su43123 (无与伦比美丽的妳)
2012-10-29 15:51:43http://ppt.cc/qtUC
1:50AM EDT October 29. 2012 - DETROIT – Two World Series championships in
three years? That's unheard of.
Not since the Yankees rolled through three of three in 1998-2000 has anyone
produced what qualifies as dominance these days.
3年内拿下两届世界大赛冠军 ? 自从洋基超强的1998-2000年三连霸后还真没听说过
These San Francisco Giants are relative newcomers to the revolving door of
recent World Series winners but they certainly have a handle on how it's done
these days.
Pitching and defense won this World Series, even more emphatically than in 2010
, when the Giants were making their first postseason appearance since 2003
St. Louis can make a case for more prolonged excellence in the past decade –
and the Cardinals also have two trophies to show off.
投手和防守赢了这届的世界大赛 虽然红雀有他们的方法 , 而且也确实可以拿2个奖杯来
But the Giants rule now. They have a ballpark they fill every night, a revenue
stream that allows them to continue competing and – hey, how's this for a
refreshing concept in the midst of all that business talk? - they've certainly
embraced the team concept.
When they won two years ago, Tim Lincecum was a two-time Cy Young Award winner
who had led the NL in strikeouts three consecutive seasons.
Now, though, he's had to reinvent himself on the fly as a postseason reliever
just to contribute.And he has – both reinvent and contribute.
The closest thing to a household name on the team now – especially with the
eclectic and effective Brian Wilson on hiatus from closing thanks to surgery
– is catcher Buster Posey.
Posey hasn't solidified superstar status yet and didn't have a particularly
huge postseason. However, his grand slam triggered the Game 5 Division Series
victory at Cincinnati and his two-run homer Sunday erased the only lead Detroit
had in the entire World Series.
童颜巨棒的Possy虽然在季后赛没有恢复成超级巨星级的身手 但是对红人第5战赢球的那只
But the Giants' two championships came with Posey in the middle of the order
and everything else. He received the NL Hank Aaron Award for his offensive
prowess before Game 3 and he's a favorite to add the MVP next month.And the
missing year for the Giants in between? It was Posey's missing year, too.
When he went down for the season May 25, San Francisco was leading the NL West. They finished eight games back.
This championship was won, among numerous other names and reasons:
‧Because the "other guy" they picked up in a mid-season trade
we're talking about Scutaro rather than the more heralded Hunter Pence
– was the NLCS MVP and drove in the World Series-winning run.
因为季中加入的太郎 - 国联冠军赛MVP跟WS致胜打点
‧Because shortstop Brandon Crawford handled just about anything hit in an area
pretty much the size of McCovey Cove.
因为尻佛几乎守下游击区内的所有球, 那个范围大概跟麦考维湾一样大
‧Because a little guy named Sergio Romo took off his knit long enough on three
of the four nights these Series games were played to do everything Wilson was
able to do in ninth innings two years ago – and Romo even has a replica beard.
因为ROMO接替了大胡子的工作 , 甚至传承了胡子
‧Because Gregor Blanco became the regular left fielder in the wake of Melky
Cabrera's substance-abuse suspension. Even general manager Brian Sabean admits
he didn't know what he was getting with Blanco. A fourth outfielder maybe?
因为Blanco接替了毒奶的外野工作 , 虽然傻宾承认他不太认识Blanco...
How about the guy with key hits in two of the three Giants' scoring innings
over Games 2 and 3?
"He went off in spring training and distinguished himself early in the year,"
Sabean says. "He's a nice story, a nice young man."
And that's in direct contrast to the feeling around the team about Cabrera,
who's been eligible to return since the NLCS, but who the Giants clearly stated
they wanted no part of.
And finally, because manager Bruce Bochy had patience with Crawford and first
baseman Brandon Belt and numerous others because he knew the Giants would need
all of them to win, because he knew this fewest-homers-in-the-majors team could
only win with outstanding pitching and defense.
最后是教练 他有耐心 有信心 相信自己的球员 即使这支全联盟全垒打最少的球队只靠投
It's a formula that works. Let's see for how long.
今年奏效了 看看明年吧
Posey很重要 不过我觉得捕手ws负担更重 打线不能全寄托他
su43123 (无与伦比美丽的妳)
0000-00-00 00:00:00打太快手误 已修改~
lookers (实体店面 货到付款 宅配)
0000-00-00 00:00:00捕手有打击是赚到 不能要求那是一定会有的东西..
david18 (David)
0000-00-00 00:00:00巨人打击不强, 但是都很关键, 心理素质超威
这个作者系列赛有写文章支持巨人 说巨人会"凌虐"老虎
k1222 0000-00-00 00:00:00居然没提到Zito
yankeefat (本人内建试制51cm连装砲)
0000-00-00 00:00:00从NLCS1-3负逆转到WS横扫老虎
corlos (ナニソレ、イミワカンナ)
0000-00-00 00:00:00鸡头:老子从鬼门关前救人 力压V壮都没人说
yankeefat (本人内建试制51cm连装砲)
0000-00-00 00:00:00巨人最后七战全胜真的超强
其实有04红袜的感觉 也是绝处逢生然后WS4场清盘
作者: yaoyi94 (巧巧巧巧我的头) 0000-00-00 00:00:00
冠军推测不是只有一个说巨人赢 而且是五战解决的? 准!
piercepaul (Never too late)
0000-00-00 00:00:00Posey~
su43123 (无与伦比美丽的妳)
0000-00-00 00:00:00老人都不老人了
corlos (ナニソレ、イミワカンナ)
0000-00-00 00:00:002010还是老人 2012已经不是了年纪比较大的主力:太郎、佛光山、鸡头
xheath (heath)
0000-00-00 00:00:00佛光加持~~~季后的巨人~
tony160079 (La vida de un idiota)
0000-00-00 00:00:00进击的巨人
lewis88 (lewis88)
0000-00-00 00:00:00再次卫冕... 感觉是连霸才会出现的用词
作者: iammessiah ( ) 0000-00-00 00:00:00
遥想当年 没有三十三 别上旧金山
porten812 (节能.减碳.发优文)
0000-00-00 00:00:00Blanco可是守住Cain PG的大功臣耶
因为季中加入的太郎跟Pence , 一位是国联冠军赛MVP跟WS关键打点 这段好像有点错误? 因为他说"not"
Hunter Pence 然后后面的WS-winning run应该是指Scutaro在G4的胜利打点 不是Pence的
su43123 (无与伦比美丽的妳)
0000-00-00 00:00:00刚刚看原文发现有漏了几个字
su43123 (无与伦比美丽的妳)
0000-00-00 00:00:00应该是说阶段性任务很成功 能先发当然不要待牛棚
corlos (ナニソレ、イミワカンナ)
0000-00-00 00:00:00阿盲明年先发再不行,恐怕要降薪转中继后援了
clou (清闲静)
0000-00-00 00:00:00甚至传承了胡子XD
godswd (正港业徒灵)
0000-00-00 00:00:00继承了胡子XD
除非大病痛回不去 几年才会养成出一个 ACE stuff的投手傻了才会低潮一年就要他转RP 甚至巅峰期回不来当个工作马还是有他的价值在
sorry~应该是说有ACE stuff 还能养成功的
作者: Terrill 0000-00-00 00:00:00
MsKing (MsKing)
0000-00-00 00:00:0007年红袜也是ALCS一比三落后连赢七场
Vogelsong: 林北POSTSEASON拿了三胜..........