMisery)   2012-02-06 17:19:00
作者: bkm1 (殷仔 加油!!!)   2012-02-06 21:08:00
A卡布除了很常上10大好球外 有哪点值得欣赏的???
作者: MarcLin (soybean)   2012-02-06 21:31:00
A-Cab 这两年OPS+120上下的SS,被你讲的跟杂鱼一样?
作者: matsui32 (失去才懂得珍惜)   2012-02-07 08:09:00
bkml都有人名了 google一下看成绩

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