[外电] Info - Walton

楼主: JoelEmbiid (JoelEmbiid)   2019-02-27 18:14:43
Luke Walton, Lame Duck
The Lakers have underperformed the expectations the team and their fans had
this season. Luke Walton has been under fire as a result of that. Today, I
want to take a look at the performance of Luke and his staff in the ways we
should actually be assessing coaching staffs.
I want to start out by saying that I haven’t been of the opinion that the
Lakers should fire Luke Walton. In my eyes, their last reasonable chance to
do that and have a chance to get a new staff, their principles, and their
sets in was during the All-Star Break. We’re likely riding this out with
Luke for the rest of the season, upon which time LA will have the chance to
terminate his contract and explore other options.
The options they can look at during the offseason will be far wider and
better than the jobless options available today. LA can’t go grab an
assistant like Ettore Messina from the Spurs or John Beilein and his staff
from Michigan today. Any move made now will be from a smaller and worse
candidate pool. I’ll save options for who should replace Luke and his staff
for later on, once we have a better idea of who will be available. But I will
say that I am 100.00% of the opinion that Walton and his staff are among the
worst in the NBA and should be replaced this offseason.
That aside, let’s get into it.
First, let’s get these out of the way. 厘清以下几件事情
‧No, Luke didn’t hand pick this roster.
‧No, Luke didn’t injure Lonzo Ball, LeBron James, Josh Hart, etc.
‧Luke hasn’t been the one starting trade rumors for seemingly every player on
the roster.
Those all make his job more difficult, but certainly don’t inhibit us from
assessing the performance of Luke Walton and his staff. And I don’t mean
with wins and losses.
We are where we are. Luke was dealt a poor hand. But good coaches still make
the most of what they’re given. A bad roster isn’t a unique issue. Injuries
happen. Over the last two seasons of the Lakers actually trying to win games,
they’ve had an average amount of games lost due to injuries, per
InStreetClothes. The situation is what it is. So what did they do about it?
Here are the ways I’ll be looking at Luke Walton and his coaching staff
3.Player development
4.Culture & Leadership
5.Relations with media and the front office
I won’t be looking at roster construction and trades. I won’t be looking at
prospect scouting. Neither of those two things relate to Luke and his staff.
Our expectations for Luke Walton were unrealistic. There is a certain murky
culture around coaches and accountability. We know every player and what they
do, but almost none of us could rattle off every member of their favorite team
’s coaching staff and the roles and responsibilities of each member.
The staffs are fine behind the scenes, but it makes speculation on our end as
media or fans much more difficult. The lack of understanding that breeds from
this cloudy profession leads to a lot of guessing. We saw that when Luke
Walton was hired from the Warriors to take over for the Lakers.
I directly interface with executives every day in my job. In my role I see
what they do, I have a decent sense of what they’re responsible for, and I
understand how to work with them to help achieve business success. I can even
repeat some of the common phrases or outline at a high level our strategies.
But if another firm were to hire me, I absolutely could not fulfill the roles
and responsibilities of those individuals I work with. I could do my job and
give you the human capital knowledge I provide today, because… ya know… that
’s what I was doing before. But I couldn’t set up a supply chain or any
number of the technical things my co-workers perform on a daily basis,
because my roles and responsibilities aren’t their roles and
responsibilities, and our KSAs (knowledge, skills, and abilities) are far
Hiring Luke Walton, who by all accounts was a player development coach with
the Warriors, and expecting him to bring a skill set in Xs and Os that had
nothing to do with his job with the Dubs. I’m sure he could recite and draw
up several, but that’s a lot different from having the understanding to
teach an offense and adapt it in the ways necessitated by today’s highly
tactical NBA. I’d guess he could memorize and regurgitate some Xs and Os the
way I could with managerial accounting. I can spit it back up, but there’s
no way in hell I could teach it to people, or need to take my understanding
of the concepts and morph them to changing conditions. No way.
Sure, he can say ball movement is important and generally have the
egalitarian strategy down, but that’s about as deep as it’s gotten. The
schemes themselves are vastly different. The Warriors run the closest we have
in the NBA to a motion offense, with tons of set plays sprinkled in. And the
Warriors run probably the most sets and action in the NBA. They use strong
and weak side actions to get their players in positions to succeed,
constantly pressuring the defense and finding ways to get Steph Curry and
Klay Thompson wide open, which is the exact opposite of what every single
coach and team playing the Warriors want to allow.
I recently heard Coach Gibson Pyper mention on a podcast that he had about
130 set plays diagrammed from the Dubs and Steve Kerr’s offense. You may
know Coach Pyper as @HalfCourtHoops on Twitter, owner of the HalfCourtHoops
YouTube page, and the owner of The Basketball Playbook website. On his site,
he has a Kerr Warriors playbook breakdown for sale that includes: “Motion
Offense Clinic (45 Minutes), Motion Offense Concepts (1 Hour 45 Minutes),
Video Playbook (6 Hours), and a PDF Playbook (150 Pages).”
我最近从G.Pyper在广播节目上说到,勇士整的进攻战术大约有130个Set Play,他从一些
网站上可以看到把这些东西弄成一个Kerr Warriors Playbook拆成几个细节在贩售。
The Lakers’ offense is almost the antithesis of that, with probably less
than 30 sets that could be drawn up if you locked scheme fans in a room and
forced them to watch Laker film. It was so bad Walton’s first season that
when I was diagramming plays for 2K, I watched dozens of games and just could
not get to the number of sets they wanted from the Lakers, so I had to fit in
a handful of sets from my own playbook. And the magic number they were
looking for was 40 plays, not 130.
而湖人在进攻端战术可能少于30个Set Play,在L.Walton第一个赛季时,在2K游戏需要制
最后总共有40个Set Play战术,不是130个。
Coach Pyper doesn’t have a Walton playbook up for sale, and I don’t expect
that’ll change. I recently surveyed a handful of scheme experts to see if
what I’ve been seeing is what they see, and the Lakers routinely came up as
one of the worst teams schematically on offense. I’ll go into the Lakers’
offensive scheme in more detail later, but I wanted to set the stage and say
that what Luke has brought to LA from Golden State stops at the high level
talking points and general philosophies.
I’ve heard that Luke Walton’s brief stint as acting head coach of the
Warriors was the proof needed to say that he would be a great head coaching
option. There’s a lot wrong with that. And it doesn’t come down to wins and
losses (none of this does). What were his roles and responsibilities, and how
would they compare to his duties in LA? If they didn’t align, you’re not
learning much from what people would like to consider a Realistic Job Preview
(RJP) in HR talk.
‧In that stint, Luke didn’t need to design an offense. One was in place. He
had to call out sets, but that’s far different from taking a roster and
designing 50+ set plays that align with their strengths and mitigate their
weaknesses. So the design component wasn’t there. The teaching component wasn
’t either. Just because someone can draw up some good Xs and Os doesn’t
mean they can teach the concepts and get players to understand, which is
vital for execution and adjusting as defensive coverages change. Luke wasn’t
challenged in that way.

‧Rotations are another area he technically had charge of, but we didn’t see
much change. He didn’t need to put together that staff, which is an
essential part of head coaching.
‧His in-game decision making was fine, but that is something that’s almost
never noticed unless it’s horrific. And looking back at those games, his
decision making wasn’t anything special. So while not a negative, not
burning games down isn’t the thing you point to for justification on hiring
a guy.
回顾L.Walton比赛中的决策并没有太大的问题,但没有burning games down。
‧Luke’s competencies relating to the media or front office, albeit a smaller
part of the job, wasn’t tested.
‧Getting buy-in from players not just to work on the drill you’re having them
do, but buy into you and your philosophies when times get tough wasn’t
something Luke has to experience and test himself with either.
So going into hiring Luke, we had a RJP that didn’t give us much, knowing he
did player development, and a career for the Lakers to go off of. That doesn’
t mean he wouldn’t be a good head coach, but it certainly wasn’t enough
from the outside to say he’d be a good one. You’d want to carefully vet him
as an option and compare with others, which they didn’t do. Luke was the
only candidate considered and interviewed. That’s poor HR.
Ideally, you gauge how strong he is with specific areas of coaching (like the
ones mentioned above). If you do hire him, you do all you can to put
assistants around him that fill his gaps. This isn’t John Beilein or any of
the hundreds of current head coaches who have staffs they have histories of
working with that they’d bring with them. This was taking one piece of a
puzzle and hoping it’d give you the same pretty picture that the full set
did in Golden State.
Luke’s assistants are an absolutely paramount part of his hire, as they
would be for any assistant who didn’t already have that group together. And
with all the influence and money the Lakers do have, and with there being no
coaching salary cap, they still compiled a group of assistants with minimal
experience. Hell, one of the hires they made came from being a youth
volleyball coach to being a Lakers assistant. That was a key miss, and we’ve
felt the negative consequences of having people like Jesse Mermuys in
positions they aren’t succeeding in.
To summarize, Luke’s position wasn’t competed among a pool of candidates in
a way you’d want, the expectations for what he’d bring to the table were
off-base, and his assistant staff was put together in a way that is nothing
like what you’d expect for the second most valuable NBA franchise (at
$3.7B), and we’ve gotten out of the staff what was put into it.
With all of that in mind, most have been very patient with Walton and his
staff. It doesn’t hurt that the first season he was on board was one where
the Lakers were more incentivized to lose than to win, or the idea that he’s
been leading a roster devoid of established talent. The environment was such
that real evaluation of Walton’s staff was difficult for most and had tons
of excuses readily available. But almost three full seasons into their
tenure, it’s time to look at what his staff actually does, not wins and
losses, to grade them out.
You would find unhappy people for all 30 teams if you were to ask fans and
analysts about how their coaches handle rotations. It’s not a problem unique
to the Lakers.
What is a bit different is the degree to which Luke Walton infuriates and
confuses those watching the games. Hockey-style lineups, playing Rajon Rondo
(who has been horrible for several weeks) for a 17 minute continuous stint vs
New Orleans, the lineups put on the court with none of Ingram/LeBron/Kuzma
that literally everyone but Luke Walton knows will give up a run. It’s bad,
and it’s happening very often.
To get a better sense of the frequency, I asked Laker fans on Twitter just
how often they’re left upset and confused about Walton’s rotations. The
results weren’t promising…
That’s 1,005 responses, with over 75% of respondents saying that they’re
left feeling that way about rotations for at least 60% of games they’ve
watched. 45% said at least 80% of games.
Feel free to check out Laker Twitter *checks notes* literally any game to see
this expanded upon more. Or look at what Laker Twitter looked like for the
past several years. The lack of growth in this area and pervasiveness of the
issue is immensely aggravating. I won’t spend much time on it here, but it’
s very clearly an issue and one that we’re constantly seeing, and have
consistently seen, for almost three full seasons.
To evaluate the team’s coaching staff, you’ll need to know who they are and
what they do. Here is some pertinent information in that regard:
Offensive Coordinator: Jesse Mermuys 进攻策画者:J.Mermuys
Defensive Coordinator: Brian Keefe 防守策画者:B.Keefe
Optimization Data*
Offensive Optimization: Dead last among non-rookie active staffs
Defensive Optimization: Dead last among non-rookie active staffs
进攻跟防守的Optimization Data在全联盟都是排名倒数最后一名。
*Optimization data compares roster talent with roster performance to attempt
to gauge how well players are deployed and utilized by the coaching staff. It
attempts to look at how much coaches are getting out of the talent they’re
Optimization data是用来评估联盟间每位教练的数据。
If you’d like to see optimization data for every coach since the 2013-14
season, check out our $5/month Data & Tools premium package.
如果要看从2013-14年的Optimization data需要付费。
I want to first dispel the narrative that the Lakers can’t run plays because
they have LeBron James on their team. LeBron has played 15 full seasons in
the NBA in four different stints with teams. For the first seven seasons with
Cleveland, he ran plays. For the next four seasons with Miami, he ran plays.
That’s 73% of LeBron’s tenure in the NBA going into this season.
It’s the four most recent Cleveland seasons that have bred the idea that
LeBron can’t, or won’t, run set plays. Cleveland did, but did have a high
percentage of their offense that was primarily based around forcing a switch
and then attacking those mismatches with Kyrie, LeBron, or Love, with
shooters all around. It was a very legitimate strategy, and one that is very
similar to how the Rockets play (and they also mix sets in). They had the
personnel to do that. These Lakers do not.
I also want to note that the scheme issues I’ll share today aren’t new this
season or suddenly popped up when LeBron was added to the team. These have
been consistent every year under Jesse Mermuys. Only a handful of plays at
the start of the season, giving LA little chance to be strong offensively.
Then a slow morph into an incredibly rudimentary offense that high school and
college coaches all over the country would shake their heads at. Every year.
In general, running sets is important because, if actually designed and
executed well, they create advantages for the offense through screening
actions that get open shots or get players a step on their defender going
downhill. You can do this with motion offense as well. It’s the use of “
actions,” the screening and purposeful movement of players, that generates
the advantage.
What we’ll often see with the Lakers are sets that use one action. One pin
down. One flare screen. One AI cut. But the often stop there. 79.1% of the
possessions I logged for a handful of games had no more than one action. That
’s bad. That’s really really bad. If you only try one attack before
devolving into isolation, you’re giving yourself less opportunities to cause
a mistake or compromise of the defense.
你常会看到湖人使用一个pin down、一个flare screen、一个AI cut,但就此打住球队战
The following charter further details the percentage of plays with different
volumes of action (BLOB/SLOB plays not counted):
Actions Frequency
0 8.0%
1 71.1%
2 16.4%
3 3.2%
4 1.0%
5 0.3%
Very infrequently will the Lakers get easy buckets from set plays. They do a
good job with the couple lob sets they’ll run after timeouts, but there’s
not much else in this regard.
湖人在半场进攻很少得到easy buckets,但他们暂停过后的两人小组配合做得不错,但没
To get a better sense for the types of attacks the Lakers run, here’s a
breakdown from the 5 games I logged:
I logged 32 specific actions the Lakers ran, but grouped them together into
these six “action families.” The execution rate shows the percentage of the
time LA actually screened and ran off the screens properly. The success rate
shows the percentage of the time the action run yielded an advantage over the
defense. This also counts creating mismatches, or actions that set up an
ensuing action. And on the far right, I listed some specific actions that
fall within those families.
I find a couple things interesting about that data. Almost every type of
action has a higher execution rate than success rate. Due to poor spacing and
lack of other attacking on the defense, it’s a lot easier to stop a Laker
pin down or handoff than it might be against other teams through your help
defense. We see this a ton with LA’s back screens, where the spacing and
location of the passer in relation to the potential lob receiver are so
messed up that there’s no chance for the action to actually yield points.
Jesse Mermuys’ offensive scheme has low action volume. It’s the lowest of
the 7 teams I’ve tracked, and I’d guess it’s among the lowest in the
league. So the design is clearly not strong. Even if executed at normal
levels, the poor design leaves the Lakers with a low ceiling for easy
offense. Players are left to “make stuff happen,” which is never optimal. It
’s fine late clock, but shouldn’t be the go-to offense with 15 seconds left
on the clock.
垫底。显然缺乏设计,且糟糕的设计也让湖人的上限降低,让球员只能等待make stuff ha
Let’s compare some Laker plays with what we see from other teams. Here’s a
simple horns set that gets a SG looking to attack downhill or a 3-point
attempt (depending on how the defense plays the handoff), with options to hit
a rolling 5-man, hit 4 slipping, or hit 3 coming off the staggered screens
for a 3-point look. That stagger removes the chance you’ll see any help
defense, making the dribble handoff much more effective. Simple yet solid.
Denver Nuggets - Horns DHO Stagger featured in our latest Plays of the Week.
Here’s a set from the Trail Blazers. No rocket science, but multiple scoring
options that work together to help what are already good players look even
better with easy shots. This very simple play is also from the horns
alignment, and uses a weak side flare screen to look to either remove help on
the primary action ball screen, or give you an open 3-pointer if the help
defense does come.
And here’s a 76ers set that again gives the offense multiple opportunities
to score. The ball screen that low on the court (a “logo” ball screen)
prevents any help on the roll man, which LA could murder teams with by
finding McGee lobs.
Now here’s what a Laker play might look like. A single action (a pin down in
this case), with nothing setting it up and nothing following it.
Also, as seen in the chart above, the actions work less than half the time,
and are executed 56% of the time. Jesse Mermuys and Luke Walton struggle to
get their players to set fundamental screens and run the correct ways off of
screens. Such a large part of offense is execution, which is about focus and
understanding rather than talent. The reads, especially in a rudimentary
offense like what LA runs, are fairly easy. Go watch some Virginia, Michigan
State, Michigan, Davidson, Tennessee, Purdue, Wisconsin, or Virginia Tech
tape if you want to see some of the reads executed well from shooters
fading/curling/coming off screens straight.
It’s more about the teaching of concepts and drills to get players to
understand how to see what the defense it taking away and react to it in a
way that makes their own life easier and make themselves much more likely to
get and score on an open shot. The Lakers leave much to be desired when it
comes to offensive execution, and the fact that those errors have persisted
for three different rosters and for vets and young players alike makes it
clear it’s more on the unqualified coaching staff than the players.
攻战术,让球队可以得到open shot的机会。在进攻的执行面,湖人有太多不足的地方,这
But the offensive scheme isn’t all doom and gloom. There are a couple
concepts they do use well, such as their step up ball screens in their
secondary break, which either get a ball handler going downhill or get a
mismatch early in the shot clock. LA executed on those 79% of the time they
tried them, so there’s one of the few designed and executed actions the
Lakers add value to their offense through. I’d certainly love to see more in
terms of secondary breaks, since it’s a great way to attack before the
defense is set and there are certain actions that are even more effective in
those scenarios, but it’s a start.
Things also tend to go well on the rare occasions that Ingram is used off of
handoffs, cross screens, and back screens. I’d love to see more of those
types of actions to get him going downhill off of the catch, rather than off
of a live dribble (where he’s still less refined).
We have seen some new positive developments post-All-Star Break that aren’t
reflected in that data. The Lakers have discovered pin-in screens, and have
done a better job finding shooters off these types of flares for shots. They’
ve also been much better about making off-ball screeners threats to score if
the defense switches, through sealing their man and making themselves a
dump-off target.
Moving forward, I don’t expect the Lakers to suddenly make great strides
with their offensive scheme, barring some consultants being brought in. They’
ve run similar stuff for three years, and the quality of that offense has
stayed fairly consistent throughout.
The lowest hanging fruit for improvement, however, would be to implement some
freelance motion on post ups and pick and roll plays. Right now everything is
stagnant in those scenarios. With some simple principles, players will know
where their options are and the team would be creating more pressure with
action rather than standing around or using one cut against a set defense.
Split cuts on post ups and weak side flare screens on pick and rolls should
be very doable, and would make a huge difference in creating extra scoring
opportunities that simultaneously remove the help defense dampening the
effectiveness of those primary actions LA runs.
然而目前最好改善的是,再进行Post Up以及P&R的执行中,做的细腻一些,让球员透过简
一旁看,让强边再进行挡拆时弱边的球员进行flare Screen,创造出得分机会。
In addition, it would behoove the team to have a more organized late-clock
offense. Once the shot clock gets to 8 seconds, if someone isn’t currently
attacking, get into a go-to action. If LeBron is on the court, maybe it’s a
Bron perimeter or mid-post iso. If he’s not, perhaps it’s a pick and roll
or a pin down. Something to get the ball in the hands of the right players
late in the clock so we don’t need to see Rondo or McGee late-clock iso
offense anymore.
或许使用P&R或者Pin Down,让球转移到正确的球员手上去执行进攻,就不用在读秒阶段看
Until the Lakers pick it up here, they’ll have a ton of stress on individual
players to create plays. An off-day or injury from just one key guy can cause
greater issues in that kind of offense. But that failure to put players in
positions to succeed and Ingram being put in pick and rolls with stagnant
players off-ball or in a plethora of iso situations will instead be viewed as
Brandon Ingram just not being good.
Please, Jesse Mermuys. Please.
Side note: It’s fair to wonder what these promising young players would look
like if they weren’t operating in what our data considers to be the worst
environment for them to shine. We might see what appears to be a large jump
in development next season purely from a coaching change and average or
better scheme. Our player talent grades, which attempt to remove the impact
scheme and environment has, have the comparison between Celtics and Lakers
young players much closer than most realize.
Brian Keefe runs the Laker defense. I wouldn’t say the scheme has been
anywhere near as poor as the offense, but it’s been pretty vanilla. I’ll
routinely see opposing teams use creative tactics to stymie Laker plays
(3-man switches, pre-rotating in anticipation of actions, etc.). The Lakers
don’t do that. The one creative tactic I’ve noticed LA using under Walton
has been when they put a player like Josh Hart on someone like Tarik Black or
Draymond Green defensively who can’t usually punish you in that mismatch.
That’s great, but you need to have more than that in your bag of tricks in
today’s NBA.
lla。我很常看到对手利用有创意的防守来阻碍湖人队的进攻play (三人换防、预先轮转等
方法),但湖人没这种东西。湖人有创意的防守我只有看到一个,是Walton拿Josh Hart这
类型的球员去防守像是T.Black或Draymond Green,即使对他们是错位,但他们也讨不到便
When I say LA’s defensive scheme is vanilla, it’s that lack of creativity
along with a standard game plan that results in making it quite cookie
cutter. The Lakers seemingly go into many of these matchups the way many of
us do in 2K, where our defensive coverages are whatever the defauts are and
we don’t change them based on who we play (I do, but nobody likes that guy
taking 10 minutes to switch things around when you want to play with friends).
This isn’t to say they always do this, but they apply the same game plan a
lot more than I’m used to, compared to what my high school and AAU teams
did, what the teams do at those levels I’ve consulted with, what the college
teams do I watch consistently, and from what I see other NBA teams do. I don’
t have any numbers for this, but LA definitely seems to be on the low end of
customization in this regard. Many times it works okay, sometimes it’s
horrific, and sometimes it’s the perfect strategy. Praising the staff for an
amazing game plan when the round peg finally meets the round hole isn’t the
approach I’d take.
LA has players with certain limitations, but they do little to work around
that and mix up coverages defensively, opponent by opponent. Even in-game,
they adjust very slow to opposing teams burning their same screen coverages
the same ways over and over again. You can’t win in the playoffs like that.
Luke and Brian need to figure this out, or LA will struggle in the postseason
defensively more than they have so far during the regular season. And in
2019, there’s virtually nothing teams can do that hasn’t been done before,
so it’s just a matter of having the right people on staff with the knowledge
and research to understand that rock beats scissors and scissors beats paper.
Overall, I’d say LA is probably a C- strategically and a D tactically on
defense. Then comes in execution. Many of LA’s defensive issues come down to
veterans not executing and lots of either blown help coverage or over
helping. Very fundamental issues, and ones that have seemed to get worse as
the year has gone on for the Rondos and McGees of the team.
Part of coaching is getting guys to go out there and play hard. And playing
hard isn’t just diving on the floor and boxing out (which LA doesn’t do
well at all), but focusing on defensive execution and doing the little
things. This is particularly the case on defense. When it comes down to it,
there’s little that separates NBA defenses from what we see in college or
high school. Icing screens is still not mainstream at those levels, but most
of the concepts are the same. At any level, it’s more about executing
fundamentals defensively than it is trying to mastermind sets the way it can
be on offense. This staff hasn’t been able to get that buy-in from capable
players to do those little things, and it hurts them on a daily basis.
One area I’ve heard listed as a pro for Luke Walton and his staff has been
player development. In his first year or two, when the team realistically had
no chance to be a contender, this was the focus. So how well has he done in
this regard?
We’ve recently developed Player Development ratings for coaching staffs at
BBall Index. These ratings look at players who played under a coach for year
A and year B, then measure the growth in a particular talent area from A -> B
against the expected growth in that skill set, which is calculated from our
database of player growth from the 2013-14 season until today, and factors in
advanced position (Guard/Wing/Big) and age to calculate the expectation.
根据BBall Index对于教练制定球员发展的评级,考察A年与B年在同一个教练下,球员发展
Here is how Luke Walton’s staff has graded out in each area, with grades
listed being a conversion of percentiles against the other coaching staffs
since 2013-14.
Talent Category Grade
Perimeter Defense A
Interior Defense A-
Post Play B+
Off-Ball Movement B
Finishing C
One on One D+
Roll Gravity D+
Perimeter Shooting F
Playmaking F
Offensive Rebounding F
Defensive Rebounding F
Overall, Walton’s staff grades out as a D- Offensively, an A Defensively,
and an A- Overall. The staffs rating out ahead of Luke’s are led by Rick
Carlisle, Brad Stevens, Alvin Gentry, and Fred Hoiberg. Right behind Luke’s
staff are those led by Gregg Popovich, J.B. Bickerstaff, and Steve Kerr.
While player development coach turned head coach Luke Walton didn’t bring
the scheme we were hoping he would from the Warriors, his staff has developed
players fairly well overall, and especially defensively. His staff doesn’t
utilize his guys well to optimize that talent, but the talent is certainly
growing from year to year.
If you’d like to see player development data for every coach since the
2013-14 season in every category, check out our $5/month Data & Tools premium
We’ve now moved to the off-court portion of the analysis. The other area it
was expected that Luke would positively impact the Lakers was with his
Warriors-like approach to culture. Guys would be having fun, they’d have an
egalitarian method of play and playing time rewarded, and the team would play
hard behind their player coach of a leader.
Some of that has materialized. Some not as much. The players seem to have
fun. Or did earlier in the season. That’s definitely gone down recently, but
the locker room does generally seem to fit with what Walton wants.
LA comes to play hard on most days, but they do struggle with playing focused
and executing the basics. This piece of it, and particularly the defensive
buy-in to basic concepts that just require some focus and a little work, isn’
t constantly there.
Luke’s rotations and their relation to play also don’t seem aligned, with
players like Julius Randle being seemingly nitpicked and benched while
others, like Lance and Rondo this season, consistently not executing and not
facing any negative consequences from it. Game to game or in-game, the
execution by Luke of the egalitarian component doesn’t quite seem right.
Where Luke has done a decent job, especially under the circumstances, is how
little we hear about a fractured locker room. With as many 1-year guys and
trade rumors as we’ve had in his three years, it’s impressive how little we
hear about times like the voiced displeasure from some of the Laker veterans
a couple weeks back.
The last piece if this breakdown is how Luke relates to the media and front
office. I’d say he’s been fine in both areas. He’s by no means become an
enemy of the media or created any hostility, and does a good job giving
positive answers and deflecting. Lots of coach speak and little substance,
for sure. But that’s the norm, not a criticism.
We don’t have much to go off of when it comes to Luke’s relationship with
the front office. A big part of that his how 99% of it is behind the scenes.
Part of it is that the front office isn’t one that we can assume is acting
While the Lakers haven’t seen the current roster all healthy at the same
time, we did see the pre-trade roster healthy at the start of the season. And
that performance may have set expectations higher than they should have.
The Lakers had a 20-14 record before LeBron went down, good for a 48 win
pace. In reality, the team was playing much worse. Based on the luck-adjusted
data, which will attempt to suss out the variance and randomness that will
natural appear in the data (especially at a smaller sample like that), the
Lakers with LeBron for that stretch were performing to the level of a team
that’d be expected to be 16.9-17.1, on pace for 40.7 wins.
The difference between 48 wins and 41 wins last season would have been the
difference between a tie for the 4 seed in the West and the 11 seed. So while
LeBron James is undeniably a monster on the court, it’s very possible the
Lakers were already a bad team that were just being held together by perhaps
the greatest player to ever play the game.
Since that time, the Lakers have played like a 30-52 full-season team
according to the luck-adjusted data. They’re going to need to flip a hell of
a switch to make it to the playoffs. In the small sample since the All-Star
Break, they’ve played like a 43-39 full-season team. Based on BBall
Reference playoff odds, it looks like 45 wins makes the playoffs as the
eighth seed. That would require them to be winning at a 57-25 full-season
pace for the rest of the season, which is what the Warriors’ actual full
season record is projected to be on their site. The odds aren’t good at all,
and will require a completely different kind of performance from LA we haven’
t seen this season.
So where does that leave us? Walton seems to do okay to above average with
the lesser valued off-the court components. He’s done well with player
development, but offensively is lacking quite a bit. And the rotations and
scheme are major liabilities.
With the Lakers looking to compete, and do it through adding talent in free
agency, the focus should be on strengths in Walton’s staff’s two weakest
areas, rotations and scheme.
Those are the problems, but what are the solutions?
LA had a window of time this year where they could have moved on from Walton
and given a new staff some time to get their feet under them. That time has
passed. But that time will come again this offseason, and that’s when I
predict the Lakers will make a move. They have all the information they need
on Walton and his staff to reasonably predict future performance. Hiding
behind the roster not being fully healthy to say they can’t assess the staff
would be a gross misunderstanding of how to conduct performance management.
There was also a time this season to make assistant coach changes, and that
window may still be open. Coincidentally, the areas the Lakers need the most
growth are ones that can be improved by getting new assistants. That would
allow the consistency of having the same head coach to hopefully keep the
locker room together. That’s my pipe dream for the rest of this season, but
it’s also likely just a dream now that we’ve passed the All-Star Break,
which would have afforded LA a chance to install new offense.
I’ll break down coaching options in more detail at a later date, but the
candidates like Mark Jackson, Jason Kidd, and Ty Lue don’t look all that
appealing once their scheme film and optimization and development data is
broken down. The names that will ultimately end up being top contenders are
likely ones the Lakers can’t hire today. There’s a reason those candidates
don’t have coaching jobs today.
But gun to my head, I’d say the best options available today that would be
worth a deeper look are Stan Van Gundy, Jeff Van Gundy (I’m skeptical), and
Kevin McHale. Not great compared to the names I’m about to rattle off.
Among the college ranks, John Beilein, Mark Few, Bob McKillop, Bill Self,
Tony Bennett, Tom Izzo, Greg Gard, or Jay Wright would all be viable (if
If they were to get fired for some reason Alvin Gentry or Brett Brown are
both very good coaches with great data to back up their schemes and
Even with just adding assistants to the current staff, defensive guru Luke
Yaklich or Brad Soderberg would be good options from college and likely
attainable if LA were to throw money at them. NBA assistants like Ettore
Messina would be worth a look as well. With any assistants, you’d want to do
a lot of extra vetting to understand who is responsible for what and what
their talent levels are in the core competencies of the job.
The odds are, someone among those 11 head coach options not currently
available will have interest during this offseason. I’d take any of them and
their staffs over Walton’s staff in a heartbeat, and it has nothing to do
with their wins and losses or coach speak in interviews. It’s about what the
key components of being a head basketball coach are, and how good each of
those candidates is at each of those competencies.
教练人选有Mark Jason、Jason Kidd、Ty Lue,甚至是Stan Van Gundy、Jeff Van Gundy
、Kevin McHale。在NCAA中如果这些教练感兴趣的话有,John Beilein(Michigan)、Mark
Few(Gonzaga)、Bob McKillop(Davidson)、Bill Self(Kansas)、Tony Bennett(Virginia)
、Tom Izzo(Michigan State),Greg Gard(Wisconsin)或Jay Wright(Villanova)。或者防
守大师Luke Yaklich、Brad Soderberg,或现在NBA其他球队的助理教练例如Ettore Messi

作者: IngramBrando (IG)   2019-02-27 18:19:00
推~ 这篇真的超~长
作者: Kreen (每天要更優秀一點)   2019-02-27 18:19:00
作者: ken720331 (肯)   2019-02-27 18:19:00
作者: tn00037166 (向右向左)   2019-02-27 18:21:00
作者: andy82116 (哭哭鲨鱼)   2019-02-27 18:21:00
亚利桑那亲友团 不需要投篮教练 赞
作者: chrisplash (0.0)   2019-02-27 18:23:00
作者: hotpamsko (抠仔)   2019-02-27 18:25:00
作者: abc10058 (YOY)   2019-02-27 18:27:00
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-27 18:28:00
作者: Kreen (每天要更優秀一點)   2019-02-27 18:30:00
其他部份先不说,但这篇个部份写错了,排球教练是 Jud
作者: Lebaldshames (ty)   2019-02-27 18:30:00
干 2k战术都比湖人多XD
作者: Kreen (每天要更優秀一點)   2019-02-27 18:31:00
Buechler 去年离职了。Mermuys 之前在暴龙做球员发展的。本身是篮球影片剪接出身,当初评价算颇好的~
作者: jimli (阿健)   2019-02-27 18:32:00
作者: dwiee (K&L)   2019-02-27 18:33:00
作者: chrisplash (0.0)   2019-02-27 18:33:00
作者: benson96968 (benson96968)   2019-02-27 18:34:00
烂教练快滚吧 叫老詹扛禁区就是没料的证明
作者: StephenChou (123)   2019-02-27 18:34:00
那段我会解释成 要受到球员信任,不能只靠平时训练
作者: dwiee (K&L)   2019-02-27 18:34:00
看完觉得IG&kuz 能在这么恶劣的环境成长 真厉害
作者: dwiee (K&L)   2019-02-27 18:36:00
难怪我觉得球队进攻都变成个人单打秀 得分很难一样Luke没有参与到一个体系的建造过程吧 没有经验建立体系
作者: ken720331 (肯)   2019-02-27 18:44:00
作者: svg1031 (聽說我是天蠍座,夾夾)   2019-02-27 18:45:00
作者: winnabe (请你不要迷恋哥)   2019-02-27 18:45:00
作者: asghdf123 (小咘)   2019-02-27 18:48:00
作者: BanJarvan4 (不解釋)   2019-02-27 18:49:00
作者: asghdf123 (小咘)   2019-02-27 18:50:00
作者: kaede0711 (kaede)   2019-02-27 18:51:00
作者: winnabe (请你不要迷恋哥)   2019-02-27 18:51:00
在哪区根本没关系?进攻防守都最低评价罚球跟三分还比不上去年骑士的一根毛吧该留的不留 随便乱丢 当然一堆打工仔说打工仔 打工仔一开始还很认真勒
作者: fever200977 (fever200977)   2019-02-27 18:54:00
作者: winnabe (请你不要迷恋哥)   2019-02-27 18:54:00
作者: dwiee (K&L)   2019-02-27 18:55:00
ig/ball/kcp/hart/kuz/zu都老班底 lopez不谈跑去谈Mcgee?
作者: winnabe (请你不要迷恋哥)   2019-02-27 18:55:00
看被丢的都感谢湖人丢他 顺便嘴两下就知道湖人高层跟教练团多垃圾
作者: dwiee (K&L)   2019-02-27 18:56:00
都知道有体系和战术融合问题了 还跑去找mcgee 有事吗
作者: andy82116 (哭哭鲨鱼)   2019-02-27 18:56:00
去年骑士也一堆打工仔 战术也没跑的像湖人一样糟
作者: winnabe (请你不要迷恋哥)   2019-02-27 18:58:00
Lopez有比麦基差吗?Lopez才340万 连谈都没谈
作者: Verlander35 (Justin Verlander 35 )   2019-02-27 19:04:00
作者: kobelouli (高速PCB)   2019-02-27 19:05:00
IG KUZ Ball Hart起码都是有在进步就算了 但助教团真的不换就没救了
作者: violing613 (house..my pet......)   2019-02-27 19:10:00
还以为会看到多血淋淋的内容 结果防守评价A xD
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2019-02-27 19:11:00
结论 助教团真的废XD我们防守都是靠球员单防吧XDD少了球球 其他人又受伤 防守有一定落差 外围只剩下IG
作者: samsam80821 (歪的)   2019-02-27 19:13:00
作者: violing613 (house..my pet......)   2019-02-27 19:14:00
太好啦 用一年佣兵打成这样 那明年换个教练还不飞天了
作者: lonzoslaker (Lonzo Ball)   2019-02-27 19:14:00
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2019-02-27 19:14:00
撑场 因为几个锋线跟内线几乎守不出来变成他特忙
作者: nepenthes7   2019-02-27 19:14:00
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2019-02-27 19:15:00
一但忙不过来放人进去 目前禁区又是甜甜圈 真的惨
作者: samsam80821 (歪的)   2019-02-27 19:15:00
作者: winnabe (请你不要迷恋哥)   2019-02-27 19:15:00
这么多项次都是F 整体评价A?这什么巫术
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2019-02-27 19:16:00
我觉得给他这约没问题 有问题的是明知道他没人脉
作者: samsam80821 (歪的)   2019-02-27 19:16:00
以我疼资历来说他算是有在进步也不差 但本来就没理由一堆菜鸡的状况下连教练都要养
作者: samsam80821 (歪的)   2019-02-27 19:17:00
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2019-02-27 19:17:00
只能说 某程度上公主真的很宠他- . -..
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2019-02-27 19:18:00
去年就觉得让我藤太松 他会很皮 该强势插一个有经验的
作者: samsam80821 (歪的)   2019-02-27 19:18:00
资历最深是IG 可以呛所有人 你们这些菜逼八
作者: dwiee (K&L)   2019-02-27 19:19:00
2016那时Luke名声很大 有问题的是 太快决定 没面试另外2个
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2019-02-27 19:19:00
季中直接出来说 他饭碗今年肯定没问题 就又开始皮了
作者: samsam80821 (歪的)   2019-02-27 19:19:00
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2019-02-27 19:20:00
季初那个连败后 调度多正常压 会怕的我疼 很正常的XD现在不用怕 就又开始闹事了吧XD
作者: dwiee (K&L)   2019-02-27 19:20:00
那时看到青赛bs的成功 湖人也想复制吧 结果就...
作者: ken720331 (肯)   2019-02-27 19:21:00
作者: asd0217j (啊啊啊!唉唷~)   2019-02-27 19:21:00
在我疼带领之下 总觉得是这几个小将天生神力才能够自己长起来
作者: samsam80821 (歪的)   2019-02-27 19:21:00
BS资历差很多馁 NCAA很多年了 类似资历的只有Kidd lueKidd某方面哲学跟缺点跟我疼很像
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2019-02-27 19:23:00
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-27 19:24:00
可是lue有一个冠军 kidd比walton早开始当教练
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2019-02-27 19:24:00
不过这阵子比较像一年约的大家在闹事 真的交易风暴中的年轻人倒是很正常XD
作者: samsam80821 (歪的)   2019-02-27 19:24:00
Kidd也很讨厌没外线长人 然后也是很有想法 但现实中无法让球员打出他想要的东西
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2019-02-27 19:25:00
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-27 19:25:00
作者: samsam80821 (歪的)   2019-02-27 19:26:00
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-27 19:26:00
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2019-02-27 19:26:00
台面上我觉得大屁股不错 但他应该最不可能XD
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2019-02-27 19:27:00
没进攻有防守就说水货 进攻稳定了就说都在刷数据 干
作者: samsam80821 (歪的)   2019-02-27 19:27:00
除了大屁股 其他之前传的我都觉得差不多
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-27 19:27:00
mark jackson其实会愿意来,kidd倒不一定
作者: dwiee (K&L)   2019-02-27 19:28:00
总板看看打打嘴砲而已 不用太认真
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2019-02-27 19:28:00
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-27 19:28:00
作者: dwiee (K&L)   2019-02-27 19:29:00
没进季后赛 教练就被抓去祭旗 应该不用担心
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-27 19:30:00
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2019-02-27 19:31:00
裤子评价标准一直都还蛮松的XD 不管是这边还是其他
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-27 19:31:00
就人和啊,mark jackson走后curry和iggy把他喷歪了
作者: baiweilo (一生科科)   2019-02-27 19:31:00
作者: nt880245 (nt880245)   2019-02-27 19:32:00
作者: bubblewn (蚂蚁)   2019-02-27 19:32:00
去年骑士战术 你是说1星4射 23号战术喔...
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-27 19:33:00
不是iggy是zach lowie
作者: dwiee (K&L)   2019-02-27 19:33:00
看怎么看吧 27顺位这水准没什么好嫌了 IG榜眼会比较严格
作者: samsam80821 (歪的)   2019-02-27 19:33:00
因为我觉得裤子的类型顶多防守就平均水准 哈我是从球员类型看啦
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-27 19:34:00
lue把23号放SF luke把23号放C
作者: nepenthes7   2019-02-27 19:35:00
连主将该放哪都不知道 哈 好教练
作者: Lebaldshames (ty)   2019-02-27 19:35:00
Luke:我要嘴绿 喇叭=强化版嘴绿 所以我要他当小球C
作者: BanJarvan4 (不解釋)   2019-02-27 19:36:00
作者: Lebaldshames (ty)   2019-02-27 19:38:00
记得没错上季骑士缺PG有把喇叭丢去控 不过第一次看到拿去扛C的 奇葩
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-27 19:39:00
mark jackson斗不了lbj吧,我猜记得他是斗ezeli
作者: LBJKO   2019-02-27 19:40:00
我还以为B.Keefe是来带IG的 原来防守是他策画的~
作者: BanJarvan4 (不解釋)   2019-02-27 19:40:00
那手段太恶劣 不会有球员想替他打球的
作者: Lakers24 (湖人)   2019-02-27 19:41:00
作者: Lebaldshames (ty)   2019-02-27 19:41:00
打屁股是带头霸凌 大概被各队黑名单了吧
作者: LBJKO   2019-02-27 19:41:00
当初有要介入 之前Rumor也有说Magic告诉Luke他位子稳但助教问题要处理~
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-27 19:41:00
作者: LBJKO   2019-02-27 19:42:00
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-27 19:42:00
作者: LBJKO   2019-02-27 19:43:00
我只觉得以Jeanie目前状况 Luke应该还是留 砍的是身边的人~
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-27 19:43:00
而且大家最喜欢说lbj斗教练,lbj vs mark jackson?没啊,明年留luke你猜FA谁会来
作者: samsam80821 (歪的)   2019-02-27 19:44:00
作者: BanJarvan4 (不解釋)   2019-02-27 19:44:00
大屁股是斗新人啊 真的来应该是 VS IG Kuz之类的
作者: LBJKO   2019-02-27 19:44:00
不过进攻被喷很久 光LFR就也谯不少,但伤兵+交易后 显得更单调罢了
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-27 19:45:00
mark jackson vs ig?好像不错看
作者: winnabe (请你不要迷恋哥)   2019-02-27 19:45:00
留你疼 今年夏天准备吃土 连像样打工仔都没
作者: violing613 (house..my pet......)   2019-02-27 19:46:00
作者: winnabe (请你不要迷恋哥)   2019-02-27 19:46:00
作者: Lebaldshames (ty)   2019-02-27 19:47:00
再烂下去干脆把甜瓜签来 反正没损失啦
作者: violing613 (house..my pet......)   2019-02-27 19:47:00
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-27 19:49:00
作者: winnabe (请你不要迷恋哥)   2019-02-27 19:49:00
作者: samsam80821 (歪的)   2019-02-27 19:50:00
豆总我也觉得是不爽打 从鹈鹕过来然后差点被丢回去
作者: winnabe (请你不要迷恋哥)   2019-02-27 19:50:00
绝杀青赛士气有起来 魔术跟你疼又开送
作者: lonzoslaker (Lonzo Ball)   2019-02-27 19:50:00
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-27 19:50:00
作者: Lebaldshames (ty)   2019-02-27 19:50:00
甜瓜抓去扛C 延伸五号Get
作者: winnabe (请你不要迷恋哥)   2019-02-27 19:51:00
作者: joey890916 (ChaCha23)   2019-02-27 19:51:00
板凳的战力真的蛮差的就是了教练很烂高层也没好到哪里 季前补强除了LBJ也没真的补到点
作者: BanJarvan4 (不解釋)   2019-02-27 19:51:00
作者: lonzoslaker (Lonzo Ball)   2019-02-27 19:52:00
作者: alankira (小艾)   2019-02-27 19:52:00
B. Keefe负责防守计画那段整个翻歪了,他是说防守没像进攻那么惨,但很阳春. 而且作者也称赞Luke 让Hart去放Black或Green是很好的战术,只是这类好的防守策略以NBA等级来说太少了
作者: bangch (BANG)   2019-02-27 19:54:00
推这篇 中午也有在看但是还没时间看完就有这篇翻译板了~
作者: winnabe (请你不要迷恋哥)   2019-02-27 19:54:00
要比进攻等级F 还烂也是很难
作者: Dex5566 (德克斯特)   2019-02-27 19:59:00
楼主: JoelEmbiid (JoelEmbiid)   2019-02-27 20:00:00
翻译错误 晚点改 谢谢
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-27 20:00:00
作者: LBJKO   2019-02-27 20:00:00
只能说高层教练 一起造成现在局面
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-27 20:01:00
只是怎么hart也炸了kuz状态少掉 ig上升 ball没数据 zubac走了 hart是大掉
作者: samsam80821 (歪的)   2019-02-27 20:05:00
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-27 20:07:00
作者: hotpamsko (抠仔)   2019-02-27 20:07:00
作者: samsam80821 (歪的)   2019-02-27 20:09:00
不然就伤后状况不好 我觉得他算慢热
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-27 20:11:00
作者: lkwhenry616 (Henry616)   2019-02-27 20:24:00
作者: s950435 (魔人啾啾)   2019-02-27 20:34:00
好不容易走了BS 我疼来也很烂希望下季能来个好教练啊!!!想当初生气到三两天就在至底怒灌区骂BS
作者: alankira (小艾)   2019-02-27 21:12:00
你防守计画那段意思还是没看懂... 我直接翻给你好了 囧
作者: dickenst35 (阿煒)   2019-02-27 21:15:00
作者: jimli (阿健)   2019-02-27 21:20:00
先有冬爷等级的助教你才有本钱睡 菜比巴就摆老
作者: iandol   2019-02-27 21:39:00
简单来说就是我们的教练签来养 可是养坏了XDD只是我向来不认同教练要养这个说法连教练都要养 那谁来养新人?
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2019-02-27 21:42:00
作者: jimli (阿健)   2019-02-27 21:43:00
应该从基层做起 或是去带ncaa累积经验 天才没有几个的
作者: BanJarvan4 (不解釋)   2019-02-27 21:43:00
作者: iandol   2019-02-27 21:51:00
只能说湖人又白白浪费了几年 如果有正常教练 IG可能会养的更好一点
作者: azlbf (上邪!我欲與君相知)   2019-02-27 21:53:00
防守那段 原文是称赞意味吧
作者: StephenChou (123)   2019-02-27 21:54:00
教练菜倒也罢了 然而助教团比他更菜
作者: samsam80821 (歪的)   2019-02-27 21:54:00
但大鸟那时候有神极助教团卡帅负责防守的Dick Harter也满给力的
作者: azlbf (上邪!我欲與君相知)   2019-02-27 22:07:00
实际上就是养成方面没想像中差 甚至是前段差的是临战指导
作者: samsam80821 (歪的)   2019-02-27 22:08:00
养成就方向偏的很极端xd 有a也有f其实可以理解球员发展防守有A啦我们对新人的防守要求算凶的 以个人防手来说都进步很多 红茶去鹈鹕之后防守也没在湖人好
作者: lkwhenry616 (Henry616)   2019-02-27 22:12:00
作者: jimli (阿健)   2019-02-27 22:13:00
可惜现在吃香的是防守体系 所以防守破成这样
作者: chrisplash (0.0)   2019-02-27 22:21:00
养成就外围投射出大问题啊XD 那个投篮教练XDDDD现在几乎侧翼新秀到NBA都是三分投更多,就IG逆天练
作者: tso50313   2019-02-27 22:26:00
作者: jimli (阿健)   2019-02-27 22:35:00
三分全都烙赛 然后不请投篮教练 独步全nba 反潮流
作者: Edgekinger (edgesinger)   2019-02-27 22:54:00
作者: alankira (小艾)   2019-02-27 22:58:00
作者: Allwolf (来跟我一起打拼吧)   2019-02-27 23:12:00
作者: GANZ (☠☻☺☂☁☑〒﹏¿⊙☎)   2019-02-27 23:25:00
排球教练还被尼克挖角 看来颇有过人之处啊!
作者: chlin0430 (阿呆)   2019-02-27 23:31:00
作者: gm79227922 (mr.r)   2019-02-27 23:36:00
之前的华粉呢 我疼就是烂 这篇已经指出来了
作者: micbrimac (shark)   2019-02-27 23:39:00
我听过最大的笑话是 总教练也要养~总教练也要养 那谁要养球员? 所以我们的天赋就一只一只跑去别队当主力了
作者: TorukMakto (Polaris)   2019-02-27 23:42:00
作者: elfish123 (ZEXD)   2019-02-28 00:08:00
作者: TorukMakto (Polaris)   2019-02-28 00:22:00
作者: dingdong103 (叮当)   2019-02-28 01:28:00
作者: kevin10651 (小新)   2019-02-28 01:45:00
他就一直很想打造勇士球风 但最可笑的是湖人连个稳定的射手都没有 还成天想打死亡五小
作者: ksuenjjr (Phantom)   2019-02-28 02:06:00
作者: K951753 (三宝饭好吃!)   2019-02-28 02:53:00
你藤先去当个10年助教再说吧 真的废到笑
作者: CS0000000000 (喵老师ASMR)   2019-02-28 03:42:00
作者: LBJKO   2019-02-28 08:12:00
结果B-easy在大陆采访谈到我湖 充满满满的赞赏现在想想替补放他自干也许还超过7分XDPs:另外LFR twitter也有Luke对于LBJ灰熊那场 站着看对手投三分的评论~
作者: kurenaiz (红)   2019-02-28 08:41:00
教练要养也没错啦 强如波波也不是一职教就这么强
作者: JRSmith (丁尺)   2019-02-28 09:15:00
现在湖人传奇开始砲轰外来种XDD再这样搞下去 好奇谁会想来湖人
作者: Eonst (Eonst)   2019-02-28 09:29:00
姆斯防守偷懒我可以体谅。34 岁的人要上 40分钟。还得负责拯救僵尸级的进攻,低功率输出可以理解。
作者: DAHSU (DAN)   2019-02-28 09:38:00
作者: Solid4 (Pedot)   2019-02-28 10:07:00
我其实不是很懂Bez那个时候怪声是为什么,顶多上场时间不稳定,但他家里有事磨合也没多少,不放他我觉得可以理解搞不好怪声他只是被波及 交易掉单纯是没办法保证上场时间?
作者: do8168125 (阿仁)   2019-02-28 10:14:00
作者: dwiee (K&L)   2019-02-28 10:16:00
Bez有一场对Luke提出质疑而已 luke嫌他不够无私但我记得同时质疑教练得还有mcgee,Bez 自干2球就被骂那场我记得bez 7分钟 fg 2-4吧,我觉得质疑教练没问题..#1SLfeI15 板友写的文章 可以看那天bez发生什么事
作者: lkwhenry616 (Henry616)   2019-02-28 10:28:00
作者: Eonst (Eonst)   2019-02-28 10:32:00
作者: goldenlen   2019-02-28 10:33:00
作者: Eonst (Eonst)   2019-02-28 10:33:00
作者: goldenlen   2019-02-28 10:34:00
记得有场ZU表现很好 我疼:我在训练场看到他一直在练习这真的不知是三小回答...
作者: Verlander35 (Justin Verlander 35 )   2019-02-28 10:37:00
作者: goldenlen   2019-02-28 10:43:00
这根本没话找话吧 XD
作者: koga5566 (忍蛙56)   2019-02-28 10:54:00
KD铁起来KT也能补上 羡慕
作者: LBJKO   2019-02-28 10:55:00
B-easy出怪声还好 且很正常 那段Kuz受伤硬上 打得不稳结果B-easy时间也没多 多打个两球被靠夭自私
作者: goldenlen   2019-02-28 10:57:00
作者: LBJKO   2019-02-28 10:58:00
作者: teruhyde12 (KKOBE)   2019-02-28 10:59:00
作者: LBJKO   2019-02-28 11:03:00
结果今天先发好像改了 Mcgee被拔了?据球爹微博 五小先发XD
作者: goldenlen   2019-02-28 11:05:00
开场就五小 姆斯还是裤子扛C??
作者: cvbn7910 (沁凉)   2019-02-28 11:05:00
作者: LBJKO   2019-02-28 11:06:00
Mike Trudell twitter也证实了Rondo IG LBJ Kuz Bullock XDDD
作者: sbdr (鼻子直痛鼻血直流没看)   2019-02-28 11:13:00
作者: TorukMakto (Polaris)   2019-02-28 11:28:00
作者: chenlansue (給你個飛踢~!)   2019-02-28 15:02:00
有人知道为什么要顾一个排球教练吗? 好奇....
作者: goldenlen   2019-02-28 15:21:00
那排球教练以前是NBA球员啊,只是去当女儿球队教练吧jud buechler是乔丹三连霸时期的队友
作者: matsuwu (BboyFan)   2019-03-01 13:43:00
作者: IngramBrando (IG)   2019-02-28 02:19:00
推~ 这篇真的超~长
作者: Kreen (每天要更優秀一點)   2019-02-28 02:19:00
作者: ken720331 (肯)   2019-02-28 02:19:00
作者: tn00037166 (向右向左)   2019-02-28 02:21:00
作者: andy82116 (哭哭鲨鱼)   2019-02-28 02:21:00
亚利桑那亲友团 不需要投篮教练 赞
作者: chrisplash (0.0)   2019-02-28 02:23:00
作者: hotpamsko (抠仔)   2019-02-28 02:25:00
作者: abc10058 (YOY)   2019-02-28 02:27:00
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-28 02:28:00
作者: Kreen (每天要更優秀一點)   2019-02-28 02:30:00
其他部份先不说,但这篇个部份写错了,排球教练是 Jud
作者: Lebaldshames (ty)   2019-02-28 02:30:00
干 2k战术都比湖人多XD
作者: Kreen (每天要更優秀一點)   2019-02-28 02:31:00
Buechler 去年离职了。Mermuys 之前在暴龙做球员发展的。本身是篮球影片剪接出身,当初评价算颇好的~
作者: jimli (阿健)   2019-02-28 02:32:00
作者: dwiee (K&L)   2019-02-28 02:33:00
作者: chrisplash (0.0)   2019-02-28 02:33:00
作者: benson96968 (benson96968)   2019-02-28 02:34:00
烂教练快滚吧 叫老詹扛禁区就是没料的证明
作者: StephenChou (123)   2019-02-28 02:34:00
那段我会解释成 要受到球员信任,不能只靠平时训练
作者: dwiee (K&L)   2019-02-28 02:34:00
看完觉得IG&kuz 能在这么恶劣的环境成长 真厉害
作者: dwiee (K&L)   2019-02-28 02:36:00
难怪我觉得球队进攻都变成个人单打秀 得分很难一样Luke没有参与到一个体系的建造过程吧 没有经验建立体系
作者: ken720331 (肯)   2019-02-28 02:44:00
作者: svg1031 (聽說我是天蠍座,夾夾)   2019-02-28 02:45:00
作者: winnabe (请你不要迷恋哥)   2019-02-28 02:45:00
作者: asghdf123 (小咘)   2019-02-28 02:48:00
作者: BanJarvan4 (不解釋)   2019-02-28 02:49:00
作者: asghdf123 (小咘)   2019-02-28 02:50:00
作者: kaede0711 (kaede)   2019-02-28 02:51:00
作者: winnabe (请你不要迷恋哥)   2019-02-28 02:51:00
在哪区根本没关系?进攻防守都最低评价罚球跟三分还比不上去年骑士的一根毛吧该留的不留 随便乱丢 当然一堆打工仔说打工仔 打工仔一开始还很认真勒
作者: fever200977 (fever200977)   2019-02-28 02:54:00
作者: winnabe (请你不要迷恋哥)   2019-02-28 02:54:00
作者: dwiee (K&L)   2019-02-28 02:55:00
ig/ball/kcp/hart/kuz/zu都老班底 lopez不谈跑去谈Mcgee?
作者: winnabe (请你不要迷恋哥)   2019-02-28 02:55:00
看被丢的都感谢湖人丢他 顺便嘴两下就知道湖人高层跟教练团多垃圾
作者: dwiee (K&L)   2019-02-28 02:56:00
都知道有体系和战术融合问题了 还跑去找mcgee 有事吗
作者: andy82116 (哭哭鲨鱼)   2019-02-28 02:56:00
去年骑士也一堆打工仔 战术也没跑的像湖人一样糟
作者: winnabe (请你不要迷恋哥)   2019-02-28 02:58:00
Lopez有比麦基差吗?Lopez才340万 连谈都没谈
作者: Verlander35 (Justin Verlander 35 )   2019-02-28 03:04:00
作者: kobelouli (高速PCB)   2019-02-28 03:05:00
IG KUZ Ball Hart起码都是有在进步就算了 但助教团真的不换就没救了
作者: violing613 (house..my pet......)   2019-02-28 03:10:00
还以为会看到多血淋淋的内容 结果防守评价A xD
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2019-02-28 03:11:00
结论 助教团真的废XD我们防守都是靠球员单防吧XDD少了球球 其他人又受伤 防守有一定落差 外围只剩下IG
作者: samsam80821 (歪的)   2019-02-28 03:13:00
作者: violing613 (house..my pet......)   2019-02-28 03:14:00
太好啦 用一年佣兵打成这样 那明年换个教练还不飞天了
作者: lonzoslaker (Lonzo Ball)   2019-02-28 03:14:00
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2019-02-28 03:14:00
撑场 因为几个锋线跟内线几乎守不出来变成他特忙
作者: nepenthes7   2019-02-28 03:14:00
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2019-02-28 03:15:00
一但忙不过来放人进去 目前禁区又是甜甜圈 真的惨
作者: samsam80821 (歪的)   2019-02-28 03:15:00
作者: winnabe (请你不要迷恋哥)   2019-02-28 03:15:00
这么多项次都是F 整体评价A?这什么巫术
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2019-02-28 03:16:00
我觉得给他这约没问题 有问题的是明知道他没人脉
作者: samsam80821 (歪的)   2019-02-28 03:16:00
以我疼资历来说他算是有在进步也不差 但本来就没理由一堆菜鸡的状况下连教练都要养
作者: samsam80821 (歪的)   2019-02-28 03:17:00
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2019-02-28 03:17:00
只能说 某程度上公主真的很宠他- . -..
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2019-02-28 03:18:00
去年就觉得让我藤太松 他会很皮 该强势插一个有经验的
作者: samsam80821 (歪的)   2019-02-28 03:18:00
资历最深是IG 可以呛所有人 你们这些菜逼八
作者: dwiee (K&L)   2019-02-28 03:19:00
2016那时Luke名声很大 有问题的是 太快决定 没面试另外2个
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2019-02-28 03:19:00
季中直接出来说 他饭碗今年肯定没问题 就又开始皮了
作者: samsam80821 (歪的)   2019-02-28 03:19:00
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2019-02-28 03:20:00
季初那个连败后 调度多正常压 会怕的我疼 很正常的XD现在不用怕 就又开始闹事了吧XD
作者: dwiee (K&L)   2019-02-28 03:20:00
那时看到青赛bs的成功 湖人也想复制吧 结果就...
作者: ken720331 (肯)   2019-02-28 03:21:00
作者: asd0217j (啊啊啊!唉唷~)   2019-02-28 03:21:00
在我疼带领之下 总觉得是这几个小将天生神力才能够自己长起来
作者: samsam80821 (歪的)   2019-02-28 03:21:00
BS资历差很多馁 NCAA很多年了 类似资历的只有Kidd lueKidd某方面哲学跟缺点跟我疼很像
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2019-02-28 03:23:00
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-28 03:24:00
可是lue有一个冠军 kidd比walton早开始当教练
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2019-02-28 03:24:00
不过这阵子比较像一年约的大家在闹事 真的交易风暴中的年轻人倒是很正常XD
作者: samsam80821 (歪的)   2019-02-28 03:24:00
Kidd也很讨厌没外线长人 然后也是很有想法 但现实中无法让球员打出他想要的东西
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2019-02-28 03:25:00
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-28 03:25:00
作者: samsam80821 (歪的)   2019-02-28 03:26:00
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-28 03:26:00
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2019-02-28 03:26:00
台面上我觉得大屁股不错 但他应该最不可能XD
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2019-02-28 03:27:00
没进攻有防守就说水货 进攻稳定了就说都在刷数据 干
作者: samsam80821 (歪的)   2019-02-28 03:27:00
除了大屁股 其他之前传的我都觉得差不多
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-28 03:27:00
mark jackson其实会愿意来,kidd倒不一定
作者: dwiee (K&L)   2019-02-28 03:28:00
总板看看打打嘴砲而已 不用太认真
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2019-02-28 03:28:00
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-28 03:28:00
作者: dwiee (K&L)   2019-02-28 03:29:00
没进季后赛 教练就被抓去祭旗 应该不用担心
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-28 03:30:00
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2019-02-28 03:31:00
裤子评价标准一直都还蛮松的XD 不管是这边还是其他
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-28 03:31:00
就人和啊,mark jackson走后curry和iggy把他喷歪了
作者: baiweilo (一生科科)   2019-02-28 03:31:00
作者: nt880245 (nt880245)   2019-02-28 03:32:00
作者: bubblewn (蚂蚁)   2019-02-28 03:32:00
去年骑士战术 你是说1星4射 23号战术喔...
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-28 03:33:00
不是iggy是zach lowie
作者: dwiee (K&L)   2019-02-28 03:33:00
看怎么看吧 27顺位这水准没什么好嫌了 IG榜眼会比较严格
作者: samsam80821 (歪的)   2019-02-28 03:33:00
因为我觉得裤子的类型顶多防守就平均水准 哈我是从球员类型看啦
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-28 03:34:00
lue把23号放SF luke把23号放C
作者: nepenthes7   2019-02-28 03:35:00
连主将该放哪都不知道 哈 好教练
作者: Lebaldshames (ty)   2019-02-28 03:35:00
Luke:我要嘴绿 喇叭=强化版嘴绿 所以我要他当小球C
作者: BanJarvan4 (不解釋)   2019-02-28 03:36:00
作者: Lebaldshames (ty)   2019-02-28 03:38:00
记得没错上季骑士缺PG有把喇叭丢去控 不过第一次看到拿去扛C的 奇葩
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-28 03:39:00
mark jackson斗不了lbj吧,我猜记得他是斗ezeli
作者: LBJKO   2019-02-28 03:40:00
我还以为B.Keefe是来带IG的 原来防守是他策画的~
作者: BanJarvan4 (不解釋)   2019-02-28 03:40:00
那手段太恶劣 不会有球员想替他打球的
作者: Lakers24 (湖人)   2019-02-28 03:41:00
作者: Lebaldshames (ty)   2019-02-28 03:41:00
打屁股是带头霸凌 大概被各队黑名单了吧
作者: LBJKO   2019-02-28 03:41:00
当初有要介入 之前Rumor也有说Magic告诉Luke他位子稳但助教问题要处理~
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-28 03:41:00
作者: LBJKO   2019-02-28 03:42:00
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-28 03:42:00
作者: LBJKO   2019-02-28 03:43:00
我只觉得以Jeanie目前状况 Luke应该还是留 砍的是身边的人~
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-28 03:43:00
而且大家最喜欢说lbj斗教练,lbj vs mark jackson?没啊,明年留luke你猜FA谁会来
作者: samsam80821 (歪的)   2019-02-28 03:44:00
作者: BanJarvan4 (不解釋)   2019-02-28 03:44:00
大屁股是斗新人啊 真的来应该是 VS IG Kuz之类的
作者: LBJKO   2019-02-28 03:44:00
不过进攻被喷很久 光LFR就也谯不少,但伤兵+交易后 显得更单调罢了
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-28 03:45:00
mark jackson vs ig?好像不错看
作者: winnabe (请你不要迷恋哥)   2019-02-28 03:45:00
留你疼 今年夏天准备吃土 连像样打工仔都没
作者: violing613 (house..my pet......)   2019-02-28 03:46:00
作者: winnabe (请你不要迷恋哥)   2019-02-28 03:46:00
作者: Lebaldshames (ty)   2019-02-28 03:47:00
再烂下去干脆把甜瓜签来 反正没损失啦
作者: violing613 (house..my pet......)   2019-02-28 03:47:00
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-28 03:49:00
作者: winnabe (请你不要迷恋哥)   2019-02-28 03:49:00
作者: samsam80821 (歪的)   2019-02-28 03:50:00
豆总我也觉得是不爽打 从鹈鹕过来然后差点被丢回去
作者: winnabe (请你不要迷恋哥)   2019-02-28 03:50:00
绝杀青赛士气有起来 魔术跟你疼又开送
作者: lonzoslaker (Lonzo Ball)   2019-02-28 03:50:00
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-28 03:50:00
作者: Lebaldshames (ty)   2019-02-28 03:50:00
甜瓜抓去扛C 延伸五号Get
作者: winnabe (请你不要迷恋哥)   2019-02-28 03:51:00
作者: joey890916 (ChaCha23)   2019-02-28 03:51:00
板凳的战力真的蛮差的就是了教练很烂高层也没好到哪里 季前补强除了LBJ也没真的补到点
作者: BanJarvan4 (不解釋)   2019-02-28 03:51:00
作者: lonzoslaker (Lonzo Ball)   2019-02-28 03:52:00
作者: alankira (小艾)   2019-02-28 03:52:00
B. Keefe负责防守计画那段整个翻歪了,他是说防守没像进攻那么惨,但很阳春. 而且作者也称赞Luke 让Hart去放Black或Green是很好的战术,只是这类好的防守策略以NBA等级来说太少了
作者: bangch (BANG)   2019-02-28 03:54:00
推这篇 中午也有在看但是还没时间看完就有这篇翻译板了~
作者: winnabe (请你不要迷恋哥)   2019-02-28 03:54:00
要比进攻等级F 还烂也是很难
作者: Dex5566 (德克斯特)   2019-02-28 03:59:00
楼主: JoelEmbiid (JoelEmbiid)   2019-02-28 04:00:00
翻译错误 晚点改 谢谢
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-28 04:00:00
作者: LBJKO   2019-02-28 04:00:00
只能说高层教练 一起造成现在局面
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-28 04:01:00
只是怎么hart也炸了kuz状态少掉 ig上升 ball没数据 zubac走了 hart是大掉
作者: samsam80821 (歪的)   2019-02-28 04:05:00
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-28 04:07:00
作者: hotpamsko (抠仔)   2019-02-28 04:07:00
作者: samsam80821 (歪的)   2019-02-28 04:09:00
不然就伤后状况不好 我觉得他算慢热
作者: AOB123 (命运)   2019-02-28 04:11:00
作者: lkwhenry616 (Henry616)   2019-02-28 04:24:00
作者: s950435 (魔人啾啾)   2019-02-28 04:34:00
好不容易走了BS 我疼来也很烂希望下季能来个好教练啊!!!想当初生气到三两天就在至底怒灌区骂BS
作者: alankira (小艾)   2019-02-28 05:12:00
你防守计画那段意思还是没看懂... 我直接翻给你好了 囧
作者: dickenst35 (阿煒)   2019-02-28 05:15:00
作者: jimli (阿健)   2019-02-28 05:20:00
先有冬爷等级的助教你才有本钱睡 菜比巴就摆老
作者: iandol   2019-02-28 05:39:00
简单来说就是我们的教练签来养 可是养坏了XDD只是我向来不认同教练要养这个说法连教练都要养 那谁来养新人?
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2019-02-28 05:42:00
作者: jimli (阿健)   2019-02-28 05:43:00
应该从基层做起 或是去带ncaa累积经验 天才没有几个的
作者: BanJarvan4 (不解釋)   2019-02-28 05:43:00
作者: iandol   2019-02-28 05:51:00
只能说湖人又白白浪费了几年 如果有正常教练 IG可能会养的更好一点
作者: azlbf (上邪!我欲與君相知)   2019-02-28 05:53:00
防守那段 原文是称赞意味吧
作者: StephenChou (123)   2019-02-28 05:54:00
教练菜倒也罢了 然而助教团比他更菜
作者: samsam80821 (歪的)   2019-02-28 05:54:00
但大鸟那时候有神极助教团卡帅负责防守的Dick Harter也满给力的
作者: azlbf (上邪!我欲與君相知)   2019-02-28 06:07:00
实际上就是养成方面没想像中差 甚至是前段差的是临战指导
作者: samsam80821 (歪的)   2019-02-28 06:08:00
养成就方向偏的很极端xd 有a也有f其实可以理解球员发展防守有A啦我们对新人的防守要求算凶的 以个人防手来说都进步很多 红茶去鹈鹕之后防守也没在湖人好
作者: lkwhenry616 (Henry616)   2019-02-28 06:12:00
作者: jimli (阿健)   2019-02-28 06:13:00
可惜现在吃香的是防守体系 所以防守破成这样
作者: chrisplash (0.0)   2019-02-28 06:21:00
养成就外围投射出大问题啊XD 那个投篮教练XDDDD现在几乎侧翼新秀到NBA都是三分投更多,就IG逆天练
作者: tso50313   2019-02-28 06:26:00
作者: jimli (阿健)   2019-02-28 06:35:00
三分全都烙赛 然后不请投篮教练 独步全nba 反潮流
作者: Edgekinger (edgesinger)   2019-02-28 06:54:00
作者: alankira (小艾)   2019-02-28 06:58:00
作者: Allwolf (来跟我一起打拼吧)   2019-02-28 07:12:00
作者: GANZ (☠☻☺☂☁☑〒﹏¿⊙☎)   2019-02-28 07:25:00
排球教练还被尼克挖角 看来颇有过人之处啊!
作者: chlin0430 (阿呆)   2019-02-28 07:31:00
作者: gm79227922 (mr.r)   2019-02-28 07:36:00
之前的华粉呢 我疼就是烂 这篇已经指出来了
作者: micbrimac (shark)   2019-02-28 07:39:00
我听过最大的笑话是 总教练也要养~总教练也要养 那谁要养球员? 所以我们的天赋就一只一只跑去别队当主力了
作者: TorukMakto (Polaris)   2019-02-28 07:42:00
作者: elfish123 (ZEXD)   2019-02-28 08:08:00
作者: TorukMakto (Polaris)   2019-02-28 08:22:00
作者: dingdong103 (叮当)   2019-02-28 09:28:00
作者: kevin10651 (小新)   2019-02-28 09:45:00
他就一直很想打造勇士球风 但最可笑的是湖人连个稳定的射手都没有 还成天想打死亡五小
作者: ksuenjjr (Phantom)   2019-02-28 10:06:00
作者: K951753 (三宝饭好吃!)   2019-02-28 10:53:00
你藤先去当个10年助教再说吧 真的废到笑
作者: CS0000000000 (喵老师ASMR)   2019-02-28 11:42:00
作者: LBJKO   2019-02-28 16:12:00
结果B-easy在大陆采访谈到我湖 充满满满的赞赏现在想想替补放他自干也许还超过7分XDPs:另外LFR twitter也有Luke对于LBJ灰熊那场 站着看对手投三分的评论~
作者: kurenaiz (红)   2019-02-28 16:41:00
教练要养也没错啦 强如波波也不是一职教就这么强
作者: JRSmith (丁尺)   2019-02-28 17:15:00
现在湖人传奇开始砲轰外来种XDD再这样搞下去 好奇谁会想来湖人
作者: Eonst (Eonst)   2019-02-28 17:29:00
姆斯防守偷懒我可以体谅。34 岁的人要上 40分钟。还得负责拯救僵尸级的进攻,低功率输出可以理解。
作者: DAHSU (DAN)   2019-02-28 17:38:00
作者: Solid4 (Pedot)   2019-02-28 18:07:00
我其实不是很懂Bez那个时候怪声是为什么,顶多上场时间不稳定,但他家里有事磨合也没多少,不放他我觉得可以理解搞不好怪声他只是被波及 交易掉单纯是没办法保证上场时间?
作者: do8168125 (阿仁)   2019-02-28 18:14:00
作者: dwiee (K&L)   2019-02-28 18:16:00
Bez有一场对Luke提出质疑而已 luke嫌他不够无私但我记得同时质疑教练得还有mcgee,Bez 自干2球就被骂那场我记得bez 7分钟 fg 2-4吧,我觉得质疑教练没问题..#1SLfeI15 板友写的文章 可以看那天bez发生什么事
作者: lkwhenry616 (Henry616)   2019-02-28 18:28:00
作者: Eonst (Eonst)   2019-02-28 18:32:00
作者: goldenlen   2019-02-28 18:33:00
作者: Eonst (Eonst)   2019-02-28 18:33:00
作者: goldenlen   2019-02-28 18:34:00
记得有场ZU表现很好 我疼:我在训练场看到他一直在练习这真的不知是三小回答...
作者: Verlander35 (Justin Verlander 35 )   2019-02-28 18:37:00
作者: goldenlen   2019-02-28 18:43:00
这根本没话找话吧 XD
作者: koga5566 (忍蛙56)   2019-02-28 18:54:00
KD铁起来KT也能补上 羡慕
作者: LBJKO   2019-02-28 18:55:00
B-easy出怪声还好 且很正常 那段Kuz受伤硬上 打得不稳结果B-easy时间也没多 多打个两球被靠夭自私
作者: goldenlen   2019-02-28 18:57:00
作者: LBJKO   2019-02-28 18:58:00
作者: teruhyde12 (KKOBE)   2019-02-28 18:59:00
作者: LBJKO   2019-02-28 19:03:00
结果今天先发好像改了 Mcgee被拔了?据球爹微博 五小先发XD
作者: goldenlen   2019-02-28 19:05:00
开场就五小 姆斯还是裤子扛C??
作者: cvbn7910 (沁凉)   2019-02-28 19:05:00
作者: LBJKO   2019-02-28 19:06:00
Mike Trudell twitter也证实了Rondo IG LBJ Kuz Bullock XDDD
作者: sbdr (鼻子直痛鼻血直流没看)   2019-02-28 19:13:00
作者: TorukMakto (Polaris)   2019-02-28 19:28:00
作者: chenlansue (給你個飛踢~!)   2019-02-28 23:02:00
有人知道为什么要顾一个排球教练吗? 好奇....
作者: goldenlen   2019-02-28 23:21:00
那排球教练以前是NBA球员啊,只是去当女儿球队教练吧jud buechler是乔丹三连霸时期的队友
作者: matsuwu (BboyFan)   2019-03-01 21:43:00

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