
楼主: abc12812   2012-09-08 15:19:40
Bobby Valentine never had a chance.
Don't blame the Boston Red Sox mess on him. The manager wasn't the answer and
really never had a chance. Just look at the 63-75 record.
And so Valentine will be fired virtually the moment the season ends Oct. 3.
Owners John Henry and Tom Werner— who were sold on Valentine, although not
enough to give him more than a two-year contract — know it.
General manager Ben Cherington, whose first choice for the job was Dale
Sveum, knows it.
Red Sox President Larry Lucchino told USA TODAY Sports on Thursday, "We'll
re-evaluate it at the end of the season," but he knows it.
And, of course, Valentine knows it.
More important for the Red Sox is getting the next hire right.
They already have their top choice to replace Valentine in John Farrell,
according to a high-ranking official who requested anonymity because the
Toronto Blue Jays manager is under contract. Farrell is beloved by the
organization after serving as pitching coach from 2007 to 2010.
If they can't pry away Farrell, who'll be the focus of attention at Fenway
Park today as the Blue Jays open a three-game series there, look for the Red
Sox to turn to Mike Scioscia if he is fired by the Los Angeles Angels.
蓝鸟的John Farrell是接班首选
不行的话 红袜会瞄准到时可能被天使火掉的Mike Scioscia
If they can't get either, they'll be more likely to bring back Grady Little
than keep Valentine.
再不行 红袜可能会找Grady Little凤还巢
作者: konkon (飘)   2012-09-08 15:21:00
作者: genteme (Brett Gardner's big fan)   2012-09-08 15:21:00
作者: francviking   2012-09-08 15:22:00
但也不用找到说虾吧( ︶︿︶)
作者: Sparksfly (火光飞舞)   2012-09-08 15:22:00
作者: cena0605 (姜西拿)   2012-09-08 15:23:00
作者: ps20012001 (开始想明年新计画)   2012-09-08 15:23:00
把Ozzie Guillen挖去好了...休息室应该会超热闹..
作者: nunzio (纳西欧)   2012-09-08 15:26:00
作者: YU0987 (玉™你就白吃)   2012-09-08 15:27:00
作者: nunzio (纳西欧)   2012-09-08 15:27:00
作者: ca1123 (It ain't over)   2012-09-08 15:33:00
作者: YU0987 (玉™你就白吃)   2012-09-08 15:34:00
作者: SlamKai (Calm Violence)   2012-09-08 15:35:00
让Big Papi球员兼教练好了....
作者: pcshjuju (近视传说)   2012-09-08 15:36:00
说虾蛮稳的吧? 但是看不懂袜袜高层在干嘛
作者: stkj9502 (艾伦)   2012-09-08 15:37:00
作者: ccpz (OoOoOo)   2012-09-08 15:39:00
找 Curt Schilling 比较刺激
作者: lanver1220 (面临绝种的小熊迷)   2012-09-08 15:40:00
找柯锡麟 不是也很好,够大牌+中肯+顺便教教新生代嘴砲
作者: Fernandeo (Fer)   2012-09-08 15:53:00
怎么觉得明年还是 8BV...
作者: Fernandeo (Fer)   2012-09-08 15:54:00
我倒看不出说虾哪里很差,有人愿意认真讲解一下吗 XD
作者: JacqueJones (她依然很美)   2012-09-08 15:55:00
今年BobbyV做的最成功的一件事 让高层送走260M
作者: JacqueJones (她依然很美)   2012-09-08 15:56:00
BobbyV这样搞还留的住的话 球迷会暴动的 不用担心
作者: maxspeed150 (听说茉夏分手了)   2012-09-08 16:00:00
说瞎是很old school而且很顽固的人当然 再怎么样他都比8BV好
作者: OoyaoO (你今天崩潰了嗎 囧)   2012-09-08 16:00:00
楼主: abc12812   2012-09-08 16:01:00
说瞎有拿过冠军 至少reputation还不赖
作者: ocean11 (深海)   2012-09-08 16:02:00
楼主: abc12812   2012-09-08 16:02:00
但Grady Little是害红袜不能破咒的罪人 凤还巢可能性???
作者: Fernandeo (Fer)   2012-09-08 16:03:00
但是他带的这几年,天使都满有竞争力的...If it's stupid, but it works, then it's not stupid..
作者: Fernandeo (Fer)   2012-09-08 16:05:00
以前好像也满多人觉得 Maddon 很逊的样子 XD
作者: silence569 (东北角海风)   2012-09-08 16:09:00
作者: EviL1988 (_ _")   2012-09-08 16:28:00
找说瞎!? 别刚把袜袜拉离火坑又推入粪坑
作者: maxspeed150 (听说茉夏分手了)   2012-09-08 16:37:00
大联盟教练在作战面上只要不乱搞就好 主要是要让球员信服.....说瞎在这方面的能力应该比8BV好一些
作者: wamgern (哗啦啦~!)   2012-09-08 16:55:00
大推席琳姊~~~!!!成功营造话题 嘴砲的实践者!
作者: LMakoto (无责任音乐制作)   2012-09-08 17:50:00
作者: ganbaru (加油)   2012-09-08 18:33:00
作者: yu198877526 (鱼子酱)   2012-09-08 19:26:00
我怎记得球员愿意为教练效力前几名的投票里有说瞎= =第一名是光芒的西瓜
作者: Fernandeo (Fer)   2012-09-08 19:42:00
作者: ps20012001 (开始想明年新计画)   2012-09-08 19:52:00
之前的那一串创意打线排序...好吧 这是颗神瓜...@@a..
作者: if2 (祈福兔)   2012-09-08 20:00:00
作者: notmuchmoney (真的不错....)   2012-09-08 21:30:00
My God~~
作者: federer365   2012-09-08 21:45:00
作者: daki85421 ((σ′▽‵)′▽‵)σ)   2012-09-08 22:29:00
作者: externaload (Vision of disorder)   2012-09-08 23:10:00
作者: forgetta ( )   2012-09-09 00:42:00
Grady Little?????????????????
作者: maikxz (超级痛痛人)   2012-09-09 00:48:00
作者: Andrew407 (安德鲁肆零柒)   2012-09-09 01:22:00
比较不明白的是 今年与球员交恶那么多 结果离队的都球员
作者: star01 (运动宅 电影宅)   2012-09-09 11:08:00

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