Re: [情报] S8官方规章:正式替补一名;紧急替补一名

楼主: willprince (查理)   2018-09-26 10:31:50
※ 引述《LENling (0.0)》之铭言:
: 3.2 Roster Requirements
: Each team is required to maintain, at all times during the WCE, five players i
: n the starting lineup (“Starters”), one substitute player (“Reserve”), and
: a head coach (collectively, the “Active Roster”). If any of the Active Rost
: er is not present onsite,then the team is subject to penalties. Any penalty ma
: y be waived by WCE officials in situations deemed by WCE officials to be an em
: ergency.
: 所以还是只能带一个正式替补
: 此外,还有紧急替补规则
: 3 Seventh Player Requirements
: A team is required to maintain a second substitute player (the “SeventhPlayer”) where (i) the team’s Starters are comprised of three Residentplayers and two Non-Resident players; and (ii) the team’s Reserve is a Non-Resident player. In this circumstance the team is required to maintain a Seventh Player that is a Resident player. This Seventh Player requirement is intended to protect against situations where a Resident player becomes unable to play at WCE and the team would be unable to field a
roster with its Non-Resident Reserve due to the prohibition of three Non-Resident players as Starters.
: 如果先发五人中有两个外援,且正式替补又是外援,那队伍按规则必须要带一个非外援的
: 紧急替补(强制要带),怕你搞到最后变上三个韩国人打
: 其他应该都一样 紧急替补只有不可抗拒因素才能上场
先发无极+Raise,如果中路换替补Candy就会变成三外援同时上场,这时候就可以合理使用第七人(非外援),原文并没有提到紧急或是紧急状况才能替补,只有说先发不能上场(unable to play),如果说先发第一场被打爆、状况不好、心态崩了换替补应该也是可以的。(Olleh就有发生过,后来心态才回稳)

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