leddy (耿秋)
2007-05-15 22:48:05※ [本文转录自 NY-Yankees 看板]
作者: leddy (耿秋) 看板: NY-Yankees
标题: Re: [统计] 2006 左外野手的 Zone Rating
时间: Tue May 15 22:44:10 2007
※ 引述《echomica (长崎美人)》之铭言:
: 恕删
: 请教L大
: 如何定义一个野手位置的防守范围是内是外?
: 考虑到布阵的不同
: 应该是指防守时移动的距离?
: 感谢
细节应该买一下John Dewan的The Fielding Bible, 美金19.95元
这个部落格到是有人看过了, 做了点评论
2) The zones. This is more likely the culprit. According to this grid used
for STATS, there are 8 x 22 or 176 places where a ball can land. In The
Fielding Bible (pg 9) there are about 260, though there is no map showing
exactly how they are structured. I would lean towards trusting the system
with the more detailed data, but I really have no idea which is closer to the
STATS计算的grid, 网址在此
STATS有176格去计算球的落点, John Dewan的书中则提到他用了
260格去计算, 只是书上没有如STATS把图列出来, 作者则相信他
唉! 这门统计学我们的职棒还要多久才追的上。