And we arrived at the mystery top laner of Origen. I am still uncertain if
he is sOAZ or not: on one hand he mostly plays tanks (his most played
champion throughout his games with Origen is Sion, with Maokai a close
second), and it ’s a known fact sOAZ hates the tank top meta, but on
the other hand he did play champions like Ezreal, Morgana or Blitzcrank,
that fit his style.Regardless of whether he is sOAZ or not, his play is
very good. His style is not flashy, as you would expect from a tanky
top laner, but he has a good lane presence, make great teleport plays
and generally is good at distracting the enemy team away from his carries.
In the 20 games I reviewed he played Maokai 5 times, Sion 4 times and
then Lissandra, Irelia, Kassadin, Malphite,Nidalee, Rumble and Vladimir,
1 time each. As we can see, his champion pool is really exhaustive. He
boasts a 2.8 kills/game, 3.5 deaths/game and 7.25 assists/game record –
not that high numbers but it is something you would expect from a tank.
Overall he is a very good and reliable addition to the Origen roster.