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◢ ◢ 2020 ★ Summer
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04:00 EG vs CLG
05:00 TSM vs TL
06:00 IMT vs FLY
07:00 GG vs DIG
Patch v10.11
◆ 10 teams participate
◆ Double Round Robin
◆ Matches are best of one
◆ Top eight teams qualify for Playoffs
◇ Top two teams receive a bye to winners' bracket
round 2
◇ 3rd to 6th play in the winners' bracket
◇ 7th and 8th play in the losers' bracket
Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/riotgames
Youtube https://reurl.cc/9zlZzn
gamepedia https://reurl.cc/oL6Doj
赛事官网 https://reurl.cc/8lkyl7
│Team│Top │JG │MID │AD │SUP │
│100T│Ssumday │Meteos │Ryoma │Cody Sun │Stunt │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ C9 │Licorice │Blaber │Nisqy │Zven │Vulcan │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │
│DIG │V1per │Akaadian │Froggen │Johnsun │aphromoo │
│ │ │Dardoch │ │ │JayJ │
│CLG │Ruin │Wiggily │Pobelter │Stixxay │Smoothie │
│ │ │ │ │Wind │ │
│ EG │Huni │Svenskeren│Jiizuke │Bang │Zeyzal │
│ │Kumo │ │ │ │ │
│Team│Top │JG │MID │AD │SUP │
│FLY │Solo │Santorin │POE │WildTurtle│IgNar │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ GG │Hauntzer │Closer │Damonte │FBI │huhi │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │
│IMT │sOAZ │Xmithie │Eika │Altec │Hakuho │
│ │ │Potluck │ │Apollo │Gate │
│ TL │Impact │Broxah │Jensen │Tactical │CoreJJ │
│ │TF Blade │ │ │ │ │
│TSM │Broken- │Spica │Bjergsen │Doublelift│Biofrost │
│ │Blade │ │ │ │ │
│ Season Rankings W-L │
1. 100 Thieves 0-0
1. Cloud9 0-0
1. Counter Logic Gaming 0-0
1. Dignitas 0-0
1. Evil Geniuses 0-0
1. FlyQuest 0-0
1. Golden Guardians 0-0
1. Immortals 0-0
1. Team Liquid 0-0
1. TSM 0-0