Manny Ramirez: I'll be a role model

楼主: abc12812   2012-01-12 18:26:10
Early last season, Manny Ramirez abruptly retired from baseball after a
second violation of baseball's performance-enhancing drug rules, choosing to
walk away from the game rather than serve a 100-game suspension.
Now, Ramirez wants to land a tryout with a major league team for spring
training, hoping that his filing for reinstatement and having his ban
shortened from 100 games to 50 games will show teams that he's changed.
"I want to show people that Manny can change, that he can do the right
thing," Ramirez told ESPN's Pedro Gomez in an interview. "And to show people
that I still can play. I don't want to leave the game like I did. I also want
to show my kids that if you make a mistake, don't quit. Just go back and fix
it. And if you're going to leave, leave the right way."
Ramirez, who's currently working out in Florida, taking swings in a batting
cage and getting in shape by working out in a pool, believes he can be a role
model if a team gives him a chance.
"A bunch of guys are going to look at me and say hey, this guy made a mistake
but he didn't quit. Look how he finished. He did the right thing and came
back," Ramirez told Gomez.
Ramirez, 39, is an 18-year veteran who spent time with the Cleveland Indians,
Boston Red Sox, Los Angeles Dodgers, Chicago White Sox and Tampa Bay Rays.
He's a career .312 hitter, with 555 home runs and 1,831 RBIs.
When asked about his chances at the Hall of Fame now, after twice violating
MLB's drug policy, Ramirez said: "For me, now, if it happens, it's a plus.
But I got my Hall of Fame right here, my family."
Ramirez's training in Florida has confirmed his belief that he can "still
play the game."
"Hitting is about repetition," he said in the interview. "So that's why I
picked up swinging. It's not only your body, it's your mind. When you're
doing everything right, and you're firm in life, everything comes easy. But
when you have all these problems in your head and with your family, it's hard
to concentrate."
作者: beareyes (熊眼)   2012-01-12 18:28:00
作者: ImpactBlue (ImpactBlue)   2012-01-12 18:32:00
模范大葛格 XD
作者: sonnyissonny (sonny)   2012-01-12 18:38:00
作者: dp44 (lol)   2012-01-12 18:54:00
作者: hikaruton (Tonia~黄色希卡鲁)   2012-01-12 21:56:00
药效模范?? 那应该很多人比他有资格 XDDD
作者: Overmind (Overmind)   2012-01-12 23:33:00
作者: CGary (下雨天也挺浪漫的)   2012-01-13 00:24:00
小心用药 珍惜禁赛 Quota 的负面典范...
作者: kuyung (无敌暴龙)   2012-01-13 01:52:00
现在大人都喜欢睁眼说瞎话 死不道歉 难怪小孩长大有样学样
作者: metamorphic (改变)   2012-01-13 13:44:00
一堆人只看标题...Manny是说他想要悔改 只要有球队
作者: metamorphic (改变)   2012-01-13 13:45:00
愿意给他机会 他会勇敢面对过去的错然后证明自己还能
作者: metamorphic (改变)   2012-01-13 13:47:00
打球 所以他的意思是勇于认错悔悟的典范 虽然 其实也有点晚了XD
作者: metamorphic (改变)   2012-01-13 13:48:00
当初不愿服球监直接退抑或多或少说明了他不想面对的事实 现在他也承认他很后悔 早知如此啊..

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