stuj9019 (MLGPRO)
2019-09-25 20:29:42The simple things in life can bring the greatest pleasure. Many people make th
is statement, but how many actually revel in the simple things? You are someon
e who lives large. You have big hopes, big dreams, and big passions, Leo. And
while you are certainly capable of appreciating all the lovely nuances of life
, you may have gotten caught up in some big pursuit recently that has caused y
ou to lack appreciation for some of those simple things. Take some time today
to notice the small gifts in life that have the power to make your heart full,
such as the smile of a child, the kindness of a stranger, and so on.
生活中的小事就能带来最大的乐趣。 有很多人都这么说,但是实际上有多少人会喜欢这
你是个大人物。你有很大的愿景,有很大的梦想,也有很多的热情。 你当然有能力去欣