With certain people you meet, it is obvious that they are kind and honorable p
eople. Their words and their actions and their obvious feeling of concern for
their fellow man is clear because of the way they behave. But just because som
eone doesn't act in this way, Leo, doesn't mean that they are not kind; it may
just mean that they don't show it as well. Someone in your midst may be gruff
on the surface, but deep down there is a well of kindness. Be open to this po
有些人很明显是善良且有荣誉感的人, 因为他们的举止、言语,和同理心是显而易见的
但是,没有以这种方式行事,并不意味着他们并不友善。 这可能只是他们没有表现出来
你生活中的某人可能在表面上有些冷漠,但在心底深处却善良。 对这种可能性持开放态