Re: Yastrzemski: 三冠王我也是看报纸才知道

楼主: abc12812   2012-10-04 21:20:42
※ 引述《abc12812 ()》之铭言:
: "In '67, the Triple Crown was never even mentioned once," Yastrzemski said
: Wednesday night. "We were so involved in the pennant race, I didn't know I
: won the Triple Crown until the next day, when I read it in the paper."
: Yastrzemski "1967的时候三冠王从来没被提起过 我们一直沉浸在分区冠军争夺赛中
: 我也是隔天看报纸才知道得了三冠王"
虽然Yastrzemski打出号称梦幻般的一季 但在MVP票选并没有获得全票
Name Pts 1st HR AVG OBP SLG
Carl Yastrzemski 275 19 44 .326 .418 .622
Harmon Killebrew 161 0 44
Bill Freehan 137 0
Joe Horlen 91 0
Al Kaline 88 0
Jim Lonborg 82 0
Jim Fregosi 70 0
Cesar Tovar 70 1 6 .267 .325 .365
逃走的那一票是明尼苏达的记者 而这票并不是投给并列全垒打王的Killebrew
而是投给多功能工具人Cesar Tovar
“He played six positions for the Twins and I saw him win games for them at
all six positions. We didn’t have the best of player relations on our club,
but Tovar never got mixed up in any of the clubhouse politics. He kept
plugging away, no matter where they put him, and to me he did a tremendous
job. If I wanted to be a ‘homer,’ I would have voted for Harmon Killebrew.
But Tovar was my choice and, if I had to do it all over again, I’d vote for
him again.”
作者: k33536 (是什么?)   0000-00-00 00:00:00
每个人对MVP的定义不同 要求也不同 我只能这样解释了
作者: terop (琉璃狮子)   0000-00-00 00:00:00
作者: hikaruton (Tonia~黄色希卡鲁)   0000-00-00 00:00:00
MVP字面上本来就很模糊 最有价值....每人真的不同
作者: ClutchShot (ClutchShot)   0000-00-00 00:00:00
作者: cha122977 (CHA)   0000-00-00 00:00:00
我觉得那个记者只是自以为眼光独到天生反骨- -
作者: jshuang (guest)   0000-00-00 00:00:00
去年 David Robertson 都有票了....
作者: a33278596 (夏天的)   0000-00-00 00:00:00
请教各位 We didn’t have the best of player relation
作者: Guerrero (hahaha)   0000-00-00 00:00:00
作者: a33278596 (夏天的)   0000-00-00 00:00:00
on our club but Tovar never got mixed up in any of
作者: Guerrero (hahaha)   0000-00-00 00:00:00
作者: a33278596 (夏天的)   0000-00-00 00:00:00
in any of the clubhouse politics. 这句大概意思
作者: catsondbs (猫仔)   0000-00-00 00:00:00
这些记者不只很主观 有些人更是常常故意不投大热门
作者: Sparksfly (火光飞舞)   0000-00-00 00:00:00
楼主: abc12812   0000-00-00 00:00:00
作者: lwei781 (nap til morning?)   0000-00-00 00:00:00

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