※ 引述《stonemonkey (ネギ)》之铭言:
: The Twins agreed to a one-year deal with Jim Thome, the team announced.
: The left-handed slugger turned down overtures from the Rangers to resume
: his quest for 600 homers in Minneapolis.
: http://tinyurl.com/4t2tef3
: Thome's deal is one-year, $3 million and includes performance bonuses
: based on PAs
: http://twitter.com/kellythesier/status/25964289433018368
Jim Thome
HR All Time Rank
Career 589 No.8 (现役球员中排第二,仅落后 A-Rod)
生涯排第七的是 Sammy Sosa (609),如果 Thome 可以维持去年单季 25 轰的状况,
最快今年就可以超越 Sosa 了。
基本上应该 2020 年以前就有希望看到他进 Cooperstown 了吧?