ddtcd (专注)
2012-11-20 10:02:34http://0rz.tw/PLI0g
Postseason hero Raul Ibanez would like to re-sign with the Yankees
this offseason and the interest is mutual, Ken Davidoff of the New York
Post reports. The Yankees have "significant interest" in the 40-year-old,
according to Davidoff. The club has asked Ibanez to wait while they focus
on pitching, and that hasn't diminished his interest in returning to the
40岁老将 老吴Raul Ibanez有意愿回到NYY, 而NYY也有意和他续约.
但据报导, NYY补强重点首重投手, 续约老吴可能要等等.
老吴本季打击三围: .240/.308/.453, 19支全垒打, 63分打点