Liturgical Latin for beginners

楼主: ostracize (bucolic)   2022-11-08 20:36:40
Learn why the Catholic Church still values Latin and examine some of the main
prayers of the Mass
0:45 Why Latin? Exploding the myth; what does the Church actually say?
4:35 Basic Verbs (Actions)
12:02 Basic Nouns (What actions apply to)
17:10 The Gloria
20:06 The Creed
22:30 The Sanctus (Holy Holy Holy)
23:58 The Agnus Dei (Lamb of God)
24:56 The Pater Noster (Our Father)
作者: cuello (cuello)   2021-04-22 21:29:00
我去看了, 因为好奇他如何运用这30分钟, 还没看完, 分心了看到动词, 想起 gpt, 就跑去问它这里总共几个, 请表列...一面跟它讨价还价, 一面看到旁边有推荐的影片, 就点一下看没多久, 又看到旁边好像还有更有趣的, 就伸手又点了下去好小子, 他是我听讲拉丁最溜的, 还跑去 Vaticanam 考人...也是没看完, 就急着分享... ;)哇~ 刚刚才又注意到, 这原来又是去年的文了...题醒一下, 最后两影片有拉丁跟英文翻译字幕喔~Fruere!Mea culpa, Fruimini!

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