[征稿] 第四届句法制图国际研讨会暨首届语言与脑科学国际论坛

楼主: CCY0927 (只是个暱称罢了)   2021-06-07 22:22:05
4th IWSC & 1st IFOLAB: 4th International Workshop on Syntactic Cartography &
First International Forum on Language and Brain
October 29-November 2, 2021
* Conference website: http://linguistics.blcu.edu.cn
* Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=4thiwsc1stifolb
* Submission deadline: August 8, 2021
* Acceptance notification: September 9, 2021
The international workshop on syntactic cartography (IWSC) is a biannual
conference initiated in 2015 and has been financially supported by Beijing
Language and Culture University (BLCU), aiming at gathering together linguists
and scientists in the relevant fields who are interested in investigating the
maps of syntactic structures as well as biological consequences of those
syntactic structure distributions.
What's new for this year's event is that, to promote both the cartographic
approach as well as the newly developed graduate program "language and human
brain sciences' in BLCU, a newly proposed forum (the 1st International Forum on
Language and Brain) will be held immediately after the 4th IWSC, as a separate
but also interrelated part of the joint conference. The joint conference (4th
IWSC & 1st IFOLAB) (IWSC&IFOLAB2021 hereafter) will be held on Oct 29th-Nov 2nd
, 2021.
During the 2nd IWSC (2017), the organizing committee decided to make the
selection procedure of conference topic(s) more interesting. The idea is to
select topics for each conference among the key concepts or keywords related to
syntactic cartography. The topic for the 3rd IWSC 2019 was of A-type:
Acquisition and Language Disorders related to Syntactic Cartographic Studies;
Adjectives and Adverbs; Aspects and Tense; Argument structures; Analyticity and
Synthesis, etc. Following this convention, the topics for this year begin
with "B"-terms, as follows:
Between Syntax and Discourse/Pragmatics/Semantics...(For Part I of the
conference/IWSC2021) (Oct 29-Nov 1, 2021)
Brain and Language: New Trends and Current Issues (For Part II of the
conference/IFOLAB2021)(Nov 2-3, 2021):
—The Neural Basis of Recursion
—Language and Mathematics in the brain
—Brain studies on the architecture of the language faculty
—Formal approaches to Neurodiversity
—Language, brains, and the limits of our understanding
※Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal
or conference.
1. Abstracts are limited to one page (using 1-inch margins on all sides),
including examples and (selected) references.
2. Abstracts must be written in English or in Chinese. Please use standard
Times New Roman font, size 12 pt for English or Song front 5 for Chinese.
3. Abstracts should be sent in PDF files.
4. All non-standard fonts should be embedded in the document.
5. Name your files with the author's name-conference name, e.g., if the author
Xiaoxing submits his/her abstract to Part I of the conference, the file name
should be xiaoxing-iwsc2021; likewise, if the submission is target to Part II,
then the file should be named as xiaoxing-ifolab2021. If the paper has more
than two authors, a "co" should be added after the first author's name, e.g.,
xiaoxing-co-iwsc2021 or xiaoxing-co-ifolab2021.
***Notice that only the abstracts submitted through easychair will be accepted.
※List of Topics
Between Syntax and Discourse/Pragmatics/Semantics...(For Part I of the
conference, i.e. the 4th IWSC)
Brain and Language: New Trends and Current Issues (For Part II of the
conference, i.e. the 1st IFOLAB):
—The Neural Basis of Recursion
—Language and Mathematics in the brain
—Brain studies on the architecture of the language faculty
—Formal approaches to Neurodiversity
—Language, brains, and the limits of our understanding

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