freshmints (åªæ±‚早點休æ¯)
2017-05-10 16:37:13连结:https://slingshotesports.com/2017/05/08/skt-coach-flash-wolves-level-lck
The head coach of SK Telecom T1 had high praise for the Flash Wolves, the Leag
ue of Legends Masters Series representative of the Mid-Season Invitational.
Before SKT left for Brazil to compete in MSI, the players and head coach engag
ed in a number of interviews with the Korean press. Daily eSports’ Nam Yoon-s
ung compiled responses about which team might be a rival to SKT’s second MSI
trophy, and head coach Choi “cCarter” Byung-hoon compared one of the MSI tea
ms to the level of his home region.
“Team SoloMid and Flash Wolves have shown strong performances as they have ma
de it to Round 2, and the Gigabyte Marines have shown a very entertaining full
series match against Team SoloMid,” he said. “The Flash Wolves are the clos
est (in MSI) to the play level of LCK teams.”
“TSM和FW已经在 Round 2 展现他们强大的实力,而GAM也在对上TSM的系列赛中,有着相
cCarter continued to say that many teams will be “looking out for us” seeing
as this is his team’s third trip to MSI, and especially since they won the p
revious one. This is following a previous interview with Lee “Faker” Sang-hy
eok where he also said that Flash Wolves looked like a “strong competitor” f
or MSI.
The Flash Wolves defeated Turkey’s representative, SuperMassive, on Thursday
and will play Team WE from China on Wednesday in its first group stage match
of MSI.