YamCha (饮茶)
2017-05-25 08:40:05惨= =
帮拍拍= =
好险= =
不要让大家再臆测了= =
还我特哥= =
※ 引述《fishpill (鱼丸XD)》之铭言:
: 我是鱼丸 今天一大早ptt站内收到HKE来信
: 补上图片
: http://i.imgur.com/PdHxB4H.jpg
: 以为是要找合作 结果GOOGLE翻译下去吓到
: 好像写说我有他们合约 要保密 不然要开告
: 但是我最近都在比赛和写攻略 根本没上来喷HKE
: 而且我连HKE都没接触过 更不用说有合约
: 难道是寄错人了 怕 = =
: 广大的乡民们可以帮我翻译一下信吗?
: 原文: Dear fishpill,
: On record, you are a contractual Esports player and/or Esports artist of Hong
: Kong Esports Limited.
: By virtue of the relevant contractual terms, verbal as well as written, you ar
: e obligated to keep in strict confidence of all information, data or trade sec
: ret came to your knowledge, directly or indirectly, whether or not through you
: r contractual relationship with us.
: We are now in possession of concrete evidence that in breach of the relevant c
: ontractual terms, you disclosed and are disclosing our information, data and t
: rade secret including but not limited to our esports strategy to third party b
: y various means as a result of which we suffered serious loss and damages.
: We hereby demand you to forthwith ceasing the abovementioned behaviour and und
: ertake not to commit such behaviour failing which we shall take legal action a
: gainst you for protection of our rights without further notice.
: All our rights and remedies in this matter are reserved.
: Wong Steven
: Legal Manager
: Hong Kong Esports Limited
: 16th May 2017