CCY0927 (只是个暱称罢了)
2021-03-07 23:14:13NACCL 33: North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics 33
Chicago, IL, United States, June 24-25, 2021
Conference website https://lucian.uchicago.edu/blogs/lpl/NACCL33/
Submission link https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=naccl33
Call for Papers: NACCL 33
June 24-25, 2021, University of Chicago
Submission deadline: March 15, 2021
The 33rd meeting of the North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL
-33) 第33届北美汉语语言学会议 will be held virtually on June 24-25, 2021.NACCL-
33 invites abstracts in all subfields of Chinese linguistics, including but not
limited to, phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics,
dialectology, historical linguistics, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, and
corpus linguistics.
Invited speakers include:
* Yiya Chen (Leiden University)
* Xuping Li (Zhejiang University)
* Mingya Liu (Humboldt University)
* Naomi Nagy (University of Toronto)
* Haun Saussy (University of Chicago)
* Rebecca Starr (National University of Singapore)
We particularly encourage submissions that are relevant to our conference theme
: "Variation and Change in Chinese Varieties around the Globe.” It is well
known that China features a wealth of linguistic diversity. One of the main
reasons for this level of variation is population movement, which is
precipitated by natural disasters, imperial expansion, and general economic
opportunities. Population movement is not restricted to be within China,
however. The number and geographic distribution of Chinese-speaking diasporic
communities are immense and their contact with local languages have resulted in
unique developments that have, until recently, received relatively little
attention. NACCL is an ideal venue to bring together scholars from around the
world who are conducting research on Chinese varieties, to integrate
multidisciplinary perspectives into Chinese linguistic research with diaspora
communities and to discuss diaspora Chinese linguistics in its own right.
The conference will be hosted on Whova, an events management platform that
offers both mobile app and web versions. All presentations will consist of 20-
minute pre-recorded talks, followed by a 10-minute live Q&A session. Timing
accommodations will be made, where possible, for authors presenting remotely
from other regions of the world. Abstracts must follow the guidelines below:
* Abstracts should be submitted by March 15, 2021, 11:59 PM UTC-12 time (AoE).
* Abstract should be submitted to Easychair only, at
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=naccl33 . Save your abstract as a
pdf file. (Documents in other formats must be converted before submission.)
* Abstracts are limited to one single-spaced pages. Data and examples must be
given within the body of the text rather than at the end. All texts should
fit within a letter-size or A4 page, 12-point font with 1-inch margin all
* Abstracts and presentations can be given in either English or Mandarin
* Authors may submit multiple abstracts, but only one first-authored abstract.
* Please leave your name and affiliation out of the abstract.