这次其他都不想翻了 翻一下技能就好XDDDD 上次累惨了
Passive: Rage Gene
Gnar builds up rage in combat. Once he fills his rage bar, Gnar's next
ability transforms him into Mega Gnar, giving him bonus armor, magic resist,
health and attack damage at the expense of movement speed, attack speed and
attack range. If Mini Gnar doesn't use an ability, he transforms into Mega
Gnar after a few seconds anyway. While in Mega Gnar form, his rage slowly
runs down, and once it's exhausted, he turns back into Mini Gnar. After
transforming back, Mini Gnar briefly becomes tired and can't gain rage for a
few seconds.
战斗获得狂怒(Rage) 狂怒槽满了之后 Gnar的下个技能会使他变身为 Mega Gnar
变身时牺牲跑速/攻速/射程 获得额外双抗/生命/物攻
如果Mini Gnar满怒没有使用任何技能 过几秒后他还是会变成Mega Gnar
(干 这样有点麻烦 以下以大只和小只区分)
变大时狂怒值会缓缓消耗 耗光的时候就会变小
Q: Mini Gnar - Boomerang Throw
Gnar chucks his boomerang in a target direction, dealing damage to the first
enemy struck while applying a slow. After striking an enemy, the boomerang
slows before returning to Gnar, dealing reduced damage to all enemies in its
path. If Gnar catches it, he reduces Boomerang Throw's cooldown significantly.
Gnar往目标方向丢出他的回力镖 对第一个命中的敌人造成伤害 同时赋予缓速
打到一个敌人后 回力镖减速然后返回手上 对路径上的所有敌人造成减免过的伤害
如果Gnar抓住它 大幅缩减Q的冷却
Mega Gnar - Boulder Toss
Gnar launches a huge boulder in a target direction, damaging and slowing the
first target in the boulder's path along with all nearby enemies. Once it's
landed, Gnar can pick the boulder up to reduce Boulder Toss' cooldown.
当它落地时 Gnar可以捡起巨石来降低冷却
W: Mini Gnar – Hyper (passive)
Every third attack or ability against a target deals percent max health as
magic damage. Whenever Hyper triggers, or when Mega Gnar transforms back into
Mini Gnar, he gains a moderate movement speed boost that decays over time.
对单一目标每三下普攻或技能 会造成最大生命百分比的魔法伤害
每当W发动 或者当Gnar从大只变回小只时 他获得适量随时间消逝的跑速加成
Mega Gnar – Wallop
Gnar stands on his back legs before slamming his fists into the ground,
damaging and briefly stunning all enemies in front of him.
Gnar用后脚站起 然后拳头重击地面
E: Mini Gnar – Hop
Gnar jumps in a target direction and gains a moderate attack speed boost. If
Gnar lands on a unit, he bounces, hopping again in the same direction. If
Gnar hops onto an enemy unit, he also damages and slows them.
如果他踩到一个单位 就会弹跳 往同一个方向再跳一次
如果跳到的是敌方单位 他会造成伤害并缓速他们
Mega Gnar – Crunch
Gnar launches himself in a target direction, damaging and slowing all enemies
he lands directly on.
Gnar把自己往目标方向发射 伤害并缓速被直接踩到的所有敌人
R: Mega Gnar - GNAR!
Gnar throws a tantrum, tossing all enemies around him in a target direction.
All enemies thrown are slowed and damaged, while enemies thrown into walls,
including turrets and base structures, suffer extra damage and are stunned.
Gnar把他附近的所有敌人往一个方向怒丢 所有被丢出去的敌人都会被缓速并伤害
当敌人被砸到墙上时(包括塔和基地建筑等) 受到额外伤害和晕眩
(↑这招好像只有变身后限定 只有一项技能说明 不像小招有两项)
其他的就不翻啦 看谁有兴趣XDDDD (逃