※ 引述《wang7752 (^^b)》之铭言:
: 目前origen的上路ID叫TouchMyTagada
: 这帐号应该是特地用来打战队积分的~~
: 这是国外文章对于这位玩家的评论
: And we arrived at the mystery top laner of Origen. I am still uncertain if
: he is sOAZ or not: on one hand he mostly plays tanks (his most played
一方面这个上路最常玩坦型英雄像赛恩 茂凯
: champion throughout his games with Origen is Sion, with Maokai a close
: second), and it ’s a known fact sOAZ hates the tank top meta, but on
: the other hand he did play champions like Ezreal, Morgana or Blitzcrank,
另一方面他也有玩EZ 魔甘娜 机器人 很像soaz的style(?)
: that fit his style.Regardless of whether he is sOAZ or not, his play is
无论他是不是SOAZ 他玩得很不赖
: very good. His style is not flashy, as you would expect from a tanky
: top laner, but he has a good lane presence, make great teleport plays
他有不错的观念 传送的时机也不错 而且很会吸引对面的注意
: and generally is good at distracting the enemy team away from his carries.
: In the 20 games I reviewed he played Maokai 5 times, Sion 4 times and
: then Lissandra, Irelia, Kassadin, Malphite,Nidalee, Rumble and Vladimir,
: 1 time each. As we can see, his champion pool is really exhaustive. He
: boasts a 2.8 kills/game, 3.5 deaths/game and 7.25 assists/game record –
: not that high numbers but it is something you would expect from a tank.
: Overall he is a very good and reliable addition to the Origen roster.