如果合约部份底薪为一百万 奖金为七百万
那套用在薪资上限上 是用前者还是后者?
如果是后者 如果没有达到可拿奖金的门槛又如何计算?
※ 引述《Boogie74 (Boogie)》之铭言:
: 版上前阵子的两种说法,
: 底薪vs八百万 应该有了结论,
: 答案很有可能是两种都对,
: 根据几篇最新的报导结果表示,
: 易建联与湖人同意的合约可能是非保障的底薪合约,
: 随着易建联的表现以及待在球队的时间长度,
: 会有激励奖金的方式往上增加,
: 而增加的最大值即为八百万美金。
: 意指如果湖人开季后很快的便将易建联开除,
: 他可能只能拿到最低的百万余元,
: 若等到季末则可能拿到最多八百万美金。
: -
: 部分相关新闻原文:
: The Lakers and Chinese star Yi Jianlian are in the final stages of completing a deal for the forward to return to the NBA, said league officials who were not authorized to speak publicly about the contract.
: Yi’s contract would be for the veteran’s minimum of $1.139 million that could reach “several million more” if he reaches some wide-ranging incentive bonuses in the deal, one official said.
: But the deal hasn’t been completed yet because Yi and the Lakers are still waiting for clearance on several fronts that could “happen soon or could take a while,” one of the officials said.
如果他在美国时间1月10日以后仍在球队,工资就会变为全额保障 还是得看 教练如何用他~