axdv1092 (Madness)
2015-08-02 16:43:39※ 引述《GOD5566GOD (o'_'o)》之铭言:
: https://www.facebook.com/ChawyXL/posts/1110021652347319
: Chawy
: 4 分钟前
: Hi everyone, i'm really sorry but to break this news to you. I have been
: banned
: from participating in any LoL tournaments for a period of time (not too sure
: how long the ban would be yet), because of an event of elo boosting done
: during
: March 2014.
大家好~ 我很抱歉有事情要跟你们说~
: For those who are interested in my part of the story, do continue reading
: below.
: I have been playing competitive since I was 14. I chose to take this path even
: though its not the smartest choice being born in Singapore, a country where
: E-sports is not as recognized. My passion for gaming and the desire to win
: made
: me who I am today.
: I started playing LoL when I was first invited by Riot to take part in 2010
: and ended up getting 3rd place. I switched from DotA / DotA 2 to LoL because
: at
: that time, LoL had way more tournaments each year, and I really enjoyed
: playing
: LoL.
因为LOL在当时有较多的比赛且我享受其中,所以我从Dota / Dota 2 改玩LOL
: During early 2012 when SGS ( Team Singapore Sentinels ) was formed, they
: started trailing for players on our server. Being in SGS was like a dream come
: true, its the first ever professional team I know of to get paid to play. Many
: people would do anything just to get into that team.
Sadly, they didn't chose: me because I was serving my NS ( National Service ). I was really depressed
: because most would say I was the best player in our region but yet I was not
: picked or even trailed. I didn't gave up then. I starting forming my own team
: with friends I met at Solo Queue. I took part in every tournaments and ended
: up getting 2nd every time, only losing to SGS. But at the same time, we managed
: to take some games off SGS. That was when SGS saw my talent and offered me a
: slot.
悲伤的是我未被选中,因为当时我正在服役 ( 当兵? )
我当时尚未放弃,我开始在Solo Q上与我朋友组成战队
(这句我不会翻) take...off ...SGS 应该是不跟SGS打比赛吧 ... ORZ
: At first I was offered an monthly salary way more than the original 5 members,
: of course I gladly accepted. Luckily for me, after I completed my basic
: training in NS, I was posted to a vocation where I just have to work every 8am
: -5.30pm. I rushed to our training room in Garena office every evening once I'm
: released from camp, train till late night, and then return home, and continue
: training. It was like my dream came true. Little did I know, the management
: told me few days later that I would not be receiving a single cent because of
: their budget. I was shocked, but since I was serving my NS, and we are not
: allowed to have any extra allowance outside of NS, I accepted it. I treated
: playing in SGS not as a job, but as doing something I loved. I wake up every 6
: in the morning, rush to camp, end work at 5.30, rush to Garena, end trainings
: at 10-11pm, rush home, more solo trainings till 2-3am, sleep, repeat. That was
: my daily routine for over a year.
早起赶去营区、5点半出营赶去练习到晚上10~11点、回家Solo Q到凌晨2~3点、睡觉
: Many people thought that hey, Chawy confirm gets way higher pay than his other
: teammates because of his performance, but the truth is, I was NOT paid. I had
: to pay for my own transport, my meals, everything, using the allowance I get
: from NS ( S$400+ a month). I discussed with my teammates and they agreed to
: each pass me S$50 every month which concludes to S$250 per month.
: So why did I stayed even though I was not paid? Simple, I always dream of
: becoming a pro player, and SGS was the very first step. I was given a lvl 30
: Taiwan server account and I was contented with that. I get to play against
: players like GodJJ, Toyz, Westdoor and so many other really good players.
: Luckily for me, I got top 5 ranks in ranked in Taiwan server multiple times.
: I was given the same monthly pay as the rest of my teammates only after I
: completed my NS, which was after September 2013. It was never easy working the
: hardest, giving the most, performing the best but yet receiving the least.
: Around February 2014, I left SGS. Our team results were not good and I was
: tired. I thought I would never have a chance to play on the main stage ever
: again. That was the time when this 'friend' approached me to boost his
: account.
我得从我服役的薪水(S$400+ a month)去支付交通费、餐费....etc
我跟很多很棒的玩家彼此较劲,比如 GodJJ Toys 西门
就在这MOMENT!!! 有朋友要我帮他代打
: Of course I accepted. I had no income, no future, no nothing. I had to earn
: what I can. Even though its just a small amount, I did it.
: It was after that that TPA contacted my then manager, saying they want to
: trail me.
I was delighted, I saw a glimpsed of hope. After a long discussion with my
: family, I decided to come to TPA.
: The 'friend' whom I elo boosted for, didn't pay me because he said he had no
: money. I didn't mind since I was already in TPA having a stable income, but a
: tragedy striked during late 2014. My investment with my brother failed badly
: costing me to lose around S$10,000. ( I had quite a bit of winnings from DotA/
: DotA2 ). It was then I started going around collecting money from people I
: lent
: to, and from that 'friend' I 'worked' for. But he ignored me, not wanting to
: return me, and even telling me it was a long time ago, he doesn't even play
: league now.
我与我兄弟的投资损失了我大约S$10,000 ( 我从Dota Dota2赚了不少 )
I was mad, I kept pestering him and I guess I made him mad. So mad
: that this 'friend' reported to Riot and Garena that I elo boosted.
: I had come a long way in my career, and I would say this year is my peak. Even
: though TPA results are not as good anymore, but I kept improving and
: improving,
: hoping to show the world what i'm capable of. Just as we're preparing for
: World
: Championship 2015 qualifiers, THIS had to happen. I was left speechless, and
: heart broken. Never had I thought this would happen to me, and that my career
: would end this close.
: I'm sorry for disappointing everyone supporting me out there all these time.
: I'm even more sorry for letting my team down, including my managers, coach,
: and
: translator. I never expect this to happen and I'm the same, or even more
: disappointed than anyone else is.
: Sorry.
但他是姆斯 OK啦
好像有些字被吃掉了 阅读有困难 抱歉~