Re: [新闻] 易建联合约实际价格

楼主: claus (La Jolla)   2016-08-25 01:01:16
a) bonus算不算到薪资空间里,会依据likely或not likely去区分,前者会算进去,
b) not likely的bonus上限是该合约正常薪资的15%。而合约的第一年里,不论是likely
或是not likely的bonus金额都必须符合正常的薪资帽规定。
==>季末结算豪华税的时候,我就不是很清楚是不是还用likely/not likely去区分,
c) 附带一提,底薪合约不能有任何bonus条款
74. Can incentives be built into a contract? How do they apply to team salary?
There are three categories of allowable incentives: performance,
academic/physical achievement, and extra promotional. The latter two
categories are always included in the player's salary and team salary
amounts. Performance incentives are classified as either "likely to be
achieved" or "not likely to be achieved," with only the likely incentives
included in the player's salary and team salary amounts. The determination of
whether an incentive is likely or unlikely is based on whether the criterion
was achieved in the previous season. For example, if a player had seven
assists per game the previous season, then an incentive based on seven
assists per game would be classified as likely to be achieved, but one based
on eight assists per game would be classified as not likely.
If either the league or players association feels that the previous season
does not fairly predict the performance in the current season, then a
jointly-selected expert determines whether the default classification should
be overruled. This can happen when the player was injured the previous season.
Unlikely bonuses in any season are limited to 15% of the player's regular
salary in that season. In the first season of a contract the base salary,
likely bonuses and unlikely bonuses must all fit within the salary cap or
exception. The league determines a team's available room under the cap or an
exception by adding in the unlikely bonuses for all players who signed that
season. This prevents a team from signing multiple players to lower salaries
but with lots of unlikely bonuses that collectively exceed the cap room it
has to offer. For example, if the Non-Taxpayer Mid-Level exception is $5
million and this exception is used to sign a player to a contract with $2
million in base salary and $200,000 in unlikely incentives, then only $2.8
million of their Non-Taxpayer Mid-Level exception can be used to sign other
Incentives must be structured so that they provide an incentive for positive
achievement by the player or team, and are based upon numerical benchmarks
(such as points per game or team wins) or generally recognized league
honors1. The numerical benchmarks must be specific
作者: Solid4 (Pedot)   2016-08-25 08:00:00
微离题,照你附的条例解说,第四段最后一句提到不能以日期或参赛数当作奖励,那这样之前传出来的各种情报(包括理查在NBA版提到的)都不成立唉?而季末结算那个感觉不太重要,Yi的base 1M unlikly bonus最高也才150k而已..啊当我没说,找到了,#21有说不管likely与否 是算实拿
作者: yeeh (yeeh)   2016-08-25 13:34:00 Eric Pincus 有整串的解释因为是超过15%,所以他如果没被释出,59场比赛后就吃薪资空间15%以内的才能算bonus但Yi的合约交易价值很高
作者: laidon (è³´è‘£)   2016-08-25 15:13:00
作者: gordon27 (蓝星人1号)   2016-08-25 22:56:00
对球迷来说只要没影响明年空间 1年花多少钱都没差啊
作者: rainie520811 (肥猫)   2016-08-25 23:49:00
对某些人来说当然有差囉,因为他们认为Yi是战力外的角色,只可守开特力,就是Ryan Kelly 2.0啊!噢对了,还有觉得他是中国人,自以为很爱台湾,看个球也要扯政治www
作者: micbrimac (shark)   2016-08-26 00:15:00
还是觉得Yi比Kelly强多了Kelly不只体能差 还很玻璃
作者: newsboy3423 (送报生)   2016-08-26 00:28:00
老实讲我也觉的易比上将好 而且我不排斥中国大陆的
作者: SilenceWFL (小綠)   2016-08-26 00:35:00
如果他今天不是中国人负面评论肯定没那么多讨厌中国跟讨厌yee是两件不同的事 不应该因为身分讨厌他 说真的不管签谁 反正才一年 我觉得都是好操作
作者: kangta740508 (台灣玉澤演)   2016-08-26 00:41:00
易的合约细节出来了 总版~
作者: gordon27 (蓝星人1号)   2016-08-26 00:44:00
的确啦 Yi不是中国人的话讨论不会这么多 不过这可能就是球团签他的目的之一啦
作者: newsboy3423 (送报生)   2016-08-26 00:57:00
我今年选秀还有点希望赌周琦咧 XD
作者: ping1777 (Yrolg)   2016-08-26 01:43:00
作者: toast1521 (憨吉在那边憨)   2016-08-26 08:04:00
作者: rl55586 (Lakers)   2016-08-26 08:26:00
还好没选周 看周在奥运各种惨
作者: SimmonsBen   2016-08-26 08:30:00要有颜值的新秀就找这位~~ 不占球权不用上场时间又年轻潜力无穷 而且球衣都穿好了(被拖走
作者: Solid4 (Pedot)   2016-08-26 08:34:00
此周非彼周啊 有兴趣的请洽twice版(广告
作者: laidon (è³´è‘£)   2016-08-26 10:01:00
酸迷怎么讲,随他们去; 选秀前周琦顺位一度比Maker高,我还觉得2轮能选到他,就赚翻了; 觉得签Yi不佳,中国血统绝对是少部份,表现才是球迷最关心的
作者: SilenceWFL (小綠)   2016-08-26 11:24:00
说实在我觉得yee还不错帅 周就是老鼠脸
作者: age200 (Sleeping horse)   2016-08-26 11:42:00
作者: angelmax (你今天U质了吗)   2016-08-26 11:44:00
说真的没什么好酸的 又不是签长约 就算是保障合约也不占未来薪资空间 就是CP值不高的打工仔而已如果我们是季后赛队伍 最后一张拼图补Yi不爽可以理解问题现在不是 剩下人选也没啥好挑的
作者: kangta740508 (台灣玉澤演)   2016-08-26 12:13:00
剩下了还是有人选阿 我有一批便宜好用的老将要不要~
作者: newsboy3423 (送报生)   2016-08-26 12:47:00
看他们要不要来啊 也看他们接不接受一年约
作者: o0991758566 (洨马力)   2016-08-26 15:31:00
连老大都称赞Yi 看来我不该否定他的 应该早几年来!Pau走了 应该补他 来个易曼巴连线可以杀入季后赛
作者: newsboy3423 (送报生)   2016-08-26 16:05:00
作者: ToBeGentle (没事找事(m))   2016-08-26 17:36:00
那时候还年轻 不用拿那时候标准默认现在一样
作者: newsboy3423 (送报生)   2016-08-26 17:49:00
作者: Verlander35 (Justin Verlander 35 )   2016-08-26 21:58:00 这篇写的不知是否正确,说薪资和交易都算8M,交易到易的球队裁掉只需付1.1m,能因此省钱
作者: richard1003 (Deep Blue )   2016-08-26 22:51:00
作者: kangta740508 (台灣玉澤演)   2016-08-26 23:11:00
难道 易+老尖~下一支新球队 0.0奥运后的第一笔交易~76人VS爵士
作者: dloslaker (D-Lo)   2016-08-27 00:34:00
作者: SilenceWFL (小綠)   2016-08-27 01:36:00
反正他做什么都会被放大关注 大概比林在湖人更惨w
作者: LaoDa5815566 (LaoDaIron)   2016-08-27 09:13:00
作者: lwei781 (nap til morning?)   2016-08-27 09:42:00
就人肉 TE, CBA 下次应该要修掉的东西

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