Rekkles has "had enough," buyout option is $15k
Rekkles 受够了! 买断合约 $15k
概述一下 要细翻的大大欢迎!
On Monday, multiple sources linked Fnatic AD carry Martin "Rekkles" Larsson
with a move to Alliance. Fnatic quickly headed to Twitter to remind fans that
the player had signed a contract that committed him through 2015. However,
that contract contains a buyout clause that could still allow Larsson to play
for another team next split. And now we know how high his price is.
For $15,000, another team can buy Larsson out of his contract, the Daily Dot
has learned.
While Alliance is Larsson's preferred destination, it isn’t clear whether
the organization would be willing to pay such an amount to secure his
services. While Larsson is statistically the strongest AD carry in Europe,
Alliance managed to win the European LCS Summer Play-offs with the team they
have. Acquiring Larsson could be seen by some as a luxury.
Sources close to the player have said that Larsson has “had enough” and
will be willing to “pay the money himself to be able to pursue his options.”
It was only a few days ago that several Reddit users noticed Larsson had
stopped following the rest of his teammates on Twitter and had removed the
mention of his role as a “marksman for Fnatic” from his Facebook page. All
this makes it look increasingly likely that he will not be a Fnatic player
next split.
有亲近选手的消息来源指出Rekkles有说过他受够了("had enough")
Alliance still appears to be his most likely destination. The current AD
carry for the team, Erik “Tabzz” van Helvert, fielded some question on his account Wednesday. When Larsson was brought up, he didn’t shy away
from some potentially controversial answers. When one user asked “How do you
feel that rekkles is potentially poaching your job?” Van Helvert responded “
he's been trying to do it since the end of spring its nothing new LOL.”
现任AD Tabzz在Ask.fm网站被问到一些相关问题
他有说 当Rekkles真的买断时 他不会回避或许会引起争议的答案
有个板友问到Rekkles有可能偷走你的工作 你的看法是什么?
他回答 在春季赛结束时Rekkles就已经一直试着这么做了 所以不意外 没什么
Another fan followed up:“Why do you say rekkles has been trying to take your
job - what do you mean”
Van Helvert replied: “For a very long time he's been notifying that he's
dissatisfied with his teammates, and has been hinting he'd love to be on a
stronger and more motivated team (wink wink).”
而且一直都在暗示他很想去更强更有活力的队伍 (抛媚眼 眨眨~)
Any decision about paying the $15,000 would need to be resolved soon, as
there's also a stipulation that Larsson would have to serve a 60 day
notification period even if the fee is paid.
因为还有一项契约是 就算他付这笔罚款 也要走60天的流程
Photo via Riot Games/Flickr
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