GTX2080 (只有信仰超越信仰)
2018-04-02 12:02:48※ 引述《tom80727 (汤玛士小火车)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《Xeraphlolz (Xeraphlolz)》之铭言:
: : (这应该不是愚人节的玩笑,请推文自重)
: : https://goo.gl/kx3iwK (ESPN的报导)
: : https://goo.gl/6unLnC (DL的回应)
: : 大概是DL的哥哥 Yihong Peng 于星期六时
: : 突然向父亲和母亲用刀行刺
: : 母亲已确定去世而父亲受伤目前在医院就医
: : 而其原因不明(?
: : 因于小生的英语差 麻烦各位板上高手翻译新闻的详细内容
Regarding the recent news
This weekend I received some terrible news. My older brother attacked both of my parents with a knife.
As a result of this attack, my mom passed away and my dad was seriously hurt and is now recovering in hospital.
I'm still processing this news and joining up with my dad and little brother to make sure they're ok and the
proper arrangements are being made. I'll likely be quiet on social media while I work through this.
I hope you all understand and support me as you always have in the past.
我妈因此丧命, 我爸重伤还在医院治疗
我还在跟进新闻, 并会去见我爸和弟弟, 确保他们的情况, 并做好妥善的安排
在这段期间, 我会一阵子不在社交平台上发言。
我希望你们能理解, 也会一直支持我, 就像以前一样。
- DL
I have been crying. I will be here as always
我哭了, 我会一直在这里(陪大师兄的意思吧)
We’re all here for you if you need us. You’re family, always will be. Stay strong
我们都在这里, 有需要可以找我们, 你是我们的家人,一直都是, 要坚强起来
Stay strong brother. Many all over the world look up to you and will always be there to support you.
要坚强兄弟. 全世界敬仰你的人都会为你打气加油
Steve Arhancet (TL老板):
During this tragedy, I'm personally working closely with Peter to provide all the assistance and
support he may want or need. We are here for you Peter.
在这期间我将会亲自与Peter(DL英文名)保持联系, 提供所有他可能需要或很需要的协助与支持
Tryndamere (RIOT创办人):
Sorry to hear this DL. Let me know if there’s anything Riot or I can do to help.
很难过听到这个消息, DL, 如果有什么我或RIOT能帮忙的, 请让我知道。
对了, 那些在推文幸灾乐祸的, 已经检举了, 请板主积极对付, 谢谢