CCY0927 (只是个暱称罢了)
2024-12-24 12:09:33phex 17: 17th Workshop on Phonological Externalization of Morphosyntactic
Tokyo Woman's Christian University + Online
Tokyo, Japan, February 27, 2025
Conference website: https://toki482.wixsite.com/website-3
Abstract registration deadline: January 5, 2025
Submission deadline: January 5, 2025
Call for papers: 17th Workshop on Phonological Externalization of
Morphosyntactic Structure (phex 17)
Date: 27-Feb-2024 (Japan Standard Time)
Location: Tokyo Woman's Christian University + Online
Contact: Hisao Tokizaki (toki<at>sapporo-u.ac.jp)
Meeting URL: https://toki482.wixsite.com/website-3
Linguistic Field(s): Linguistic Theories; Morphology; Phonology; Syntax
Meeting Description: PHEX 17 is the 17th workshop of our research project “
The Mapping from Syntax to Phonology: Theory, Typology and History,’’ which
is a continuation of our project “Phonological Externalization of
Morphosyntactic Structure: Universals and Variables'' (2015-2020). Following
the success of the previous workshops in Sapporo, Niigata, Tokyo and Lexington
, KY, we are glad to invite abstracts for presentation about the morphosyntax-
phonology interface.
Call for Papers: Possible topics include: Topic 1: The mechanism of
Externalization Topic 2: Linear order of constituents, morphemes, and/or
phonemes Topic 3: Mapping of syntactic structure onto phonological structure
Topic 4: Phonological approaches to syntactic phenomena Topic 5: Diachronic
study of the syntax-phonology interface
Please submit an anonymous abstract (A4 PDF) of no more than 1 page (excluding
references) to:
The deadline for abstract submission is January 5, 2024.
We will notify the result by January 15, 2024.
Organizer: Hisao Tokizaki (Sapporo University)
Program Committee: Yoshihito Dobashi (Chukyo University) Kuniya Nasukawa (
Tohoku Gakuin University)Kayono Shiobara (Tokyo Woman's Christian University)
Tomohiro Yanagi (Chubu University) Page Updated: 26-Nov-2024
Registration is needed. Please fill out the registration form by February