charliee (Double E)
2012-03-31 10:03:211.Michael Pineda 的先发轮值位置不保?
重要指标,结果他被打爆,allowing six runs in 2 2/3 innings, taking his spring
ERA to 5.68。洋基现在的先发轮值是6抢5的状态,Ivan Nova, Phil Hughes and
Freddy Garcia behind CC Sabathia and Hiroki Kuroda in the rotation.
2.Royals sign Alex Gordon to four-year, $37.5 million deal
The Kansas City Star’s Bob Dutton reports the first four seasons are worth
$37.5 million: $6 million in 2012, $9 million in 2013, $10 million in 2014
and $12.5 million in 2015. The Royals are paying more than they likely needed
to for the next two years (Gordon was already signed for $4.775 million for
2012), but they’ll make it back in his free agent seasons if Gordon remains
one of the game’s top 20 or 30 outfielders.
3.关于Stephen Drew/Carl Crawford/Cris Carpenter的伤势
四月底或五月初才可能回到阵中。Stephen Drew的状况比较复杂,目前尚无归期,
而且根据了解他的复健状况 “is a slow process”
4.Tony La Russa to get $2.5 million a year to … do something
许多人关心Tony La Russa的出路,他现在找到工作了...或者是说,他拿到title,
拿到钱,但还不知道该干些什么。大联盟官方提供Tony La Russa一年2.5M的薪水
请他担任"Special Advisor"(特别顾问),目前媒体的推测是可能跟Joe Torre一样
担任一些棒球大使的工作。但是一年2.5M的大使,待遇真不错。(Joe Torre薪水2M)
5.Rangers release former All-Star Brad Hawpe
It seems like forever ago now, but Brad Hawpe was an All-Star as recently as
2009.He had a rough 2010 season for the Rockies and Rays, was even worse in
part-time action with the Padres last season, and last night the Rangers
released him after signing Hawpe to a minor-league contract in January.
6.你也想当预测大师吗?来看看Tom Tango的网站吧
Tom Tango is big on crowd-sourcing. In the past he has asked readers for
personalized scouting reports, but he does other stuff along those lines too.
Including this, his Community Forecast, which determines how often each player
on a given team is expected to play.
Your results will be used as an input to the Marcel The Monkey Forecasting
System (aka The Marcels).
community forecast:http://tangotiger.net/survey/