MisayaQ (Misaya)
2015-07-13 17:03:52Hello guys I wanna tell you my feeling.
I have felt so bad until now because of Toyz and other people.
Actually, i am couple with baobao.
I know what she did and who she is.
I accepted what she did and tried to make her better girl Because i had been really bad guy at childhood.
After i realized I was really bad guy, I really wanted to change myself and talked with myself.
I learned many things from my mistakes, then I could be better guy and I always try to better guy everyday.
So, I could understand her and i wanted to change her like me.
For example, I did same thing to Raison.
When he came to taiwan, He had many problems.
I talked with him many times and made him better guy.
I always think positively and do right things.
This is why i believe that i can change other people.
She wanted to change herself, I have helped her until now.
By the way, I told everything to my teammates about my relationship with her.
Then, they knew my private things.
But they started to make jokes of me, I tried to understand that.
Many fans asked me " Olleh, Are you okay ?"
I was okay because if other people laugh because of me, I will be happy, too.
Yesterday, I tried to understand so hard but i failed.
I lost my mental and tried to quit hke because of toyz.
I can't understand why he had to do that .
I never do bad things to him.
Although he made jokes of me, I asked him to duo with me.
But he still made fun of me when i duo with him.
It was so sad to see my teammate trying to destroy me.
Also, I can't understand why he had to say bad things to my girlfriend.
Can you imagine that my teammate always say bad things about my girlfriend to everyone on his stream next to me.
It was horrible.
I can endure that someone say bad things to me.
When toyz said driver to me, I accepted that.
Then I replied "Yes I am driver T_T..okay?"?
But, who want to endure that someone say bad things to their surrounding people?
Also, I can't understand her ex boyfriend's way to her.
How to say bad words to ex lover?
Although she did so bad things, It's not right.
I have many things to talk but i don't wanna say bad things to others.
I wish you to understand my way.
I will take all bad words about me.
I never feel this in brazil.
So, I am so thankful to this area people.
欧雷果然被嘴到赌懒了 别欺负外地来的同学阿
作者: s92510292849 2015-07-13 17:05:00
作者: poiu0987yaaa 2015-07-13 17:06:00
离队阿 信不信马上分手
loveangel718 (紅蓮愛天使教教主)
2015-07-13 17:09:00卡
作者: poiu0987yaaa 2015-07-13 17:09:00
准备走了 感惹我们熊王
I lost my mental and tried to quit hke becauseof toyz 双排孩旁边嘴我本来就觉得很过分ㄏ
memoryautumn (åªæ˜¯å€‹é„‰æ°‘ 毫無å應)
2015-07-13 17:13:00TOYZ:我们已经失去了AD 不能再失去一个辅助啊~~~
观众玩过头 欧雷没办法气 他气的是TOYZ 居多吧= =
作者: poiu0987yaaa 2015-07-13 17:14:00
熊王的忠告都不听 回韩国小心faker都..真正创造历史
作者: love29658416 (挚爱冰妦) 2015-07-13 17:16:00
AD 不能打了 少一个SUP也没差了 ??
作者: dragonwing78 2015-07-13 17:17:00
再玩阿 还是航航最U质惹<3
memoryautumn (åªæ˜¯å€‹é„‰æ°‘ 毫無å應)
2015-07-13 17:21:00谁快叫欧雷去看男女版 通常说可以改变对方的下场都.
作者: ghostXDDDDDD (GhostXDDDDDD) 2015-07-13 17:21:00
一堆看热闹的还满过分的= =一直在那边呛你你怎么想啊==
一个女人可以搞垮整个国军 也可以搞垮整个电竞圈 哈
Toyz开玩笑想让Olleh赶快觉悟然后下车 用心良苦你不懂
作者: kevinire0113 (Crowz) 2015-07-13 17:34:00
电竞妲己 劈腿的人出来指责被劈腿的 哈哈
作者: waterandfish (微笑里的幸福) 2015-07-13 17:40:00
作者: kevinire0113 (Crowz) 2015-07-13 17:41:00
靠北toyz可以接受 检讨awie是有什么毛病?
TOYZ 要嘴可以 阿玮前队友 但是不能嘴鸥雷= =帮阿玮出气我还能理解 他有时候笑欧雷..这就= ="
我觉得嘴宝宝还好 = =欧雷一定是不爽队友也嘴他..
作者: kevinire0113 (Crowz) 2015-07-13 17:58:00
被戴绿帽还要被小三喷 小三还先发文讨拍 什么世界欧雷自己去问过awie了 他一定知道自己是第三者护航的加油好吗
阿维实况就有说 椅子和丁特都有跟欧雷讲很多次了但欧雷选择相信鲍鲍
memoryautumn (åªæ˜¯å€‹é„‰æ°‘ 毫無å應)